장음표시 사용
corrigo, ere, eri re tum V. r. cum, esto, to ute). To et right,
Cotta, ae m. L. Aurunculeius Cotta, consul 65 B. om. CruSSus, , m. M. Licinius Cras-Sus, Who illi Caesar an Pompeyforme tho sirst triumvirate, 6 B.
credibilis, o, ad . ore lo). Credi-
dexter, fra offera, trum offerum,
prolatare, to defer action, lit. dam, i. e. the time os action, XLIII.
dis-Sero, ere, erui, Sertum V. P.
domus, us and i f. G. 119, 1. A house, homo domi, at homo;
minud to ruin, XXXVI. LII. pedibu8 in sententiam ire, to vote sor an opinion, L. BO adv. is). There to the place or position to that laee, thither; herofore, forcilii reaSOn, on this account eo maclis, the more, the more on this account, So muchthe more, ΙΙ. 8que eo, t Such an
Stanee, precedent. EX-erceo, ere, ut, tum V. r.
tot se extollere, to have aspirationS,
Fabius, i, m. Q. Fabiu Sanga, patron of the Allobroges XLI. fucetine, strum f. l. facetus,
sal ; a family gladiatoria familia, a company of gladiatorS, XXX. fumiΙiuris, , adj. fumiliu). Delongin to the fami ly, domestie, private personat, inheritud familias res familiaris, private property, property lar familiaris, a Ome. Familiaris, is m. and f., a familiaracquaintance, intimate aequaintance, friend.