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Praotica Introduction to Latin Prose composi-
Bega' Latin Version of the Nem Testament. 12mo. 291 pages. caesar' commentaries o the Gallio ar. Wit Englisti
B. G, at Amiternum, in tho countr of tho Sabinos of hiscarly lis littio sanown that is reatly mort recording. Atth ag of 36, aftor haviniheld in succession tho ossicos ofquaostor an tribune of the eopto, he Was expollod romtho Roman sonato, ithor bocalis of his profligato habit orin consoquone of tho politica intriguos of tho day. Throoyears later, hoWever, he succeeded in rogaining his sat in that bod by an lection to tho praetor8hip. Subsequently his d0votion to tho causo o Caesar securod hi tho appotnt-mont of govornor of Numidia, but his administration400msto hau boon charactorigod by injustice and crueity. Roturninito Romo Wit immenso W0alth, Sallust rotirodio privato life an devoto himself to litorar pursuits. He purchased extensivo ground o tho Quirinal Hill, and
laid tho out in a most xponsivo and magnificent manner. Thoso rounds astorWard tho favorito resortis Augustus and his successors, aro stillanoWn a tho ardens of Sallust.
sextant Themistor o Catiline' Conspiracynis containodi tho proson volume, and is commendod to tho learnor asan intersestiniand important chaptor in Roman history.