Latin works

발행: 1883년

분량: 638페이지


분류: 미분류


that the traci consist os severa paris, hicii ere originalty rittenwith different objecis, and ad no connexion illi ne nother, es hali not be surpri sed to in that a chapter here and there a composed earlier than that hic li precedes it Chapter XX for ex ample,

may et have been written long e re the res of the book, and , like the 7 in hapter it stili exist in manu script with light alterations)as a separate orti l The ast hapter a apparent ly rillen hil si Gregor X was stili living The 'h hapter on the ther and cancertaini noti earlier ilia September o October i 378 for it containsthe statem erat os opinion de livered by Wyclis e fore the parti ament hicli assem bie ut tota cester on the 28 h of October 378. Thea' chapter a written at the time hen the intellige nce of the electiono Urbano I. as spre ad in throughout England there fore do ubilessabo ut Easter 378. yclis here prat se God for avita in these daysgi ven to His Clitarch so excellentis ead, as a Urban VI. Thereis no in his place the lightest in o an Antipope on the therhan it is clea frona a passage in hapter m that at the time lienthis hapter a written the schism ad atready broken otii. Whi ist

prais e late referen ces to im re es favo u rabie, an in the last mentione passage the ille of pseudo-monkV is esto ed pon him, as ei as pon his rival The separate portions of this tract erethere fore probabi put together uring the autumn and winter of 1 378. There is noth in in the wor iis et to arrant in an degre theas signing of a later date than this.

x hirley, Catalogue p. 6 Mulierem fortem quis inveniet y and p. 23 De captivo Hispaniensi). Quid uero valet fingere quod iste Gregorius XI ordinavit

ut immolacio Isaac . . . Valeret ad ordinacionem suam cognato Suo iam mortuo.

Sed benedictus dominus matris nostre qui nostre peregrinanti invencule diebus istis providit caput catholicum, virum evangelicum Urbanum VI, qui rectificando instantem ecclesiam, ut vivat conformiter legi Christi, ordinatur ordinate a se ipso et suis domesticis. 3 Unde illud magnum scisma factum per Sergium monachum sicut et illud scisma quod hodie pullulat per duos seu do monachos . . . . So Oothe passage ut oculata fide patet diebus nostris cum due partes cardinalium imponunpape nostro et frat bus eum foventibus hereticam pravitatem.




a. ne reatis os oti Hus Concerning the nuro V. ycli s book on the Church received more hono ur abroad hanat home By the ear i o a latest, it contenis ere nown in Rohemia, an on Eohemiari sol the Englisti master ound an postle,

Magister olin imussi nec calle Hus, ho embrace his eachingwith enthusias m and proved ready cheerfuit to die forcit. Froin the very eginning of the movement of reform Hus armi halle theappearance of Wycli s ritings, and o far a the came illi in his reach, he imbibe an reproduce thei teachin g, hicli ecam partani parce of his own ind. ut o ali Wyclis works, non fascin-sted in to suci a degre a the book o the Church. A early si ia, the ear of the amous controvers on indulgences, e comes forward illi arguments hicli are impi and entiret Wycliss and his ell-known amplite o papa absolution is for the ostpart alien or for ord rom the et Sy chapter of Wycli s De ecclesia .i Fro the pening definition o absolution to the lose of the deductions hicli folio , ali is the intellectual properi ofWyclis. Hus also orrowed the argument in suppor o sive propositions of Wycliss, hicii e gave to the world oon sterwariis,fro the reati se on the Church. In the prinioso i 3'ing engelo Bohemia made an attempto restore the broken eace of the Church in his dominions, an to this en to reconcile the Magister

Johi Hus illi his opponents. The attempt was howeve a fallure . The two parties could come o no understandiniove the conception of the Church. The opponent understoo by the Church that of hicli the ope a the ead, and the college of Cardinals thebody - Hus, o the ther hand, ad completet adopte thewyclis stan doctrine of the Church, explaine above Against these opponent he wro te, in imitation o Wyclis, his book on the Church , work hicli create in iis da a mos powerfui sensation, hi istWycli s orti of the fame name, rom hicli it is ahen or for

i uestio magistri Johannismus, Adversus indulgencias papales opp. tona. I, fol. 84 189. Defensi, quorundam articulorum Goannis 'icles s ibid.


