Synodalia : a collection of articles of religion, canons, and proceedings of convocations in the Province of Canterbury, from the year 1547 to the year 1717 :

발행: 1842년

분량: 459페이지


분류: 미분류


undorlahon by Christ anil his postles, and by ali 0illy


nocessit to leave ne earna man o b his vicar-generat.

ovor his sati spiritual ingilom; o that, Seeing our Saviour Christ holi it oxpodioni sor his catholio hurchthat ho bould 0privo horis his corpora proseuce, that sh might o ut d by tho Holy host it is noto bothought great presumption o any man to tollis that his corpora presene is necessar for the overtiment of


Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiastica

Strata genas, and falso miracles, ovo tho catholic church,



Archiep. Cant. Anno Christi Reg. Angliae UUIL LAUDI. 6 o. CAROL. I. 6.

Constitutions an canons J These memorabie canons, connecte Withthe mos critica times an interest of the falliri monarchy, intendedio contribute toriis suppori, ut reali calcul ted when combine With aoth other motives of the period, to aid in iis destruction, involve S many cardina questioris both of la and of poli cy that even in the preSentda the cannot be discusseu ithout ange of formin partia an deXtrnvagant conclusions. An i on examination it ho uid e found , after contendiniwith many objections and in defiance of great author 25ities, that a synodica acts the were perfeci in form beeame indiligon the Chiarch, and have neve since been repente a a Whol by any competent authoriis it ma stili e maintained that considering the circumstance of thei origin the natur of thei tendi nisubjecis, thedoubis an dissension that must at ali period attach to them, and oabove ut the adverse directionis subsequent legislation, it Nas unWiSe


in the fit si instance to enaci them, an it,ould e stili more unWise in the present a to ensorce the obligation os them. Designe a an a antidote o grievous distempers, and at a time os eXtreme anger, theywere disastrous in their immediate an natura effect and we mayliope that the wili stili continue dormant, a be in litile sui te sortranquil times, an as havinialreud shewn that the do no contain virtve within them sor heuling in times os discord 25 The hori parti ament hicli et noli 13th of April, 64o, undwas dissolve o the fifth of the following monili, as accompani e by

convocation empowered by the Ling's warrant to mali canon and constitutions. The res may be toti in the word os lor Clurendon, Whos narrative in his instance a b received not ni a the most soauthentic, ut a remurkubi De Doni persona o pari mi Sappre


The convocation-house, tho regula an legat assemblinio theclei gy, customarii beginning an ondiniwith partiuments Was, aster the determination of the lusi, by a ne viri continued, and sat so the sast nce of bove a monili, unde the proper ille os a synod madecanons, hici, a thought it might do an gave subsidies ut of Parii ament, an et oined allis, hicli certaini it might no do in a


382 Constitutions and Canon Ecclesiasticat. VIII.

word, id many things, whicli in the est o times might have been questioned, and therefore ere ure to e condemne in the orsi Io what uel it a to the re that ensued shali e mentione in iis place: and re the fame rejudice pon the whole od of thoclergv. to hicli e re ni so me se clergymen ere exposed. V Hist. Reb vol. i. p. 2O8.)U The convocation was continue by speciat warrunt froin the Lingoas and by his majest in a solemn message sent to them by si HarryVane, then principa secretary, require t pro eo in the mining of canon for the belle pene an quiet of the church. Notwithstandingiliis command the chie of the olergy, wel knowing the spirit os bit ternes that was contracte against them an many obsolet pam soplitet against thei jurisdiction an power eing Since the commotions in colland revive an publishod illi more Deedom destre his majesty that the opinion of the udges mightie known and declared, whether the micti then lawfuli sit, the partiument ei nidissolved, and pro eed in the mahinio canon us likewis upon other particular 35 in their jurisdiction, whicli ha been mos inveighed against.' ' Al tho judges of England upon a mature debate, in the PreSence of the ing's councit, unde their and asserte the power of the


