장음표시 사용
. . . ut while, thias e large pon the merit of the wor a sui table to the wants of the student, we Dei equali warrante in recommendi nil to the perusal of the practitioner a fulsilling the intention Of the author in heini a shori, ut complete account of modern surgery; containing verything thatis essentia to the right understandin oscit principies, and embodying the experience of the Ughest authorities a to the best rules O practice. Lancet. H. FERSUS SON, F. R. S.
Professor Fergusson 's,ork,, Dei persuaden, willi a great a favourit ascit deserves for it com-hines the powerfui recommendations of heapnes and elegance uitli a clear, ound and practical treaiment of ever subject in Surgica Science. The illustrations by Bagg, are admirabie-in hi verybest style. -Edinburg Iourna of Medica Science.
I ea considenti recommen thi Work DOm myown persona experienee, to all,liolare destrous ofobtaining instructio in analysis for it simplicit an usefulness, and the facilit with whicli it ma beapprehended. -Baron Liebig. R. FORS ES, T. R. S.
The author of this Manual has made a valu te addition to the existing orlico chemistry by offering the student an accurate compendium of the state of chemicat science, et illustraled by appropriate and neatly executed woo engravings. -Medico-Chirurgica Neview. 'An admirabie exposition of the present state of chemica science, impi an clearly Written, and displayinia thorough praetica linowledge of iis delatis, as ellis a profound acquaintance with iis principies. The illustrations and the whole getting-umof the book, merit ou highest pratse. -Briti8handiore n Medi a Neview.
The seld whicli the author has gone ove is one of the ulmos interest. Η has embrace at theleading facts of the subjeci, and made them to bearispo his principes argument. ne great merit Ofth book an fuit os promis a far a the author is concernen asin manis science, is that althoughdealing illi facts hicli might have tempto bim into asty an strikin generaligations, he has preferre treadinicautiousty long the pathis inductive science. -Athenoeum.
The Author, having ad ample opportunities of ascertaining the dissiculti e whicli Oppos the tu dent' progress in the stud of Analysis has endeavoured in the present,ork to obviat these, a muchus possibie, by simpliwing the course of study. his is reali a valvabioli tile book Wo have notrior a long time me uitli an introductor manualwhichis completelffulsit iis intention. -Atheninum. R. GAVIN.
his volume combines, in an eminent degrest amusement Wit instruction Theclaws and properties of thos wonderfui and mysterious agents-heat, light electricity galvanism, an magnetiSm ore appropriatet discussed and thei influenceis vegetation noticed. e would speciali recommen it toyouilis commencing the stud Os medicine, both as an incentive to thei natura curiosity, and an introduction to severat of thos branches of science whicli ii necessarii Soon occup thei attention. Britis an Forevin Medica Neview.
This volum is writte in a luci style, an deserves the attention Lever medicat practitioner. Edinburg Medicat an Surgica Iournal.
eloth, S. se lae convinced that the atroad high reputatio of th author,illie increased by this contribu Stion O practica surgery, and w oarnesti recommon maticock onmernia to the consideration Otho the senior and junior member of our profession. -Lan Ut. se confidenti recommend the examinationis these opinion to ou readercas th0S ODa talented Praetica Surgeon, and we thinii that se author os latebear have come helare the medica public Willi Such claim to an attenti vesperusal of thei labours. -Provincia Medicat Iouruat.
'The viexus fir Ηood are, to a reater extent than is usuali imagined horno uti ali the est late writers who have see much practice monichildren. The wOrk is purei a praetica one, an is a valvabie contribution to ou knowledge. -Edinburg Medica an Surgica . urnal.
