장음표시 사용
have ver litile to do illi ha precedes o follows. The two extch apters XVII and XVIII, are chi est devotexto the questionis the antiquit of the Church. In opposition to tho se ho maintain that the Church ni a rose aster Christ' death, Wycli shows asine says himself)b Ver exhaustive reasoning that the Church existe long e fore Chri si s incarnation. The relationis the reprobate to the Church alreadytreate by Wycli in the secon an followin chapters, form a mainpar of hapter lx Wyclis ives specia attention to the en quirywhether a praescitus may old a spiritua office a question hic hi, an swers in the negati ve); e then en quires by hat marks thepraescitus pries may be nown and o the Christi an hould actwith regard to his spiritua functions. The layma nee no bedisturbed, provide that he himself hol the rue aith. i ut i no praescitus elong to the fellowshi of the Church, o havinginde ei received a valid baptis in the question arises, hat merit ill the praescitus gain for time and terni ty, should e lea a right life In his ori he will obtain prosperity, and a mitigation of his penalty in the nexi. Ont he who old the true te of the Church Wycli surther te aches can rightly understan certain passages in the Son ofSongs, in the book of Proverbs, an in the Apocalypse. The holeos the wentieth hapter is an exposition o ProV. XXXI. Ο-3I.
The exposition is o the mode of St. Augustine an is parti borrowedi rom his commentar on the fame passages OPP. V. Par I. Pag. 151 - 194). his hapter has also a parallel in ne of Wycli s sermons, and was perhaps composed earlier than the ther portions of this orti. Wyclir doctrine, that is the clerg should mi sus thei power, it belloved the ait to deprive them of thei temporalities, natural ly und vehement opponent amongst the clerical antis Chapter XXI. contain a repi to ne of these. The res of the hapter, as alsoch apter XXV, is hien occupie with a succession os subile question-ings concern in prayers for the ead, and the number and nature fili Sacramenis, speciali as to hut is received in the ordination of
Sufficit fideli credere fidem catholicam et quod Deus propter nullum errorem spiritualis repositi dampnificat subditum . . . Non ergo debet subditus desperare
This ast hapter originalty rillen perhaps hiis Gregor XI, whom Wycli frequently attachs illi grea fierceness, was stilicii ving, is much more pol emicat in tone hancilio se hicli precede. ycli destres, by the promulgation of his doctrine, to enlighten the inferior clergy, that the may be on their uari against the abuses hicli pringsrom indulge iaces. It is true that the Popes them selves ere the ost
The doctrine, hicli Wycli fio proceedito expound a mi frequentre se rences o Bonaventura and Thomas Aquinas, and keel in their
arguments fuit in te througho ut is much etter nown than thei orego in portions of the book on the Church, as the reater par ofit was adopte by Hus, in hos famous reati se Against Papat Indulgences ' Wyclis is followed ord o word. In particular, the ight conclusions in hicli Wycli s reasoning result, are entiret accepte db Hus These conclusion are a follows -No ne is cap able freceivin absolution, unies he is orth in the sight o God the worthier the an the more ill absolution profit hi m. The absolutiono no is hol or ope ill bene fit the man who has no examine dhimself e fore God. The Bishol ' absolution ill ont be o value, i he instruct the faithil in the religio o Christ, urges themto devotion an to the love o God, and o mahes them capable of the receptionis divine grace God lone an orgive ins men an doso only heia the have received a specia revelation without avingi lique merita . . . non subiacent potestati huius Gregorii . . . dictus regorius non foret ante potestatis . . . Quid uero valet fingere quod iste Gregorius XI. ordinavit et instituit ut m molacio Isaac et cetera merita patrum tantum preceden cium in utroque testamento valerent ad ordinacionem suam cognato suo iam mortuo Istam sentenciam de suffragii et indulgenciis dixerim ad instruccionem inseriorum ecclesie . . . restat tradere de indulgenciis et absolucionibus a pena et culpa in quibus videtur esse error apud simplices istam materiam ignorante . . . Ego autem non sollicitor qui papa facit vel loquitur, cum scio quod nec sibi nec alicui istorum doctorum credendum et nisi de quanto se in scriptura fundaverit, cum ipsa sit omnis veritas. 3 Historia et monumenta Iohannismus Norimbergae
received this, the Pope imself has no right to grant absolution Theclerg should instruct the eopte in his belles, and uproo an abus es Which may aris Dona the gratatin os indulgences To ver sin, of hicli a good an a b guilly, a punishment is assigne i, hichnone ut God an remit.