like Wycli ius breuks u his reatis in t twenty- three hapters)the fundamental ideas, and the proces of easoning ali re sim-pi borrowed rom Wyclis. Ont thos portioris of Wyclis workwhici relate to ecclesiastica and politica disputes in England i. e.

the reciter par of hapter VH - XUII - are et si de to e Sed, together vitii the ast hapter on another occasion. The reati se of

Hus falis naturali into two paris the firs of hichoreat of the theor of the Church, of the Chiarch's uni ty, of iis ea an iis members of the ope and of the power of the keys the secon partconfutes the opinion o Hus' opponents. The main eight illilius e seen to te in the firs part in hicli the abstraci conceptionsare defined; an here there is ardi a sentence of an importance that is no to e found wor for ord in Wycli f. The sequence of thought is howeve much cleare an more methodica in Wyclis swork Hus osten reproduce Wyclis ni in the rielast epitome Inshori, the work of Hus an only be describe as a very faint reflection O Wycliss svndry antagonistic remariis pon his ohemianopponent alone laying an claim to originali ty. It would appea fro the fac thai Hus has follo e the arguments and conclusion o Wyclis illi suci verba exactness, that the study of the Manu script o Hus 's ork ould e of very great consequenc for the textua criticism of Wycli Ps De ecclesia '. ut fro a number of text-passages it ecomes evident, thai Hus adbefore hi an inferior S., correspondin in faci illi si For acritica stud of the ex of Wyclis De ecclesia ', herefore, thetreatis o Hus is almos Valueless. D. Ttio ritings of Stanislaus os naim an Stephan os Palocet Ono e Churo V. E means of the work of Hus, yclios tenet a lati down in his De ecclesia ' ere sprea widely throughout Bohemia, herethe calle fortit both cordia assent an vehement opposition. Frienti Sand antagonist O HUS no compose trucis, almos ali of hich


bear the fame ille De ecclesia '; ut thei connexion illi Wyclis sbook is ni an in direct ne, thei immediate referen ce ein to the

work of Hus. The mos considerable o Hus' opponent was un-

doubtedi Stanislaus of naim. Aster his anishment fro Prague in the ear i i 3, e retire into Moravia, here, uniit his death in i i , he employed his fertile en against the ohemian an Moravi an illowers of Wycli f. At his time the wo tracis e re composed, which he, after the example of yesii and Hus, erit illed De ecclesia i - writings hich wil howeve beario comparison, as t matteranii form, illi Wyclirs ork or even illi that o Hus. The onetraci contain a collection o definitions of the Clitarcho the ther, whicli is ather more etailed, reat of the papaliower of the ex s. Lolli these orks seem moreovero have been oni preparator to large treatis e De ecclesia'', hicli e di no live to rite Hediei sud deni jus as he was abo ut to et ou on his ourne to Constance, to attend the Councit.

It is impossibi e to spe ali of Stanislatis fanaim, ithout at thesam time callin to in Stephan o Palecet, since the wo ereunt ted as ut firs in thei affection formus, o atterly in their atred toward hi m. ike Stanislaus, Stephan who us ne of the principalaccuser o Hus a Constance), denotarice Wycli both in peech and writ ing Wyclir conception of the Church was an specia object fallach, and it is against his doctrine that the so- called Replicatio

Amongst the earli est opponent of Nycli fisin in Bohemia, a Jolin Hos mann of Schwe id nitet in Silesia , homo many years hel an

influentia positio amongst the German rosessor at the Universi tyo Prague. When, in consequence of the revolution hich oo placein that Universi ty in the ear 14o9, the Prosessors est Pragiae, and forme a ne sphere os labo ur a LeipZig mo ann was of the iri optes rom manuscript at Vienna and wittinga are in m possession. In the Cod. Treboniensi Wittingau A 16, the ille runs: Stanis laus de noyma contra Hus, De ecclesia Hus estowed pon alec the nam os liar ' fictor . so the alter calle the adherent of Hus Quidam istae .


number, and too par in munding the prosperit o Leipnig. In theyear i i he e came a Canon in i a Bisho o Meissen, hic hosfice he hel unti his de ath in η 51. He eque athed his alti ablelibraru whicli included the work of radwardine and of Thomas Ne iter os Walden St. Mary' College in ei pzig.

