장음표시 사용
Tlio present volum of tho Latinoork of tho prot0- reforme the si si uret philosophi eat writin in a telisian
sense, appears considerabi later than was a sirs annotinoed
It is stili 0 early to venture p0n any ut a very generaleriit eisin f the tractate de composicione'. It is ni onera the any bulli ing-stones of the teli fian system hicli is to e 0nstrueled, W may ope, re long. have mades a poeta stud of the philosophical reatis es; and 'ope that a furvo of the wh0le telisian philosophy illi in isti his par of the complete Ortis. With greate confiden eo though 0t, shallisee, Without dissi culti e to e superseded, I proce edo trea the exiernal detulis of the prosent edition. In his part f y 0rh, I have been maint quid ed by in predecessors. Follo vin the orde observe dby them Pshallari est trea I. The manuscripis. II. The diplomatic' eritieisin. III. Tlio hi glier eriticis m. IV. The question, genuine ness. V. The intringi value of the present Volume.
b 22 Centimeters It contains: 1. 1 -38y Johannes harp, tractatus de anima' eginia ing Utrum anima intellectiva', ndini oportet huiusmodi abstractionem proicere' c.' at the nil in the o homini langvago Bud bo huchwala in lati translation sunt deo gratiae'. 2. 38h-62 Johannis telis traetatus de comp0sidione h0minis' dotalis to e se en Dona the ex and notes).3. 62η 114 Idem Tractatus de universalibus', en d in g, Explicit tractatus Johannes Wykleph de Universalibus per Petrum do CZaslavia. Finitus Glatt0wio. Sub anno domino MCCCXXIII et eodem an ii sui synodus ueneralis conellii cum dominis B0hemis Basili 0.' 4. 15'-157' Idem tractatus de incarnati0ne. O 15 V Chwalim bolia, essiti Vivamus hilariter Deo).5 158'-190 Tractatus de ente in e0mmuni'; egins, In primis erg0 supponitur' ending, vel verso superfluerunt.' 6. 190h-242b Traetatus de Ent in particulari'; eginning. Supposito ex superius declaritis en ling, aput deum hinc vere sunt'.
meters). It contain o 15 leaves: 1. 1' 36 J0h. Wielisoractatus de simonia', 36 vacat.2. 37'-110' Idem De benedicta incarnatione'.
two columns It content are: 1. 1 3 De universalibus. 2. 39-52 Do materia et forma. 3. 53-73 De composicione hominis. 4. 3 8 De deis. 5. 87 11 De individualite temporum.
used as a terminus post quem I runs thus:
Anno millono quadrageno quoque deno Luce sequenti post apa erased missionem Christi Olim dividiis gravibusque d0tata talentis.'
VIII INTRODUCΤΙΟΝ. Turnia sacerdotum volebat rapere totum
Quod non habebat patrum universaque edebat Nec parcit propriis, sed ea tribuit vagis amellis Iam oeulos ditata in alto loco locata
Mala paterna . . . 'Here the poena, iis olf 0 without interest a illustratin theres Ormator movement f that time, abruptly brealis oss. Jur las textuat authorit is r. Codex Pragensis VIII, , , bound in stoli parchinent, ut vi ille on aper, 10 p. ali in thos amo and XV h Centvry): the writin is ver indistinet an si O-venly rendering the collation f them S a matteris great diffidultu.
This S containS: 1. Wieli a libellus de universalibus p. 1-5T. O iusdem de materia et forma p. 57-80.2. Positio Stephani de Pale cet. 3. P0 siti Johannis de Hussin et g. 4. De Composicione hominis. Τh secondore uti se egi iis . Sequitur p08ici Reverendi magistri Stephani Paleeg. 'Tho hird reatis bogins: , Sequitur alia positio Reverendi Magistri de Husi nee g. 'II. Diplomatio CritieiSm. Thero is no ne edo diseus a longili in his place, hat is understo odis mongst recent se holars by the term diplomatio eriti ei sui'. It compris es the estimate of the documentar value s manu seripis0urces, heir classification and the determining of thoi relatiorito ne nother, tho constructio of the ex by this means and
lastly llio de tallo stud of particula passagos Hero O it hasbeon possibi to follo the ea os forme edit ors. But in the si si par of ur ask - the examination of the
comparative alia os ur authorities, are, in the present case,
bos ot illi diffistultius at the uiset. A Bud densio has conclusively proved the principies hi cliguido us in the critiei sui os lassica MSS. an e applied quailyto late mediaeva MSS.