This,or contain an extende account of typhoid and typhus evers the result os a long investigatio undertaken by the Author in his capacit o physici an to the evermospital The pathological investigations of Dr. Jenne are a valvabie contribution to the subjeci. -Lancet. R. HARTON MONES, T. R. S.,
'The worti presenis, in a compendious Orm a complete an correct view of the present state of Ophthalmologica science and res such, e strongi recommen it to the attentioni professional readers. -Minburis Medicul an Surgica . urnat. Me an assure student that the cannot meet,ith a liand-book on his subjeci that is more ablyor more carefult written. - Medicat Gazette. Me entertain litti doubi that this,ork villiecome a manua lar ait referetice an consultationby the student an genera practitioner. -Britis an Forein Medica Neview.
The volum is copiousi illustraled by cases, hicli ho ali the Protean effect that have been observet to follo spermatorrhaea. The translatio is credit te to r. M Dougali; he has arefullymoide anything like empiricism, and has treate the subjectis it hould e realed by a professionalman destrous O improvinisurgica practice. -Medicat Gazette. Me expressiti opinion, thatir M Dougali' translatio of s usem a Work wil prove os reat service to the profession f this country by recalliniattention to a toO-neglecte subjeci. -Medico-Chirurgica Neview. H. LA HENGE F. H. S.
he peculiar advantage of the freatis of r. Lawrenceris that he explain his iewton the anatomyo hernia ann the different varieties of the diseas in a manne whicli render his book peculiari usefulto the student. It must e superfluous t expressiur opinionis iis value to the surgica practitioner. As a treatis o hernia, presentinia complete vie of the literatur of the subjeci, it stand in the firstranti. -Edinburgh Medica an Surgi a Iournat. OR. HUNTER NE, F. . S.
more instructive to the juvenile practitione than a scor of systematic mores. -Lancet. Milli consulted by every accoucheur,ho practises his ari Wit the eat whic it meriis. -Medicat Gazette. An invalu te record for the practitioner. -New ork Annalist. This admirabie book of precedents. -Boston Medicat an Surgica Iournal. a storehous os valvabie facts and precedents. -American . urna of the Medicat Scien es.
Q conclusion it is scareel necessar to repent ou earnes recommendation Os r. iston s Work. Havinio a forme occasion expressest urselves strongino the subject we canini ad that the present edition is, ascit shouldie even more orthyis our prais than iis predecessors It is a uide to thealvanee student, and a suggesting practical observations of the highest value to the practitioner, it sunsurpassed. -Britis an Forevin Medica Neview. mis Praetica Surgery beinia recordis his own peculia experience, Obtainexa rapid sale. Dem- hodie his plans and modes of procedure more speciali in operations an is undoubtedi one of themos important contribution to the literatur os practica surger in the Englis language. -Memoiros Liston. thenoeum.
VATUR OF THE SPINE; 6intinx ut the Advantages t be gained by placing the Bod in a position to produce Latora Flexion of the Vertebra Column combine Ciththo after applicationis Firm Mechanica Support. Ivo cloth, 6s.
Me would wisti that this reatis o latera curvatur of the spine were generalty read since muchignorance prevatis concerning the subjeci, and consequently it present an amplo sield for the quack, and an opprobrium to the profession. -Lancet. . LUGO L.
'Although addressed especiali to studenis it contains almost ali the information upo these matters whicli the practitione requires. -Dublin Medica Press.. The author musti admittexto have attaine his object in presentinia convenient bedside companion. -Dr. Nanking s Abstract. R. MASON,
Me express the gratification, have derive Do the perusal of this,ork, whicli is vidently the productionis an accomptished physician who has eat usi an successsuli devotest himself to the investigatio of the diseas of hicli it reais, and who promise fullyrio suppor the reputatio of the historicali great nam in Our professio Whic he inheriis.-Lancet. H. NAS MYTH, . . S. V. G. S. F. R. O. S.
l. Division and Classes of the Animal Kingdom. 2. Classes an Ordor of the Vertebrate Sub-kingdom. 3. Classes of the Vegetable ingdom, accordinito tho Natural and Artificiat Systems. 4. ablo of the Elements With thei Chomica Equivalent and Symb0ls. R. NUN ELEY.