장음표시 사용
sity opus est, it is necessary mi hi opus est, Pliave need. oratio, nis f. bro). A Speech, language, harangue, ration, OrdS,
alii . . . parδ, XLVIII. LXI., Ome
chcap considor o litile alue, XII., LII. Minores magistratus, the minor, loWor, or inferior publie ossicors, XXX. patefacio, oro, feci, factum V.
quicquam pensi a matter of any importanee, . any onSideration, LII. quicquam pensi habere, to care, XXIII.; nihil pensi habere, notrio re-gard totaVelao conSideration, XII. Per prep. With aee. Through,
To destroy ruin perditum ire, to undorlahorio ruin, b determinod to
candidateship candidature eae Petitione hecause of his reaiment asa candidate XLIX.
Peto, ere, vi r ii, uum V tr. To attach to aim at, seu to obtain, strive after; to ea, Sli, requeSt, demand Solicit. Petreius, i m. M. Petreius,lieuienant unde C. Antonius, and in command of tho arm Whic de-foato Catiline, LIX. LX. petuIuntia, e f. petulans,
PISO, nis m. 1. C. Calpurnius Piso, consul 6 B. I, XLIX.-2. Cn. Calpurnius Piso, a Tomiand profligat patrician, associaled Witti Catilino in the lalter' sirs conSpiraey,
Plebe S, ei and Iebs, plebis f.
Plus, pluris, adi comp. G. 165, 1. multus). More pluris facere, to
Pompeius, i m. 1. Cn. Pompeius Magnus, Pompey the celebratu Roman genera an States-
Pompeius Rufus, praetor 6 B. ,
PosuIUS i m. Aleople, nation. Porcius, i m. 1. M. Porcius Cato, a Senator distinguished fortishigh character, Π.-2. M. Porcius Laeca, a Senator, ne of Catilinu's
Porcius, a, um, ad . Porciu8). Porcian, belonginito a person filio Porcia gens leae Porcia, the Porcia la respecting the punish
potis, able). o beeome master os, obtain possession os, et Obtain,
dulge in intoxicatin liquor, be
son,ith, accordinito, in accordance With, in uiu on pro Deo, in aceOrd-ance With the character of the place,
common , res publica, the commonWeat, publie eliare general400d; the republic State, commonNealth, gOVerment eouΠtry publicis political life III. IV. malum publicum, the corrupi state os public assairs, XXXVII. bonum publicum, the genera good public elsare the welsare of the state XXXV111. . e publica,
PUBLIUS QUICUMQUE pledge of impunit in tho nam ostii state XLVII. XLVIII.
qui the Same . . . RS, XX. quam ob rem, Whereiore.
qui-Cumque, quaecumque, quo Leumque, indef. Pron. cumque, O-