장음표시 사용
mariners. It is a common error to supipoli, that familiar intima cy supersedes auention to the lesser diates orbebavioliae; and that, lander the notion o I Reedom, it may εxcuse a caret ess, or even a mugii demea nour. On the contrary, an intimate connection can. ODIy baLept up, by a constant wi in to be plea sing and agree able. The Dearer and Clofer that men aro brought together the more frequent that the pOints of contact betweera them become, there is the greater DecelIity for the sur-
ther elate a ready ear to tho offici ous ita sinuationa oethoia who, under the miso os friendly concern, comm
upon blindly, and that darh and suspici oua spirit which
Personat interest in oppoma ghim. This honourable Eealos friendihip has, in every age, attracted the V Dera tion os manyind. It has consecrated to the latest poste,
be utinatural in m , to dotibi the Justice of that Cour in the tvial of my own cause, to which Ι have been soactive to give jurisdiction over eve other. I assure the wort57Freemen, and this Corporation, ibat, is the Gentiem an perseveres in the interations.
son , to surpriis their justice, or to me their temper. 1 sood on the hvstings cept when I gave my thalarito thoia who favoured me inith thoir votes) Iesa like a Candidate, thari an uncora cerned Spectator os a public proceeding. But here the face of things is altered. Here is an attempt for a generat m facre of Sumages; ari attempi, by a promiscuous carnage of frienin and fora', to exterminate a bove two thouland vote , tractu
Ue telis yoti, that ,, the topic os instruelioris has,, occasi Med miach altercation and lanea sineta in this