His principat or is a reatis against themtra qui sis: Tractatus contra communicantes laicos . In his e pronounces in the ostem phati manne against the Church theory of Wycli an Hus; an mus to this extent e rechone amongst the assallant of Wycli sbook on the Chiarch, with hich he was undo ubtedi ac qua in ted, and whicli e probabi also posses sed Resides his e attacks thero Wyclis doctrines ver much in the anne of Walden.

faithil friend of Hus, and like in self, as e have satis, enthusiasticali attached i Wyclis doctrines, was Simon o Tis snow, the fame lio on the 29ηλ of ut 14io, hen a bachelo of the Prague Universi ty, defende Wycli soraci De probacionibus propo- sicionum , after a at humorous, at sarcasti fashion. The well-

known Codex 29 of the Roya Librar of Vienna A), was in his possession As this Cod ex contain Wycli s book on the Church, e

i te volo quod libri Thomae Waldensis in tribus voluminibus ad praedictum collegium beatae Mariae virginis praesententur, similiter et Summa Bradinardini cum aliis Summis doctorum ... his is stili unprinted. t exist in many MSS. e. g. Codd. at Vindob. ibi sol si i 6 and 4299 fol. 85-23 o). Sumitur ecclesia sex modis, primo pro templo materiali . . . secundo pro congregacione malorum ut hereticorum et scismaticorum Wycli fistarum et Hussitarum ... 3 Cod. pal. Vindob. 41, i, fol. 125 : Numquid latet doctrina Iohannis Wycles dampnate memori doctori verius seductoris eorum . . de quo seductore scribit universitas Oxoniensis in quadam epistola in hec verba Hic utique non veritatis doctor sed falsitatis et mondaciorum fabricator ac heretice pravitatis exquisitus auctor patenter et potenter fuit sine pari. Numquid non sciunt ipsum dixisse et in scriptis reliquis Se hanc erroneam . . . assercionem Decretales pistole sunt apocriphe et a fide Christi seductive et clerici studentes eas stulti sunt Νumquid non perverSU Hussin hoc et in aliis articulis tamquam filius ipsius perdicionis sibi adhesit . . . Theothe writings of Hosmann even those hicli are directe against ycli fis ira in Bohemia, cannot of course e notice here On osmann see Zeitschris fur Ge- schi clite unci Alterilium Schlesiens' XVII, p. 8, - I92.



shali not be surpri sed to finii that Simon o Tissno was thoroughlyacquainted illi that ork. Aster the condemnation o Hus, Simon, at that time Vicar of Tobitschaia in oravia, e came involve in a dispute illi a mon hos the Carthusian Convent os t. osaphat at Olmittet who impugned the orthodox of his doctrine Froin the documents relatinito his

controVersy, hich have come down to us, e learn that Simon ofTis snow ad not ni elati rely adopte Wyclis theor of the Church, but ad propagate it by public discourses. Simon' opponent, Paulo Prague, en deauo urs in two reatis es t confute thi Wyclis fite doctrine. In the second of thes it is clear, even rom the ope ningwordi Utrum ecclesia sancta sit numerus predestinatorum , that Wvclisis the object of attach. his reatis contain the following significant passage on the relatio of themussites o Wyclis Si autem dicant quod a Deo venerint et ab apostolis atque evangelio sed econtra Non multum temporis est quod esse ceperunt, quoniam sicut patet a Johanne Wycles exordium acceperunt, qui hanc viam Hussitarum incepit. One of Simon o Tis snow's discipies a Johia Laurin, ho in

