장음표시 사용
888 Constitutions and Canon Ecclesiasticat. VIII. ChUrehOS, relidoneons, haptors, and collogos, and the
ment, an furtho during our Will an ploasure, con-5fer, reat, obato, considor, consuli, an agre os, and
ma concern them a in urisaid lotior patent amongstollior clausos moro ut large doth appear.
164O. Constitutions and Canon Molosiasticat. 389
Const/tutions and Canons Ecclesiasticat.
16 o. Constitutions and Canon Ecclesiasticat.
surabio to his majesty' commissioner sor cause ecclesiastient.
392 Constitutions and Gnon Ecclesiasticat. VIII.
maintain or abo an position or conclusion in oppositionor impoachmont of tho aforosaid explications O any partis artici of thom ho hali orthwith, by the poWero liis majesty' commissioners for causos ecclesiastical, 5bo Xeommunicato tili e repent, an susponde twoyears rom ali ho prosis of his bonosco, or Other eccle- Siasticat, academicat O scholastica pressermonis an isti so monil a soconi timo, ho hali 0 0pri vox om allhis spiritua promotions of What nature or degre SoeVer Io
Christian inporor in tho sortiter timos as Our Ostroligiolis princos sine tho resormation, havo causod the s
16 o. Constitutions and Canon Eoolesiasticat. 393
III. For the suppressi ny the yrowsk of vel P.
possibi caro an diligone by consori in privatet With
minister at his specia appotnimunt; and the said bishol as
Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiasticat. VIII.
and uing ound obstinato tho Shallio excommuni aled, and uel Oxcommunication hal bo pronouneod both in tho cath dra chureli of tho iocos , and in tho severat parishos horo uel recusant livo and Ovor thirils
396 Constitutions and Canon Ecclesiastical. VIII.
In particular it hali se carofuit inquirod into at allvisitations undo tho allis of tho churchwardens and Other WOrn men vita recusant or popisti persons have o