Librar of Vienna. This Codex contain on 25 parchment leaves, large octavo et V ς Y 16'l ς' ): I fol. 1'-127 Wycli soraci De veritate sacraescripturae'' II fol. 28'-2Io the traci De sancta matre ecclesia , and III fol. 212'-25 the traci De dominio divino'. The two alter
Each of the ab leaves of the Codex contains 4 columns a, b, c, d): and ach columi contain about o lines. The pagingdoes no include two lan leaves a the eginning and one at the end. Both the copyis and the corrector of this S. ere Bohemians, as is evident rom severat Zechian glosses A note at the en of the traci De veritate sacrae scripturae fol. 11 9' gives both thei names: Correctus graviter anno domini 1 o in vigilia Puriflaacionis sancte Mari Oxon ii per icolaum aulfis et Georgium de nyelintcg. The tradition o later ages has assignesto icolaus aulfisci, thedistinction o havin been the fir si to introduce the theological writings of Wycli into Bohemia. The impossibilit of this illhOweVer e seen, hen e remember that Wyclis Me doctrines adbeen formali condemne a Prague tur ear earlier than I o7. Durin his residence in England Nicolaus aut fiscli ecamethoroughi acquainted illi Englisti Church flairs It was frona his recollections that Hus obtaine an musing necdote, illi hicli e
used to entertain the auditor of his sermons. The enthusiastic
admiration o Nicolaus aulfisci for Wycli appears in his avitagbrought to Prague not ni a certificate state to have been orged by Faulfisch himself giving the attestation of the niversit os Oxfordi Wyclir orthodoxy-but also a pie ce of Wyclis' gravestone, hi chwas veneraled by the ohemian Wycliffites as a preci ous relic. It is ver curious, thalmus, he questione dis the Councti, could no remember ho the companion os aut fisci, ad been On eingasked who had rought his forged ' documen to Prague, he answered, Nicolaus Faulfisci, with another, hos nam I do notonowV. Andye George of nyelinicet a studyin a Prague, an took academicat degre es here, at the time thai Hus was Rector of the niversi ty. The three tracis containe in Cod. . e re no originalty bound together into ne volume This may be se en not so much frona theseparate pagin os ach traci, a fro the circumstanc that he haven o been bound in the fame orde in hicli the were ritten Thefirs in dat was the De veritate sacrae scripturae' 'heia came the De dominio divinoV, and lasti De ecclesia'' in the present volume however De ecclesia' is place in the id die. It is evident also that the three tracts were o bound togetherbe re the reached Bohemia foris parchment document, relatin toth Mundin o a Church in the oravi an town o MeseritZ, formsi Documenta magistri Iohannismus sed Palachy, in Latin translation rom theoriginal Cetech pag. 29. Audivi a fideli viro bonae memoriae Nicola qui vocabatur
Faul fisci se, cum in Anglia versaretur, cognoSSe coquum quendam apud quem cibum caperet. Quem cum episcopus interrogasset cur litteras sacras contra mandatum lingua Anglica legeret defendit se argumento ex litteris sacris hausto. Cui episcopus: Sciis tu quicum loquarisy Ille vero respondit: Cum episcopo homine.' Tum episcopus: Tu vero miselle laice, mecum colloqui audes literis sacris nitens λ' ille respondit: Equidem scio te Christo non esse maiorem Speroque me non SSepeiorem diabolo. Iam vero, quia clementissimus dominus Christus placide literas sacras a diabolo audivit, quidni igitur tu audias qui minor sis Christo a me homine VEpiscopus autem iratus colloqui cum eo nolebat itaque coquus literis sacris episcopum superavit sicut Christus diabolum. Ille aut fis portavit unam etiam lapidis de sepulcro ipsius ici ef, quem postea Pragae pro reliquiis venerabantur et habebant. Petri de la denowic Relacio de . Hus causa, Docum pag. 3I3. Monumenta hi St.-Univers. Pra I pag. 4o2. The documen is prin te in the aper of the Verein fur eschichte de Deutschen in olimenV. XXII pag. 223.
