장음표시 사용
ticalis Howed the force of whicli has nolint ali time been fuit ostimated. When the decree o a synod have becomethe acts of a partiament, in forme legislatur has tost iis authorit ove thoni. I cannot opea them, it cannot modii them, it anno pas an other decrees inconsistent With stem. The whole power is lodge so the future in theliand of partiament; and whether tho practical inconVenien earising Dom his resultio groat o othorWiso, tris beyond thereach of a remody, and is ne of thos cases Where the du on the ne fido is to acquiesco an on the ther o sorbear, the wholo disordor cincto in acti individua instanc tolliat silent operation o wisdom and virtuo, Whicli in a moll- constituted socioty,id ultimately Wor out iis own restoration. But Whateve may bo the amount of benefit resulting Dominis combination os the w authorities, hoWovo decidod is the practica ascendanc of the ne a compared vitii theother, it is evident that the connection etWeen them, although extremel destrabio se both, is no essentia to the existence of ither. The case is ther se a rogard the supremac of the crown. The church is united indissolublyWith tho thrones and by tho ac of the legislatur as,ed asby the ac of tho church seundo in acti instanc on their respective interpretation of the divino law, no decree o Convocation can e begian or complete Without in permissionand concurrence of the fovereign.
What thon are tho proson condition and the prospects of tho church in regar toriis overnmenti The convocation ofine province of interbur consist o tW housos the ne comprising the archbisho and his suffragans, in other composed of thoicans o cathedrais, of the archdeacons, of ne procior Dom ach hapter, and wo procior fio the clergyos ach dioceso. In this province heresere the loworhous consist os et deans, 24 procior so the hapters, 53archdeacons in the whol 99 of the cathedra clorgy and ther aro but at in fame time in procior so the parochialcioi gy.V o it is declarod in tho canon of hing Jamos thata synodis constituto tho tru church of England by representationanda this dictum is meant, notitia a synod
rea charactor an poWer of tho church. It is homove to tho a me meaning of the wor representatio that tho spirit os modori times has uniformi tended, and tho tondono hasbeon promotoxand established by the changos that havo been mado in tho constitutionis the state. The incongruit more- ovo whicli has foliomed in tho construction o a synod hasbeon incroassed in a multiplio progression, fio the reater prominence and the augmente numbers that have been acquired by the parochia clergy, and tho diminishod an do-
prcssod condition os the chaptors. Unde suci circumstances
Pater amisso fluitantem errare magistro Sensit, et ipse ratem nocturnis rexit in undis.
But though it may bo granted that synod hom their constitution aro id suilod to tho actuat conditionis in church, and 1 rom ast experieno os thei conduci hau boon condemnedio a porpetua silunco the church is no test,ithout iis ut-Ward andissectual fornis of govertiment. et it e remombered that tho articles of religion the liturgy and the homilies, thostandard of the nationa Dith, have ad been approve bysynod as et a partiaments and though the are no vnchangoabio in thei nature, bein ordained only by man ' authority, stili it is unxoasonablorio assume that they are in Wanto correction, and unWis o a mere assumption to create facilitios se correctinithoni Such authority incilior ascis at pressent requisitoris rather executivo than legislative.
The ni case lihel to ive occasion to practica dissiculties, is that of the canoris, hi chore ac-knowledged tole laws of the church, but ere passe at a period whenthe state of society was ver different
Dor iis present condition, and legislation a carried into atters of extreme etail. I may eadu bepresumed that there are regulations among them,hich it,ould no beun serio observe and impossibi toen rce, ut hi horo the present state os convocations cannot beeither repeale or even modi sed.