But it should 110 bo verio0ked that, posses 3ISS. of ille elassios and eve of the Father of the Chureli, and tho historians filio ari middie ages, hieli, in poliat os olearnes an accuraey, are ali that e could destre. It should further e alien into account, that o mos of thes authors e have a reat an editions and that theses avo urable circumstances have 110 oni fostered ut even et allonge dili stud of SS., of thei transmission, and more speetally, filio linguisti peculiarities of the authors. B sueti studies the number of s0-callei loci ambigui, thatis to say, f passagos here it appear advisable to incorporate various readings into the texi is reduce to a mininum. In theeaso a teli odition more particulari of an editio princeps, n0
dis proportion etweon possibi uni undoubtedi correet rea lings, we nil urselves at ne in a dilemma, o bosor a circulus Viti0Sus, a very frequent oecurrende througho ut the stud of this
wrong or an add the pro per One. It is his arefulnus in tho ch0ice of the original and this correctiles in copyin it hicli has determinet in preferende. It would e sutilo, a I have alii, to count ii the ea lings, numbers have no eight here, ut ne or passages alien atrandom ill servo to confirm ha has been state d. Let iis tul e the very 0ginning on page 1, 3 os . . r. : partibus aster suis is alt0gether impossibi e for it is vident by thos ollo ving ord cum aliis di jicultatibus, that the author in t En dedi potnt ut a difficulty but these oriis Drui tho principies of the composition. eoncrete part a such, cautio be spoliun f as a dii
It thus ecomes clearer hy the gloss partibus has bestia Smuggled in . scribe eo uid ni imagine a composicio eae partibus. This misiali is old; se sinit it in ali three MSS. aut iv knowlluit ille do ot copy one nother, ut it is the more egregi0us inasmueli as eae suis partibus quatitutiois principiis has no senseat all. similar sente nee e must pas ou the folio vin passagewhere at tho S S. excepto read Primo materi possibilitas, preciositas sio subtilitas'. It is nee dies to a more nobis passage for a discussiono folio possibilitas of the composiei 0 man would e uni eard f. The w0 important potuis are tho Deciositas and the subtilitasas ill o Yplainod by the solio vin passage. The passag 1, 15 ut materium de triuitate, de incarnacione uerbi do,nini et dis beatitudine fuciti', is interestiniani a good specimen o Wycli P stylo The et whiel, intro Jueses h last ori is to es uni in A, nly.
os ad or orse 9, 23 reliccionem, assumere instead os resolucionem and eassumere, or 13, 23 the omission os et an sim v.
Noto linger t0o long ver his par of the subjeci I ill conclude iti summinius the principies hiet have been sellowod
in restoring this texi: l. Eaeli Code deserves cares ut an in dependent consideration, as a stemma or eonnexion etween tho SS. eould 0t e traued. 2. S. A has givo the mos probabie reading of test pasSages. 3. For his reaso the proferetice in do ubilia passages hasbeen ive to A.
intellectua propert os an other. Sueli passage a 34, 2 r Sed ne videar eae cerebro proprio tam altam sentenciam ad tempus insolitum ventilare, ecce magna magistri Augustini sentencialis et verbalis decisio te , are pro of not
o the formatio an compositio of the present realise. In aecordane With this is the norinous number of quotations,
Tho roador lio finiis referen eos in tho notes for very qu ,-tation rom Augustine and Aristoile, and confusion and misqu0tations corrected, an hardi imagine the expenditur os time,
edition are convenient for usu, an are thos m08 generali read, as I have found .
Wiolis is leares a the eginning, here the argumen and termino log are borrowed rom Scripture. But lator no findo definitio after Augustine, o Spiritus an iis various mean ings in the Scripture; p. ad Pase. II, 15