the y-leaves at the egi nn in and end of the volume A this foundation a due to the benevolence of Simon o Tis snow oneo the most ealous of the Rohemian Wycliffites, e ma gather that the Codex a at ne time in his possession At east he is nownnot ni t have been horoughi familiar,ith Wyclips or on the Church, ut o have imitate it imself. All the tracis in ore ritten by the fame and In his andalso are the numerous CZechian glosses of hicli the principat appe ars in the fac simile forming the frontis pie ce to this volume. The indices a the en of ach of the tracts are in a later hand. The corrections in re or lac in k are ver care fuit entered. The an dwrit in is a very neat one: and the division of the wor into has ters, and of chapter into paragraph &c is clearly mari ed. Large letters ora the est margin indicate the egi nning of the paragraphs: hiis a further subdivision is made by mali letters o figures, place on the rightor est an accordinito the pace a command . The content of the paragraph are note either ora the tapperor lower margins Besides his notice of contenis, the margins contain vario us disjointe comment ora the texi expression o agreement, applause, derision etc. - ames of aut hors referre t in the texi,
L. The Coct. Pal. Vinclo L. 3929 Ai). A this manuscript has been atready describe by Bud densi eg, twil ont be necessar here to refero his account of t.' The tract De ecclesia ' is on fol. R-11 an is ritten by the fame andas the the works contained in his Cod ex The copyis was a Bohemian, an no frien to the Germans, as appears rom a margina note fol. 17 h): Olus est herba melancolica que signat mundo deditus et ideo Theotunici re aliis gentibus comedunt olus, quia plus sunt mundo et avarici dediti V. That this copy was no finished unti aster the 24' o Ma 1 15, is evident rom the folio in glosso Et Johannes papa XXIII , qui pro heretico et diabolo incarnato est condempnatus
in Constancia'. Wyclis Latin ork I pag. 29.
This codex is almost, holly valueles for the purpo se of obtaininga correct ex os De Ecclesia', ein simpl a copy of A. his is clea frona the illo in facts i. Numero us peculiarities of A re also to e mund in si . . ille repeated pellini cunta rior cuncta V consilium' fori conciliiιm . 2. The lacunae of A re also in Ai. 3. Repetition o particular ord m I occur also in si . . At has the fame copyi si s lunder a s e. . factum ' for falsum ceteris pauperibus ' instea os ceteris paribus pauciscentibus' instea of paciscentibus . 5. Corrections in care found also in At for example, accusant with the n rossed Ut.
6. ord whicli are o clearly rillen in s are ei ther quattvindistinc in si or et se the have been is read, or lastly there is an attempt at explanation in the margin Thus for example, I has non place va-cat the well-known Word denoting that a passage in the Code has been effaced): Ai re ad seva, ea ' and then omit thesyllabie secat . In A e read n fol. 97β, primo inquit , and e re primo' is a stroh this At has alien or in , so that o the passage stand in primo inquit . 7. A margina note of A has been incorporate in to the ex os i
fol. 173 in vide cap. 22 huius).8. Man emendations in I have been dis regarde by the copyisto Ai, and thus the sirs error of A remain in i sor example, A
fol. 198h careat careat careat careat . 9. The copyis of A rote the murth hapter on hiisun Eve: In vigilia Pentecostes'' even these ord have been transcribe in Ai. Unde these circumstances it illi readit se en that the varianis of At, here suci, occur, o no offer an improvem erat pota thetex o A, ut generali the reverse. In the present edition here fore,oni a selection rom the re ad ings of si has been iven, consistingsolet of tho se in Whicli an emendation o presum abi corrupi passages in A has been attempte d. The relation o A to A ein Whathas been hown it ould serve no purpose of scholars hip and would meret ad nee dies si to the mas of re ad ings, o give ali hevariant os ..
The copyis o si lius no reproduce ali the margina notes thatare found in I. The margina notes in se in re an blac inii, areb two different an ds One of these two scribes a no ver partialto Wyclis theology, and in severa places he animadvert on his
doctrine, o modi fies his statem enis.
e. ne Cocle univerSitati Pragen Si X. D. l. B). In spite of the care illi hic ii Nicolaus aut fiscli an his com panion ad res sed thenaseives to their asti, I contain a number ferrors, and an passages a the stan in A ill iel no sense. At be in then oni a copy of A the prospect of the esto ration o a correct ex of De ecclesia ' ould have been very oor, ad I notlatet been o fortunate a to in a Codex in hicli the reati seis in a far et ter condition in these ver passages This manu Scripi, whicli came into hanas almos by hanc in the ear 88J, is the Codex X. D. i. of the Universi ty librar o Pragiae.
appendi an extrac frona the reatis e De officio regis ' fol. aio - 2 2R an extracis fron the rst twelve hapter os De ecclesia' fol. i 2 - 214h . The externa arrangement of A is ver much the sameas that o B. Here to every lea has four columns o forty- three lines. The Codex a at ne time in the possession o Magister Petero Zepekow , a frieni an follower o Hus Peter of epeko was a man os considerable mari a the Universit o Prague, here hewas professor u to the time of his eath, hich ook place in 1 31.
In hirley's catalogues it anting. Insides the uppe cove is solio ut in entry magistro Petro de Zepelio exemi tria volumina tercium adhuc habet in o g rossis V. Peter o Zepelio studie a Prague He oo his achelor's degre in i 4o8, his master' in 1412. He ad not there re sol the book es ore this ear. He was ea for the fit si time in i 418, an held that office again ini 23, 43 and 43 i. Vide Mon. n. Prag. I, i, 397, 4i8, I 8, 2O 22, 24, 26, 30 438, 39, 4b, 448, 40. I. i, 2 6 Q. In the documents relatinito Hus eis osten mentioned, v. Documenta mag. Ioannis Hus 387, 388, 39i 39p, 398, Oi, O .