the ear i i defende publici a Prague ycli s doctrine of the

Chiarch in consequence of hicli e two ears late received a legalsummons Dor Paul o Prague, to ans e to the charge of hol linglieretica opinions A regula lawsuit ensue between olin Laurin, who mean while ad eco me a non of Olmittet, an Paul o Prague. Johia Laurin vas compelle greatly to modis his statemenis. Man other of the Hussites expresse themselves to the fame effect a Jolin Lauri on the subject of the Church, an quite in thesens of Wyclir theory ut it is no m intention here to examine ei ther thei declarations or hos o an opposite character such swere made by Andreas o Brod, Stephan o Dolein, and thers.

i Tractatus contra Hussitas resertim contra magistrum Simonem de TysSnow,plebanum Towacgoviensem autore magistro plebano de Dolan diocesi Olmucensis olim s. theologi Prage doctoris , o runs the ille to this tracti hicli is containedi Cod. o of the State Archives a Brunn. his ill also e seen romthe followin passage in the firs tract: Sed quia sectamussitarum, que dicit quod ecclesia sancta catholica sit numerus omnium predestinatorum, peccat mortalissime contra hunc articulum fidei . . . igitur in tractatu presenti probabitur . . . quod talis proposicio sit salsa heretica, impossibilis, caput et origo ocius heresis Hussitarum ...



O the three manu script in hicli Wyclis book on the Churchlias been preserve d A has forme the basis of the followin texi the Code A ein no only, comparati vel speaking, correct, ut onexu hicli more ove was copte in England . On account of the reat tength of the hapters, the copyis of has divide them into numero us para graphs A, B, C, D c), and even these paragraph are again subdivide d a, b, Lyci, , , Ἀα). This arran gement has been retaliae in the present edition parti forthe ak of practica convenience, nasmuch a the care fui reakingui of the hapter into para graph assist the ye, speciali forre fere iace or quotation parti also that the peculiarities of the original, whicli in ali probabilit possesse this arrangement might stanti ut the more clearly It is no howeve to e dente that the multitude fletters an figures ori the est an margins is a firs sight omewhat


The Latin margina glosses of A are gi ven in the ex amongst

the variantS.

At the variant of L have been noted for B, as e have alii, is uiri correct an no uia frequently gives the eiter rea ling. Wherethi is the case, the read in o mi adopte in the texi, and the correspondita readings of A an si are relegate to the notes. Account is i ven in the notes of a se emendations of the text. Emendations have neve been made Without the mos absolute necessi ty, and never hen there se eme an do ubi as to o the texi ho uid

Ont a mali selection Do the readings of Ai has been ivenin the notes si eing, as e have seen, nothing ut a copy of A. On the ther an a complete recor has been ad of the varianis of D. The pelliniis that of the manu scripis ali the peculiarities that the Latin spellinio the i β' and i5 h centuries exhibit a re conspicuous in his edition. Where the pelling of the manu script is variabie, sin secuntur, Sequntur, sequuntur, loquntur, loquuntur, OCma dogma, mihi, michi c. the more usual orthograph has been followed in thes text. In thes cases of quotations Dom thes Bible, here


The notes on the contenis, consist in chi est os referen ces toauthorities may be ooked pon a sufficient.

In conclusion, I ould offer my early thanks to the friendswho have taken a waraci interest in his publication, an helpe itfor ardo the ulmos of thei power My thantis are due in the rst place o My. F. D. Matthew, who has not ni place a copy o Dat the disposa of the editor, an underialien the writinian correctiono the Englisti side- notes, ut has also assisted his or in many therwaVs, an to . . Furnivali Esqu. the energeti an considerable president of ur Wycli Society, who with nvaryinico urtes assisted me in the editio an printing of this book. The translatio of this Introductio into Englisti has been very illingi undertaken by MissAlice hirley, aughter of the departe maste in Wycli research. For vario us suggestion I am inde bie to Dr. Bud densi e of res den; an for furthering this or by the sendin and procuring the sendingo manu scripis, o of rati, r. Ernsi vo Birk, ea librari an of the Imperia Librar of Vienna, to the librari an of the Universit Libraryat Prague A. et dier, an to frien Dr. ar Reifenkuget,