s to hat extent, po the conscience of a churchmani Thelanswerno this question might be confine to the two followin particular. I. That win to the interposition Os acts of the supremelegislature, the cases of real difficulty, such for instance a relate to thetreatinent os dissenters, are actuallyremoved, and the e cases of perplexit that remalia a be et byother considerations and a Thatthe nacting ower avin ei ther dicate o been dismissed romit omee, it ould seem irrational
siderations appinoni to individuals Who may have to treat arui ven dissiculi as a case of conscience Thequestion is entiret differentis applied to the spirituat couris, whichwil proceed stricti faecordinito thelaw of the church, and have alwaysfound the law of the lanil sumcientio reli eve them rom an apparent
But a se more remacts may bedestrabie respecting the obligationthat lies pon churelimen scindividual to observe the canonS.It is clea that in the earli est period after the reformation theywere ut forti as indiniupon laymen. Queen Eligabeth declared evenher injunctions drawn up erely bya commission without the assent os convocation to e indiniupo allher subjecis, every an in their Oisces, degrees, an states;V and
aver his clergnis groat in itsolfbut it is stili greator in their
thes vlews were enforcedi means of tho cour of high commission astonias that couri continuessito exist; but the coliris of common laW actingupon the dictum lai do sir E. Ohe I a. o. a. have decidedi severa instances that laymen could not he included illiin theoperation os modern canons and sine the unanimous decisionis thecour Os ing's ench, as deli vered
Stra Io56), it is universali admit- ted that the canon Os 6o , nothaving been confirmed by parti ament, do not proprio vigore bind the laity. It is clear however that this decisionaffect the question ni as a potnt of jurisprudence, confining tselfentiret to the fore whichahe canons derive rom the ing' prerogative and the la and constitutionis theland There is stilla be considered the foundation the posses in the institutionis Christiani ty, and the obligation the laympo the consci
whicli received iis appotniment aridauthorit froni Christ. An this is an obligation entiret distinc Domthe former, labi indeest be controled by t wheneve the two would Otherutis come into conflici, ut actin by means os different motives, and appealinit a disserent urisdiction. It is indeed partis it nature that it is incapable of ein strictly defined ut it is notin that account the les binding on ali those, Who proses thenaseives member of thechureli os Englarid, and loO uponit a inhoritin the privileges of the chiarchi Christ. The synod hicli as et at Jerusalem in the time os the apostles
xxvi RE FACE.estimationis it Whon the thin os him and of themsolves in thei spiritual character of him a the depositor os sacre in
clai med and exercised authoritnoverthe members of the Christianishurchwithout distinction And in his instance, have the maximum os obligation, hic any counei of thechure can e suppose capable fimposing. To his instance thenhON early an an other synodat an other perio approximatest Let it e granted whether o thegi ound of unbrohen descent, or Onthe more genera ple of hurehuntly that a convocatio of thechureliis England constitute ascithas alWay been is entilled to claim succession Do the councilis Jerusalem; and Ome estimate a be med of the extenta, ich modem decrees are inding po presentchurchmen. Deduc Do the caseos the postles thei individua and jοint infallibili ty, and togethe withit that independence and Deedom, whic a chureli united illi tho state has necessarii surrendered, and thedisserende is the conditionis a mo-
misted a consistin of men hocin ive no proo that the are divinet inspired, limite eveni iis origina constitution because it cannot decree in Opposition to the wordso Chris and his apostles, an stills ther limite by iis assiance Withthe state, becaus no an an Seri e two masters. Aster these importantabalement however, there is stillsome degree os obligation remaining ; and whateve that may be, and howeve impossibi it ma besto conveyit in an prescribed ruleis conduci, it represenis the real extendito whichthe canons of 36ocare stillaindingupo the lay members of the church. That this extent ictoae determinedb eae indi fidua for himself, contractinia responsibilit whic Domthe nature of the question the church anno exercise O him, is a factinie oesy add to the amount of his duties, and to the care an seriousnesche must use in endemouringio discliarge them. When his genera estimate hasbeen formed the cogene o any particular caseris stili subject to the solio nilimitations Canon maybe considered asino longe binding; I. Where it is no longe possibi toobserve them as in the 86th canon, Where mention is ad of the colario hi gh commission, and the 55th, ere the chure os colland is in- eluded illiin the biddin prayer. a. here it ould e contrar tolam to require the observance of them a in canon o respecting the book of Common Prayer, and theman canon affected by the est and
presse or cleari implied objectu ouldae deseate or lest 1infulfissed
by obser finithem; as in canona , whic oves instractions respectingdres calculate in the present dayto occasio ridicule. 4. Where theyrequire a lower degre os observancethan is actuali praeti sed a in canon a Whereth study of the New Testamen is directe to the Latin translation and notato the Gree Original. 5. Where the are supersede in eadem materia by the improved natur of the present practice a in the use of the Latin Gramma of
a convocation iself had undertinento relam; and in the distinc duties assi exto preacher inlother ministers that distinctionia finiceased in the advance condition os theclergy. To these considerations,
hic properi applyrio ad cases of ancient anis minute injunctions, mustbe ad ded in the case of the canonsili further qualificatio that theauthorit Do whichahey proceededis virtuald extinet, and that the high spiritua persons, hos jurisdictionis nexi in orde to that os a synod,
though the are o competent Oannulla canon formassy, are Ompetentrio instruct an direct the conscienceis to the continued Observ- ance of it.