Both the tracis in mare ritte by the fame and in clearly defined legibi characters. Whether the op was made in Englando Bohemia, must remain undecided. Ont thus much is certain: --i That it is no more a copy of A than A is of L. 2. That A and D procee stom ne and the fame fource directly B perhaps through an intermediate link. The rst oin is evident for the folio in reasons
l. Whereve gaps occur in A, hether large or mali, Bias the complete texi there re B cannot e derive frona A. 2. On the ther and in certain cases here there are gap in D, has the complete text. That A and Laad a common origin the following considerations wili how i. Certa in ord are indistincti written, both in I an in B, and there fore presum ably ere so in thei original. 2. Certain margina notes, suci a figures, letters an tables of content correspon in A an L, in an arrangement hicli is ostens ingular, and in the case of the abies o contenis in a ordingi requenti Strange . The relation of the three Manuscript to ne another stand there- fore thus
A S. containing a par ont of the reati se De Ecclesia', Cod C. 1. 23 of the Trinit College library, Dublin, oes no belongio his grou of SS. an calis for separate consideration. ct Tho Cod ex Dublinensis C. I. 23. D). This Codex contains ni the ' chapter registered by hirlevas an independent raci, as originali it certaint was De captivo Hispanensi).
xxiii For a curem copy of this fragment, an for the followin accurate table of the fui ther content of the Dublin Codex, am indebledio the in ines of M F. D. Matthew Trinit College Dublin C. i. 2 3. A volume in modern Russi aleather in ling, written on vellum, ly 8' i inches. It is in ascribe's ritin c. 4oo and I hin ali ne and Two columnsola a page . A y-lea in a different an is colanted in the paging.
At ille eginia in o Par III there is a note in the margin Tractus Johanniisse de Antichcontinens a 3 cap Matthei tine
The en of ach line has been ut os by inder, and there is an illegibi figure aster XXIII and another alter Matthei. Opus Evangelicum. Pari V. 332 The colophon is Explicit opus evangelicum per doctorem catholicum et
Auctoris vita finitur et hoc opus ita. 332 Treatis de Statu Innocen cie bo Explici tractatus de statu innocencie compilatus a magistro Johanne Wyclys doctore evangelico cuius anime propicietur deUS. Treatis de tempore. 386 Explici tractatus de tempore Table os content of de tempore
Sermon on Apparuit gracia dei c.
39od Sermon on Apparuit benignitas c.
39 Multiphariam multisque modis c. 396 , Domine Deus meus, honorificabo te
398 Trac ora the assauit in e simin ster Abbey4o4 Sermon on olumus vos ignorare c.
4o8 ἡ Dixit Martha ad Jesum c. 414 Inde to opus Evangelicum
22 End Deo Gracias . In the Imperia Librar of Vienna there a re two more Codices, 303 and 4527, hici, have been suppo sed to contain the reati se De ecclesia'' ' ut as hirley has atready showns, there has been a confusion here illi vcli s De fide catholica'. The identit of the incipit malles it probabie, that this is the rs book of De Ecclesia et Membris', a wor qui te distinc sto in the se venili book of the Summa Theologiae . It must howeveri e re membere that, although the reati se De Fide Catholica' is a distinct work of Wyclips, i do es contain, i in very bridge fortia, much thati ad been ulready give in De ecclesia. V surther explanation of the confusion e tween the wo orksis to e found in the fac that in the table os content of the two manu script 3o 3 and 4527, the reati se De fide catholica' is catalogue unde the ille De ecclesiaV.
Shirle has righil fixed the time os compositio at 378 or 1379. With regar to certa in paris of the tract, a stili close limit ma bes et Although the entire ork wes iis existence to Wyclis contes twith Gregor XI the horribi fiend , who neve could have beenhead of the Church - an although so me passages o reathe thespirit of that conflictolia it an hard ly be imagine but that thev were penne during Gregory's life - time, neverthel es by a thegre ater par of the tractoas rit ten after the death of that Pontiff, which oo place o the 27 h o March, i 378. Is e bear in indi See Tabulae codd. manuscript vol. I l. v. laeto and oo. hirley, Catalogue p. b. δ hirley, Catalogue, p. 7. 3 Horrendus diabolus, C p. XVI. Benedictus sponsus qui occidit Gregorium XI . . . . O the ih οῦ an in another place Nec ipse Gregorius nec alius est Christi vel Petri vicarius nisi relinquens mun