Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis [electronic resource]

발행: 1851년

분량: 272페이지


분류: 약학




Fasciculi I. to VII. Imperia Quarto 20s. ach. be complesse in Nine Numbers.

Tho fidelis of the delineations is ni equeste by the exquisite beaut of the execution. The valueo the plates is greatly enhance by the excellent instructions for reaiment, hieli are laid down with simplicit and clearness and the work, when completeri, ill in ur judgment, e the nobtest contribution to ophthalmic science whic this countr has ver produced. -London Iourna of Medicine. The value of this Wor ca scarcet be ove estimated. shali recurvo it, and potnt out more indetati it peculiar eatures,-it realiges ali that, belleverit possibi laesar to effect in the imitation os nature. -Britismandiorevin Medico-Chirurgica Neview.

Fasciculi I. to VIII. Imperia F0li , 5s. ach. be complete in Nine Numbers.

Ἀs a surgica anatomist,ir Mactis has probabi no superior This,or bid fair o redeem urcounir Dom the stigma O possessinin Original Oricon surgica anatomy. -Britis and ore nMedico-Chirurgica Neview. It is impossibi to lance at this publication illi ut ome Delinio surprise. The wor mill certainlyae the cheapest in the way of anatomica illustratio that has appeare in his country. Medica Gazette. ne of the cheapest, rhs, have everanown issued Do the medica press It willi of great value to the student engaged in dissecting, and to the surgeo at a distanc DOm the means of Leepingus his anatomical knowledge. - Medica Times.

Fasciculi I. to ΙΙΙ. 20s. ach. be complete in Treelve Numbers.

may be trul designated a splendi performance. e caniscarcet speis to strongi of the meriis of thiswork. -Britis an Fore n Medico-Chirurgica Neview. We have neve belare seen a wor more beauti fully got up-the excet allisther plates of diseases of the shin that have eve been published. -Lancet. It is impossibi to spea too hight of the beaut of thes portraits-the constitute an undoubted proos of the superiorit o Britis art. -Montho Medica . urnal. Admirabi sitiexto assis diagnosis, andri familiaris the practitione Wit the species characterso diseases of the stan. -Medical Gazette.

r. Gurohili fel it an honorabie distinction to e nyaged on three Morks, hisi in Pistoria Austration an Typographica ercet nee must command the admiration of the Profession, and roseo credi on the Count, yproducing them. Atoare of the objection to justimentertainei to sulsoribe for Morks published in asotordi froni an apprehension of theis non-completion, or os a fallis ost in the getling p r. Iurohil frust his assurano mill e received thus no Subscriber hali hane to eous him Vno completis these Morks, and that in ser re eo equa to tho rst






PRINCIPI E O TREATMEN FOR THR CURE O DISEASE, SPECIALL CONSUMPTIONAN SCROFULA, Dunde on MICROSCOPICAL ANALYSIS. Ivo cloth, I 2s. Ἀ wor deseruing the perusa of very one interested in the late rapi advance of physiolog and pathology. -Medico-Chirurgica Neviem. It is incumbentiponis to expres our deciden sense of the value of this,ork, and to assure those readers,holare illincto folio Dr. Addison through his sOmewhat profound an difficuli microscopicari pathologica studies that the will si nil his volume replete illi observatiotis of great interest. Monthly Medica Iournal. 'Conscious that we have scarcet done justice to the talent an industr displayed in his,ork wedo notioubi that thos hest quali fiexto judge of iis meriis illiive it the high rati in the literatur ofour profession whicli it socii csty deserves. -Medicat Gazette. R. AN ERSON F. H. O. S.


Extremel usefullas an adjunc to the sho library a poche Pharmacopoeia Universalis, containing, in auditiori to the ossicinal formulae, thos magistra preparations whic are so continuady requirexat thehand of the dispenser. -Annalios hemistry and Pharmacy.

volume calculate tot of great utilit to the numerous classis practitioners who are at this timeengage in the stud os urinar diseases It contains ver necessar instruction to distinguis thedisserent varieties of urinar deposits both by means of the microscope anu hemica tests The reat-men is very shil fuit displayed, and the hapter o therapeutic contains,lews regarding the actionis diuretic os rea practica importance. -Dublin Medi a Durnal. II.

