장음표시 사용
sol. 50 a. 2, lino 25 : Incipit sententia angeli Adom
long in a plate of butier or lard ;that candie had to M on herpalm untii division and distribution
notos on the Felire. The lalter legend occurs also in Laud 610 and in the Books of Leinster, Ballymote, and Lismore. Τwo quatralias of the poem With whieli itendA Occur in the ninth-century codex of St. Paul'sΚloster, Carinthia.
aut their centurions. The centenary number here.'
Nom ino istand of Deland hasboeu set in tho meat. Aa Adam sParadise stands at the sunrise soΙrelata standa at the su et. Andoey aro althe in the nature of the soli, in mit, as Paradise is mithout Masis, Without a mine, Mithout alion, Without a Magon, Without a scorpion, Without a mouse, vithout a trog, so is Ireland in the samo manuer Without any har ut animal, sine oesy the Wolf, M sages SV,
λ M. this is related in Alexander's letter, that so long as Alexander mas in poWer letters vere interchangod Minean himand Dindimus the Mng of the