장음표시 사용
16 o. Constitutions and Conon Eoolesiasticat. 407
IX. On book of artioles of inquir mio e sed ut ull
o fornis of inquir upon ath, than sueti ni as hal bucio approve an in terminis allowod unt hi in tapon duo request made by his motropolitan under his seu of
408 Constitutions and Canωὶ Ecclesiasticat. VIII.
cessary care this present synod traiti charges ali clergy-mmon in his hureli, that festinibosors thoi 0yes thegior o God tho holinos of thoi calling, and the odification of the eoplo committo to them, tho carefullyavoid ali excessisti di sordor, and that by thoi Christian
I6 o. Constitutions and Canon Ecclesiastica . 409
locum tenens is e pas tho ac in his absoneo an to
410 Constitutio=is an Canon Eoolosiasti al. VIII. CVOr canon O prebendary, votin to the confirmation filio suid aet, o bo inflicto by tho archbisholmo the pro- Vince And furthor the oly synod doth sero anilorduin that no roward shal bo talion o any chancellors', commissarios or officials placo unde tholoavios censures 5 of tho chureli.
XII. Ganoelior alone, nosci censure any of the clerv iu
16 o. Constitutions and Canon Ecclesiasti ut 414srsi akon the oath, de parendo juri et stando mandatis
ecclesine. And that O Parson, vicar, o curate, Sub
poena suspensionis, hali declaro any of his o thoir Parisitioners o bo xcommunicato, or hal admit an of them so Xeommunicate into tho hurch, and thero to sdeclaro homo bo absoluod except the srs receivo Such excommunications an absolutions undo tho salo tho scelusiastical ullgo, si om Whom it Omoth.
XIV. Concernin commutations and the divosi=s of
a fui and jus account of ali uel commutations nee i5
eclosiastical osscors, thoi duo and accustomabio suos, fh o the bo notis suspondei as usoresaid. o XV. Rouehiny concurrent urisdiction. That in uel plaeos horoin thoro is concurrent uriS- diction, n executor e cito into any courtis office, for
412 Constitutions and Canon Ecclesiasticat. VIII.
16 o. Constitutions and Canons Molosiastisal. 413 these siclus canons, concorning tho jurisdictionis bishops, thoi chaneollor and commissarios, hali so sar a b laWis appliablo bo in ore concorning nil doans, deans and chapters collegiato hiarchos archdoaeons, and ali in holyOrders havin exempt o poeulia jurisdiction, and thoira severa officer respectiVely. XVII. Against relatious citations
And that this synod a provont nil griovancos, hichina fati upon tho ooplo by citations into oculosiastical
414 Constitutions and Canon Ecclesiasticat. VIII.
patent tho Suid canons, ordors Ordinaneos, and consti
ilio sati canons, ordors, ordinanees, an constitutions atali suci times, and in sueti manno ascis proscribo in thosaid canoras, o any of them th book of tho said canons
the Samo canon S, Orders, ordinancos, an constitution to sa