Me rejoice to see in the continuod demand for this excellent Manual, an evidence of the increasingattention whicli is hein pal to the stud of physidat sciencelas a branchis genera education. elino Ofra treatis whicli contains,ithin s narrow a compassis large an amount of valvabie informationis clearly an concisel expressed. -Britis and Forevin Medico-Chirurgica Neview. i the appearance of Dr. Bird s orla the student has no ali that he an destre in ne eat, conciSe, and well- digeste volume. The elements of natura philosophylare explaine in ver simplelanguage, an illustratedi numerous,ood-cuts. -Medicat Gazette. aliis orti teachesius the elements of the entire circle o natural philosoph in the clearest an most perSpicuou manner Light magnetism dynamics meteorology, electricity. c. are et elare, in Such simple ornas, an sorior ibi a way that, cannot hel understandinithei laws, thei operation, and the remarkable phenomen by whicli thenare accompaniexor signified. -Literary Gazette. H. OE SEU LINGUAM.

12mo. loth, S. In our opinion, he has conferrex signa benefit upo the artis surgery b his improvement of the mode os employing pressure, and upo the sciencei his ingeniolis an philosophica expositionis iis operation. -Medico-Chirurgicul Ne iero.


Me have examine this realise, and we an recommen it to the student a Dusem elementaryguide The illustrations are numerous an accurate, and wel calculate to at diagnosis. -Medicat Gazette.


mr Chapman has done muchi directing the attentio of the profession to the advantage of this combine treatinent. e have ea his,ork with much pleasure, anu have used the compreSS, Strapso linen an roller, a directed, and have found them to answer admirabinweli. U-Dublin Quartero Medica Iournat.

In the succossive editions of this oris, Ilavo suci additiona information a Phadasten abieri collect rom authenti fources in tho intervat o publieati0n. The present editionwill, I trusi, e found in ali respect a materia improvenient on it predecesSors. Veryarties in the work has been arefuli rovised and althoughes have seen no reason to changem opini0n oncilio character of tho differont climatos troate of the information I have continue t receive rom thors adde io, o cincroasin experiende has nable me Willi more confidelico an precision to a d0wn ules respecting the adaptation certain climates to the cur of particula dis0ases. In iis present state, it Will, I 0pe, e Dund, what it has con in destro to alio it a manua to the physician in selectinia pr0per climat se his patient, an a uide to tho alter Whenis longor undo tho directionis his medicat adviser. OH. G. C. Hltata.


Me would recommen a perusal fir Cooper's orla O at who are suffering rom the defeet ofvision to the consume os id night it to the philanthropist, and speciali to the medica praetitioner. -Provincia Medica Iournal. Therinpretendinitone of r. Coopor s litti volume onmea an age si glit, uidi calculate towin favour although the merit of the book ad notiston qua to the modest of the author But it is the hos of the in us et a the latest, nor could a betterae destred He has thought more of the publie than himself and whil omittin nothin whicli a generat reade could destre to lino os lasses an eyes no a sentenc has been devotexto the displano his learniniat the expense of his udgment. -Quarteris Neview. R. CARPENTER, F. S. S. L

Tho Principies of Genera an Comparative Physiolog ' O Dr Carpenter, hich have jus enteredupori a ne estition anu Whicli, have ad occasion to mention illi commendation in uesiast volume,lia ulready opene the path to the extensio of the labours of that author into the more important deparimen o Human Physiology. The able anne in hicli the subjectis Comparative Physiologywas andled the enlarge an elevate vie s entertaine by the author, ut ne potiate to Dr. Curpenter a the writer hy,hom the obvious want in the seu O Human hysiology a tot supplied . . . In concludin tu notice of this volume we do sol recommendiniit Ost strongi t oti reaclers, an despecialty totur Oun friend who re preparin a foundation pon hicho buit thei reputationanti future succes in lila. The volum is beautifully got up it,il fori an ornamenta addition to the stust an library. -Lan ei.


In this,ork, sin the last the mos mature vie sis iis venerable author, ho, With unexam-pled eat, continue t almos the last momentis his liferi accumulate materiat for perfectin his works. ver praetica Surgeon must adit the present volume o his library. t commodious and portabie form-n mea consideration ,-the graphie, the almos speaking force of the unequalle illus trations the copiolas additionis valvabie an instructive caseS, and the reat improvement in clearnessan precision hicli has been gaine by the judiciolis arrangement of the materiais, ali combine torender the present edition indispensabie. -Britis an Forevin Medica Review.


his orti contain directions for the preparationis severat thousan articles of interest an utili ty, and the processes of various laboratorie and manufactori es, derived froni the persona experience of the editor. ho has for many years directe thei application o an extensive scale. The indiscriminate adoption o nialter,ithout examination has been uniformi avoided, and the whol book form a com pendious dictionurno referen re. -Ea traci from Pre face. H. GHlTCHETT F. H. C. S.