CAP. I. uia nonnulli eciam illi ut videntur esse ali uid Sit S inoli

discordant in materia de quid ita te ecclesie et fides recogiij reis by

es ecclesia que deberet in christianis omnibus esse Uo it a be

una, decet christianos cognoscere matrem Uam. Io modo ques honoraret quis matrem illam prim evam, sicut quilibet christianus tenetur sub pena dampna cionis ex primo mandato secunde tabule, nisi ipsam cognosceret Aut quomodo ipsam perfecte cognosceretionis cognoscendo eius uiditatem ac differen cias sciretque a mulieribus alienis discernere Unde inter omnes metaphisicas sub solis circulo non reputo quod sit alia christiano necessarior nec ad observaraciam religionis christiane vel ad intellige nciam scripture sacrei, utilior Christus enim ex fide est pater noster et dicta ecclesia sponsa sua est autonomatice mater no Stra. Illos autem parentes debemus primo omnium honorare, quia recognoscendo eos in necessitatis articulo oportet eorum informacionem, castigacionem et suffragium in-2ovocare. Illis autem cultis ad plenum servatur plene christiana religio et de quanto deest eorum honoracio, deest preceptorum servacio, cum non sit possibile christianum delinquere, nisi de quanto subtrahit vel

I. AA titulus deest. A in margine superiori Sancti spiritus assit nobis gracia ibid Ecclesia catholica est a lidelibus cognoscenda et qualiter in re in k bove col. 28', exiliand). b. B igitur decet. 6. Codd. autonomastice R. B et recognoscendo lar B de quarto.


IOHAΝNIS WYCLIE. CAP. I. minuit honorem vel ministerium debitum istis paren idi 8'tibus. Et hec est racio, quare hoc precipitur in primo mandato secunde tabule tamquam metro et regula omnium aliorum. Quomodo ergo foret catholicus qui ignoraret partem imboli in qua fides matris sue in 3 Helles in ille seritur Nam credo ecclesiam catholicam dicit utrum-

Catholic Church . . . . .

is an amici in que imbolum nec credo dominis episcopis displicere

quod tractetur fides christiana de qui ditate ecclesie, tum quia ipsi maxime tenentur per se et per alios docere populum illam fidem, tum ciam quia con iotendunt de libertate et prosperitate, de edificacione et destruccione, de privilegiis et defensionibus ecclesie contra hereticos Sed constat quod loqueretur ut pica qui tractaret de istis passionibus ignorando subiectum, cum secundo posteriorum in principio vere dicitur 5 quod portet cogimscere questionem, quid est de Subiecto, antequam noscatur eius passio. Et error istius ordinis noscendi facit multos errare de fide ecclesie . uomodo ques cognoscerem in quo staret eius prosperitas vel edificacio, nisi ipsam recogno sto Scerem, Um Sequatur ego cognosco quod procedit Prospere, ergo prius nosco illam esset Adhibeamus ergo dilige iaciam, ut cognoscamus debit matrem no


ii L. ' holh UamVic autem ecclesia dicatur multipliciter in B

whoare prede, .criptura, Suppono quod Umatur ad propositum pro ita dii Ilii famosiori, scilicet congregacione omnium predestina V torum. Illa autem est sponsa Christi, de qua est processus Cantici canticorum; de qua loquitur scriptura Isai LXI' o Tamquam sponsam decoravit melo corona. mees eciam est mulier fortis, qua

2. B He racio. b. B in marg a posteriorum. 6. B: Ognoscere quomodo. o. prius cognoscerem. 25. A in marg Ecclesia capta famosius dicit omnes predestinatos et ista est sponsa Christi et multa de hac ecclesia. o B in marg IS. I.