Pharmacopoeia Collegii Regalis Medicorum Londinensis [electronic resource]

발행: 1851년

분량: 272페이지


분류: 약학




Me ael nouqedge an have pride in earing testimon to the high qualiscations of ou countrymani the branch o pathologica inquir basest poli hemica facis; e recognis the comprehensive sagacit of his speculatiotis, an respect the patient eat with which he has tolle to erect upo these a Stable System -the important connection etween a large number of isordere states of the urinarysecretion and di sordere states of the processis digestio an assimilation. . . ., haVe Otii to repeatour convictionciliatis student O practitione can e regarde as even tolerabi acquainte With the subject wtio has no rea an re-reast them. -Britis an Foreign Medica Neview.

hos Who have been benefited by the labour an researches of Dr. Prout Willi delighte to see the announcement of the thir edition s much enlarge a tot almost a ne mork. . . . his able fcontent Wili ho the great extent of Our author' inquiries and we need hardi assure u readerStha the subjecis are treate uitli consummate abili ty. -Dublin . urna of Medicat Science.


The Sining whicli theci ournals and ther modieat work undergo, and the judicious selectio Domthei page of potnts of practica interest, and of discoveries of importanee in the collaterat scienceS, formata important par of the diit of the editor; and after a careful examinationis Dr. Ranking' VolumeS, we re bound o State that the ut has been mos abi performed. -Provincia Medicat Ouruat. sem in ali gli degree hy concentratiniint oti volume a large amount of scientisic information. The wor i weli conceived an executed with ability, and w doubi not, xvillie useful to thoS Who Delit thei duinto kecimus With theanowledge of the day. Edinburg Medicat und Surgica JOMΥnut.


Dr. Dewes states, in his advertisemen to the America edition that he was o much ploased with Dr. Ramsbothamys or onmidwifery that he thought he Wouldie doinia acceptable osside to the medicat communit in America, shouldi causerit tot re-publiShed. II belleves heloes no su too much when he declares it tote, in his opinion, One Of the best praetical works extant. OR. F. H. HAMSHOTHAM,

The work of Dr. Ramsbotham ambe described as a complete system of the principies and practice of idwifer and the author has been a very great patris indeexto present a just anu useful vlew of the present state os obstetrical knowledge. The illustration are numerous wel Selected an appropriate, and engraved with great accurac and abili ty. In Shori, e regar this Ork, etween accurate descriptions and useful illustrations ast far the mos able Wor On the principies and praetice of mid-wifer that has appeare for a long time. r. RamSbotham has contrived to infuse a large portionifcomi oti sense an plat unpretendin practical nowledge into his Wor than is commoni lauri in work on this subjeci an a such e have reat pleaSure in recommendin it to the attentiono obstetricat practitioners. -Edinburg Medica an Surgica . urnat. H. AMES E l .



Me cannot conclude this notice of Dr. Roberison' treatis Without cordialty recommendinii as asound an practica work fittest for referetice, bothos a Wor O information o the subjeci andus a uiderio practice. -Provincia Medica Journal.

mr Royle' Manues, while it has the convenience of ein in a portabie form contain a muchmattor as,ould ill two other volumes in large type. -Medicat Gazette. This,or is abi done-ine olanica part with greatokill and the hemicat, natura history, and therapeuti depariment mos perfeci and complete. -Edinburgh Medicat ournal. his canother of that beauti fui and chea series of Manual published by r. Churchili. The executionis the wood-cuts of planis, flowers, an fruit is admirabie. The wor is indeed a most valvableone. -Britis an Foreign Medica Rediew. H. DEAR E, M. H. C. S. E. L


Me anticipat for the wor that whic it deserves for it novelty ingenuity, and utili ty- wide circulation. It shouldie in the hand of ali medicat me who practis milwifery. -Medica Gazette.



borum, and Translation. H2mo cloth, 8s. . The above two Works compris in entire Latin Classic required for Examination at Apothecaries Hall.


This little,ork, diveste a much as possibi of technica an scientific phraseology, is intended forth use of travellers, and thos humane character Who, residinia a distanc fromis ut qualisled medicat praetitioner devote a portio of thei time to the relie an mitigation of the complieate mis- fortune os diseas and poveri among thei BOOr eighbourS. I is, Owever, earnesti recommendet notri place to much confidence On book of domestic medicine, specialty in such cases as areis a serious nature, ut alway to have recourse to the adVice of an able physicia af early ascit an boobtained. -Extrac from re face. H. SNE L, M. H. C. S.

hos of ou roader vilio practis in the deparimentis surgery on whichir. neli cessantreais will findiserui instructions oti the mode of extracting eeth, -c.-Medicat Gazette. Thicis the best praetica manuat for the dentist we have seen in an language. -Athenoeum.


This volum is far more than a uide-book. t contain much statistica information, with very minute loea uetatis that may be a luantageousi consulte hy the medicat man elare he recommenus an Specisic residence in Devonsilire t his patient. -Athenoeum.

We recommend r. Taylor' mor a the ablest mos comprehensive, and above ali, the ostpraetical useful book whicli exist o the subjectis legat medicine. An manis found judgment, hohas mastere the content of Taylor' 'Medica Jurisprudence, mango into a Cour of La wit themos perfeci confidence of heini teri acquit himself creditably. -Medico-Chirurgica Neview. mr Taylo possesses the happy artis expressing himselfin ascientifica pie in intelligibi language. The sige of his Manualiis it tot a circuit companion It is ne of the mos beautim specimens os typography, evertast the pleasure-anxit is a pleaSure-of perusing. -La TimeS.

Me recommend the work of Dr. iit, bothis account of the practica importance of the subjectinwhieli it treais, and the luci and logica nianne in Whicli the novel doctrines advanced in illare deducedfro premi se that are certaini undeniatile. -Lancet.






'As a satisfactor proo that the presse e best med o the irs editio of this orla a notunmeriten, e ma observe it has been equali wel thought O in foreig countries, avin been reprinted in the Uniten States an in Germany In very respect this,ork, as an anatomica guide for the student and the practitioner, merit our,armest an most decidediraise. -Medicat Gazette.

The wor is ver considerabi improve in the present edition, and is for the firs time, illustraledwith plates these platescit is impossibi to spein to hiraly The representations of the various form os culaneous diseas are singulari accurate, and the colourin exceed almos anything, have met with in potnt of delicac and sinisti. -Britis and Fore n Medica Neview. III.

may be trul designated a splendi performance, surpassing in the artistic beaut of iis delineations and fuit equallinii thei fidelit to nature, an thing hic has et been brought out in his eoianir Orin the continent. e caniscarcet speah to strongi of the merit of this,ork. -Britishand Fore n Medica Neview. The drawings appea torus to e executex ith great care, an admirabi fitte to assis diagnosis, and to familiarige the praetitioner,ith the species characters of diseases of the skin. -Medicat Gazette. ' have neve besore seen a wor more beautifulingot up both a regard the typograph and theoxecution and colouring of the plates Even Aliberi' grand wor siniis into the hade when placed by the fide of that ostr Wilsonys. -Lan et.