장음표시 사용
A the present date, at hicli ni a comparati vel smali portiono Wycli s orks have appea red in print, it a stili e do ubi ut towhicli of them the palin elongs, both in respect os form an contenis but at eas it may asely be a id that his book on the Church mustbe rectione amongst his ripes an mos important iterances . For,
let us considerohat a powerfui impression the work by Hus bearing the fame ille, produced pon his contemporaries; a orkwhich, a Pierre 'Aill said,' b iis immense abundance of pro Ofs, combat the authorit an plenar power of the ope, no es thanthe oran combat the Catholi faithV. And et his celebrate dbook is ni a me agre abridgment of Wycli De Ecclesia V. Whati the contemporaries o Hus, ho as assembled a Constancere presented the intellectua capacit of the Europe of that ay, ad known the origina that he had rawn pon, instead of the eeble imitationi In orde rightly to understand the origi of the reati se on the Church, e must o back to the ears 377 and 378, duringwhicli Wycli iund hi inset exposed to attacti rom the combine dirces of the hierarchy, or a many at that time aid, of the Chiarch. The ierarchy oweve is no the Church an it is the distinctionbetween ha the Church is in reali ty, and what the multitude under- stand by it,' hicli Wyclis et himself to expound in his orti.i Gerson's Work II. Ol. Cap. v. Communitas intelligit per Romanam ecclesiana papam et cardinales quibus est necessarium omnibus aliis obedire. . . . sic intelligit maior par ecclesie . . . et talem stilum a maioribus et minoribus recipiunt pape communiter.
law, and die in perfect love of thei ne igh bour. ut notwith standingiliis, at tho se ho ill ne a be les sed in heaven a re member of hol Church, an no ne besides. V In ther passages also e argues in a simila manne against thebelles that by the Church is to e understo od ni the visibi e Catholi Church, i. e. in iis character of an organi sed communi ty, Unde pri esti go vertament: and the notion that the Clitarcii and the clerical od a re identical so that ali member of the alter ouldbelon to the Church, hereas the ait wout be exclude fro it This false conception so Wycli declares is to e et illi even among si mei holding igh ecclesiastica offices, and et it is evident, that many of the error into hicli Christians have fallen, are a result of this conception. He maintains it to e speciallyneedit at this time to repare the way for a juste vie of the Church: and that the isti ops ought o rejoice that this houldbe done, e cause the responsibilit os instructing the eopte in thetrue belle concerning the Chiarch, and of repellin ali attach madeupon the Church by heretic lies heavi est pon them. βTo turn to the content of De Ecclesia . The work alis into four paris, hicli are closely connected illione nother. The irs defines an elucidates Wycli P conception fili Church, and the relation to the Church of the clerical orde andi Selec Englisl Work of Joh Wycli ed by Arnold. III, p. 447. ' Lech ler, Joh amicti II glis ed. Quia nonnulli, eciam illi qui videntur aliquid
discordant in materia de qui ditate ecclesie ... Et error istius ordinis noscendi facit multos errare de fide ... Necesse est ergo hodie seminare istam fidem ecclesie . . . . ac credo dominis episcopis displicere quod tractetur fides christiana de qui ditate ecclesie, tum quia ipsi maxime tenentur per se et per alios docere populum illam fidem, tum ciam quia contendunt de libertate et prosperitate