la is the ni valid argument, in bisho is supporte by acts of tho legislaturo, and tho civit swor is placo in his hanus
for tho punishmonti ovil doors And whateve considerations
creased effect to the primate, than whom, achnowledge nohigher spiritua person lipon arth. I then, apari fro the wide ango of his judiciat o vers, o suppos him to have taen counsol With his suffragans, an to expros his opinionon a question, n hicli an member of the church have honesti been seel in forcit, hero an sciscet be destro an authoxity more conclusive With the parties themselves, o more closely in accordance With the primitive altern In a church, indeod united With in state suci opinion are notis tho nature o decrees an ordinances, and cannot be iis orco bypenances and Xcommunications but the carrnwith thom amores and spiritual forco, Which would e decisive to ali roa- sonable minds, and to a Christia tompo Wouldae irresistibio. In selectinimatorial for this publication the sirs objectWas to bring togethor ali suci documents as ad at an timo thin tho proscribon intervata uti possesscd of sud synodicat authority. I may be conceived rom the inexac method oflogislation and rogistration in artior times that some docu-monis of this descriptio ma have been altogether lost, or atteas have been hauded do vn in an imperfeci condition; ut, aliis more in case, it Would oni increas in destro that adsucti paper a are si I toto obtainest shouldae brought intoone body, and publishod in the prcciso forms,hicli,ere known tot authoritativo. The articles accoruingi of the year 1562, sumishiniones filio most remari ablo examples that could have been ive of the casu, ar takon froin the prinio odition os R. Nolso, put forti With the roya authorit in 1563, in preferetice to tho origina AIS. Whicli is stili Oxtant, and stili bears the signaturos of both houses o convocation, but vas evidently correctedae ro the articles mero ratisiod by the queen Andiliis is ni one instance ut of many Whero a recor of the convocation the document Whicli a firs sight Would scem tobe conclusive is in calit supersede by a prinio copy the
PREFACE.lalter cing the artiost known record Whicli an o fhewn tohavo obtainod fuit synodica authority. Doubiles there are many mind so constituted that a decreuos convocation, attosted by the subscription o ali iis mombers, Would appea to have a morat orco an obligatio that noodsno surther sanction to mali it imperatives anxit ma readilybo allowod that suchi decreo, Whore it has noticontogatived by the fovereign, isto b his expres condemnation, o bytho more omissionis it rom in pulliorigod record is sentillodio very degre of respect an deserenco, shor of tho implicitobodionc that is duo to a positive law. ut quoslions of Ovornment are not matters of privato colinior individua interprotation It is manis est that nomere decree o convocationcan o indinioithor in la o in conscience Whateve maybe tho mora forco it possessos, sinc it has been solemni declared by tho church as ollis by tho stato that ali such decreos aro ulterly invalidiuntii tho have received the approbatio of the fovereign. In his clas of authoritativo documonis ars naturali addod the memorabie canon of 164o whicli,oro adopto by the convocation of that period, and obtaino tho sanctionis LingCharies I. but by the verpomering eight os circumstances have neve passed into achnowlodgod law of the church. Thohistory of thos canon afford ono of tho mos remari able in-Stances on recor of the paramount orco os public opinion init ordinar an hoalth condition, Whon opposed to nact-monis, Whicli are admitton to hau boon format in thola origin, but ore passo at a timo of disordered principies and extremediscord Historicatly howevor the aro entille to a placeamong the documents of the clivi ch, and bosides ther collatera advantages, ars of considorabio value in the morat lessontho inculcate. But in addition to this firs an mos important clas of synodica records, there are ther decree o convocations, possesscd os no authority Whatevor, but entillud o bo recoluod into a collectio os occlosiastica documents on account sthei intimato connoction,ith tho histor of the church insonio of iis mos critica perious, and tho stri intillustrationsilio assordis it character and nature Suchrior example areth canons, o callen, o 16o6, sirs published unde the direc-
Convocation book canons that represent the extreme Viow of
