Synodalia : a collection of articles of religion, canons, and proceedings of convocations in the Province of Canterbury, from the year 1547 to the year 1717 :

발행: 1842년

분량: 459페이지


분류: 미분류



I HESE Volumes contain suci, record of the Convocations holde so the province of Canterbur as appea to e important in connection,ith the goVornmen or the historyo tho Church o Euglandioni in timo of the Reformation. They aro naturali arranged unde the three hoad of Articlosos satin, Canon and constitutions Acts and proceedings, and may bo considere a comprisin ali the valvabio informationrospecting the logislatur of the church, whicli it is no possibi to obtain, a the artior register Wore destroyod in thogreat siro os 1666, and the printe record of subsequent times havo been correcte an enlarge soni the copious extracta mado froin the later register l, archbisho Nahe. Tho origin o Englisti synods, tho relation the boa o tot he statu on the ono haud, and the church on the ther, and the disserent dulio an poWer attachinito thom a coiinciis o convocations are subjectis, hicli, homove in t restin in themsolves, do no come Within the limits of this publication. Thola earlier histor moreover clong to a period When distinctions such as Would alone e considore important in tho present times, were either totalli uni noWn or observe partiali an capricioiasty Lil e the firs Stages accordingi ofan artis a manufacture, the might be employe t shoi thooperation o certain genera principios, ut in ali ther rob



specis, is placed by the id o more modern information, Would e quo ted in the way o contrast ather han o resem-Dlance But at tho periodis in Rosormatio a distinc formand character mero given to the externa constitution os thechurch, ori in parti to the extraordinar natur of the case, an parti to tho tompor of the r igning ovoreign and thechanges that ero thon osse ted, bcinio great importance notoni in theu own nature, ut more speciali in thei connection,ith tho histor of Englisti synods, must e learly and particulari described. The resistanc Whicli ha at ali timos oen ossore to thousurpations of tho papa see, an sitico the time of hin Ed-Ward III had boen supporto by the statutes of provisors and praemunire Was employed by hing Henr VIII for the prosecutio of his o vn purposos, and becam in consequene theoccasio os great embarrassinent to the clergy. Practices hitherio allo vo to as Without observation Were o. undio e encroachment iapo the rights of the cro , and werebrought unde the cogntganc os strici and ponat laws of this state of thing tho casse of cardinal Wolfey, naturali the ostpremant an impressive of that period, furnished the ostremarhable examples. 0 ad eo investex th logatino authorin by the pope, and had reo sive fuit permission homilio init oxorcis it But lindod iste by the reatnessos his spiritua dignitios, o b his confidunc in the continu-ance of the roya favo , he employed his poWors in suci amanner, i ring benefices by prevention, and grantini culties and issuing instrument unlawfully a to xpose both himselfand the clergnat large who actod unde his authority, to the penalties of vivaning the hing' prerogativo. The opportunitythus presente to Henr o placing the church at his mercy, and employiniit accordinito his o in discretion in his contes With tho popo, acto valvabis to bo40glected. In theyear 1529 an indiciment Was referre against the cardinalupo the statute o praemuniro, Whicli torminate in the losso his persona liberi and the for itur os ali his property; and the solem notice Was rought more completet home tolli clerg in genera by a succession os simila indiciments. To ad to these Warning os impendinidanger, severat oldmeasures of church res orna obtaine tho assent of the cro ,