convocation in mal in canon and thos other paris os urisdiction, whicli ad been o en violist questioned. Hereupo the proceeded, o an havin composed a bod of unotis, presente the fame to his majesty for his royal approbation. The were then again debated atthe council-board, o Without notabie opposition for pota Somelessening the power an authorit of their hancellors, and thei commiSSaries, the professor of that tu too thoniselvos o b disobligod 5 undisi Henr Martin who was no likel to verse any advantageS upon severa duys of heariniat the ouneil- table illi his utinos si illobjected against them ut in the end by the entire uni unanim OuSud vice of the priv councti the canon mere confirmed by the ingunde the great Seut o Englund and therei, onjoine to e observed 3o So that, halsoe ver the were, the judges ero ut eas us uili of the res presumption in fruming them, uni the ord of the colitici in publishin an executin them, a the bishops o the res of the clergy, in ither. 3 et the tortii et wholi on the cliui clici and the matter of thoseos canon uni the anne of mahing them,as insiste on, as a regnant testimon o a malignant spirit in the ver function of the bishops. The truth is the season in hicli that synod continue to sit, as in so


384 Constitutions and Canon Eoolesiasticat. VIII.

ii a conjuncture o timo iapo the dissolutio os a partiament an dalmos in an invasio Dotii colland that nothin could have been transacte there, of n popular an prevallin influence. An then, OSome Shar canon against sectaries, an sotii additional in potnt of Ceremoni PS countenaneing though no et oining what ad o been long practi sed infinitet inflamed ome, an troubled thers; hojointly ook advantage of hat stricti mas amiss a the akin anoath, the matter of hich was conceived incongruous, an errioininiit asto manu os the lalty a mellis the clerg and likewis the grantingo subsidies.' So that he hous o commons that is, the major pari made noscruplo in thut eat o declare that the convocation-house ad nopomerint nil of mahin cariotis, notwith standin that it Was apparent sol, the la and the uncontradicte practice of the church, that canonalia neve been other is made, and that thos canon containe in them matteris sedition and reproach to the rega power prejudicia tolli liberi an properi os the subject an to the privileges of partiament: b the extent of hicli notable vote an declaration the hadas involve ulmost the whole clerg unde the uili os arbitrar proceed-ings. Hist. Reb vol. i. p. 77. Comp. ake, State of the h. p. I 5. Neal's urit vol. i. p. 7. Wallier, uiser of the h. p. 7. Tlio resolutions os the hous o common 3, adopte astorward by the


I6 O. Constitutions and Canon Ecclesiasti al. 385

other i se, to in the clerg or ait of the and without commota 5 consent of parti ament. ha tho severa constitutions and canonsecclesiasticat, realed pon by the archbishops os ante ur and York, resident of the convocations for the respective province of Canterbur an York, and the res of the bishops and clerg of those provinces, and agreed pon,ith the ing's majesty' license, in theircio Severa synods egura at London an Yor 16 o, do no bini theclerg or ait of this an or ei ther of them. That these canonsan constitutions ecclesiasticat, realed pon by the urchbishops of Cantectur in York, president of the convocations for the respective province of anterbur an York and agreed pon illi the ing'scis majesty' licens in thei severa synod begu ut London and or in the year 6 o, do contain in them many matters contrar to the Ling'sprerogative, to the fundamenta laws an statutes of the reaim, to the


Constitutions and Canon Ecclesiasticat.

rio of parti ament, to the properi an libert of the subjecis, and matters tendin to sedition and of angerous consequence.' Holdan unquestione a these resolutions ere, it appears that the common Were not without their doubis respecting them A bili asbrouo in on the d of June 64i, o multing the canon void, and aspunishing tho aut hors of them and though the bili a no procoeded th, i seem to have been abundone froni the persuasion that homost direct and effectual pthod the method hicli the immediatelyadopted was to impeach the hirteen bishops by ho the canon hadbeen compiled. o Aster the restoration these canon again ecam the subjectis discussion in parti ament, an it is state by sonae riter that the were formali abrogate by the statute 3 Car. II. c. n. ut it is clear, ona perusal of that statute, that it leaves homo their own proper Synodica authori ty, and meret provides that nothing containe in that 35 statut shal give hem the force of an actis parti ament. Comp. Neat, urit vol. i. p. 628, &e Collier, vol. i. p. 96. Kenneti, Compl. Hist. Ol. iii P. II 3.