church authorit bolonginito the reignis Linguamus I. ut Were rejected by that ovorctgn With a degro of Wisdom and prudence, hicli, amon his an inconsistencios, e requently shewed in the matters of the church, and very arelyin his generalio verninent These canon may be consideredas in ecclesiastica cons os a party HWays respectabie and sonaetimes pomersui, Whicli has been essed umin tho churchperiodicatly diu initimes of disorde and disunion, as a tempestris somelimes employod to sta the ravage of a pestiletice, and may bo bos exomplisio by the conduci of the non urorsin tho rctgns of king Will iam and queen Anne. Among the procoedings o convocations it Was no alwayseas to determine What papor ough toae admitted and whateXcluded There are many memorials and representations made by the Wo ouses respectively, and speciali a the periodo thoi great controversy, Which ein meret the opinionso ono mombor of the legislative body, areis no reat authority, and have moreoveri peculiar value in illustratinitho historyof tho times. ut among those proceeding there are in many instances head o notices of legislation, Whicli cordyno rea- sonablyae omitted Whether thenare rogarde in thei own intrinsic importance, o in the mature consideratio the received from both houses of the clergy. In such cases thopapers have been admitted, and thei natur anu value have been explained in the notes that accompany them. The procoeding thomsolves aro se the mos par copies of
the abridgment publistic by Wilkin in his Concilia, thomere matters of form ein altogether omitted, and the re- maindericiniexpresso a much a possibi in the word of the original records. ut in suci memorabie convocations asinose of the oa 1562, 164 and 1661, memorable no onlysor in constructioni tho XXXI articles, tho second book of homilies, tho canon o archbisho Laud, and the liturg init present formibut also so tho fac that tho rogistors of thouppe hous bolonginito thos period hau boen singularly preserved, it has been thought right to republisti the proceed-ings at ut longili froni the Synodus Anglicana os bishop
The darkness, whichirood generalty over the annal os thechurch, and is mos remarkabio in the histor of it couuciis, has been greatly incroased by tho destructionis the registerso the uppe hous in the grea fir of London, a loss, sorwhicli the register of the lowe hous mahe no compenSation, o nito the inseriorit ostiis poWors and tho limited range osit business. Tho deficiencies o cariter dato havo accordinglybeen supplied a far a tho cas admittod by the use of thobest an mos authenti editionc an in the more recent documents reco se has been hau to the voluminous collectionso archbishop ake, to Whicli De acces Was grante in the libris a Ctesis church, an many addition in corrections have consequently been mado, whichinadiscaped tho diligenceo forme collectors. Error doubiles may have been stili continued; ut man othors, some of Whicli more of a serious
nature, have certaini been removed.
The notes ore to essenties to tho value of the wor to botroatod missi caretessues o compiled Without discrimination. The Were intende to suppina noWlodge of the motives an dotalis that constituto the livin substance of history, Withou Whic in reade would in the present instanc lime hadiosors him thoia reciheleto of the churcii, considered in iis urisprudence, and have been unable tesseri an conjectureas to ita animation or activi . The wor itsol comptoto tho sorios of Whicli in Editor gave notice hen e sent sortii his Wo volumes of Documentar Annals. f the object should e ansWored that wassough in the publicatio oscit, it mill en to suppor that genera sobriet of min and principio, hicli, hoWeve occasionali derange by factious men, and a convulsive periods, is among the any blossing conferre upo the natio by the reformed church o England.
I. Synodus provincialis Cantuar. 0 brovo rogis Edwardi I. anno 1547. 19. ΙΙ. Convocatio provincisa Cantuar anno om. 1553 anno Mariae 1 25. III. Convocatio praelatorum ut cleri provinciae Cantuar anno Doni 1554 anno Maris 4 27. IV. Potition os tho loworious os convoc to the bishops anno Doui. 1554 anno Maris I 4, 30. V. Episcoporum et lori prov. Cantuar libollus supplo rogi treginae xhibitus anno Dom. 1554 anno Mariae 40. VI. Convocatio raelatorum et cleri prov. Cantuar anno om. 1555 anno Mariae 2 462. VII. Acta synodi provincialis Cantuar anno Om. 1555 anno Mariae 2 445. VIII Convocatio praelatorum et lori prov. Cantuar anno Om. 1557 anno Mar. 5 - 448. IX. Convocatio se brevo ligabuthae reginae anno Om. 1558 anno Elig. 1 409.