장음표시 사용
lina, p. 416, lines 1 4. The rest os these extracis prove the currency in the eleventa century of the tales about Ρatrick's relatio hip throuo his mollier, to S. Martin; his receiph hom that inint of tho monachalto ure; his studies in the insula Alanonsis and his mission hom Celestin . XVII. Τho Corpus Missat is a ΜS. considered by iis editor, Μr. Warren, to hine been Written belWoon 1152 and 1157. The potnts of interest in the extraei printed infra, p. 5ll, are there mentioned in note 2. XVIII. The annias hom tho Book of Leinster, printed infra, pp. 512-528, are transcribed hom tho lithographicia imite os that ΜS., pp. 24 a 26 b. me Book of Loin-ster is a compilation of the middie of tho tWolfth centu , and the annales in question cover a period of a ut seven hundred years, imm the reign of Loegalae to thotimo of Ruaidri, son of Turiough O'Conon They arehere printed as giving the supposed dates of tho deallis of Old-Patriin, Benignus, and many Othera of his Succes- sors in the see of Arma . The copy in tho Book of Lecan mentioned infra, p. 512, note 1, b ins thus :
tenuit. in Petrie, Tara, p. 63, omits thewords Regnum hibernie.
.xXX. Rnnis regnum Hibernie post
p. 566. Τhen in the nexi column me find :-
oVes Some curious genealogical and topographical into mation. Mi the lista dister, not oesy laom each other,
assuming that iis author Was also the writer of the nexi trach in the samo ΜS. catalogue os Patriin's Hum sora bringa it domn to A.D. 1l00; and Sir Samuel Ferguson dates it A. D. 1095.
. s. u. XXIII. The tale of Patria and his topor Comlach
is inhen hom an ancient translation of the Historia Germanus. Britonum, and shows tho tradition prevalent When that Work Waa composed, as to Ρatrick's connexion With Germanus, and tho date os his a vat aes a missiona in Iroland.
other incidenis of Patrick's career mere mentioned is
Val, chronicier honest enough to consess that Aonae of his materials vere uncertain t Omnia monumenta Scotorum usque Cimbaoth incerta erant.' There is a similarpressage in Irish in some synchronisnis in tho Book of Ballymote, p. 9b of the laesimile.
and othera hom MS. C.C.C.C. 27s olim O. 20 . These canons, though in thela collective lam certainb notolder than the eighth centu , referto clerics Who do not eouer turpitudinem uentris et nuditatem, and is Christians Who consuli a diviner haruspicem and belleve that thereis a mitch lamiam) in a mirror MS. saeculo, leg. specula . - Acta Sanctoruοι, July al. Hereric Wrote under Chartes tho