Fontes prosae numerosae

발행: 1909년

분량: 93페이지


분류: 시학





THIS titile volum is intende so the se os students

attendin a Oursem lectures,llicli I propos to give ponthe metrica element in Latin Prose. In rawin it p have made se os various orti by recent,riters and I destre to express m specia obligation to Norden's Alitiae Ritns ros and wo articles of . Meyer homwhicli severat of the passages are alien I have notinserte specimens frona Cicero' speeches, since these Willhe in the hand of m ClaSS. In case his volume ma sal into the and os readers whorare o familiar illi the resulis os recent investigations in his subject, I hinti it wel to stateras brieficas possibi the main pol ni involved. The deliberate se of metrica seet in prose in orde toproduce rhythm is state by ancient authors to have originaled illi Thrasymachus os Chalcedon, ho recom

Isocrates, who relie sor his effect chiosi upon the figures(σχήματα o Gorgias, vi g. antithesis, clauses os equa longilian homoeoteleuta-whicli, accordinguo Cicero, orna parto the Orcturitis raneretis-also employed nunter in the Stricter sense. In Demosthenes the metrica element is more prominent. His avourite mot throughout the sentenc is the cretic ), whichras ancient critic potiatout is the metrica equivalent os the paeon, hil a theend of the period, o clausula, the Oubie trochee )or dotibi sponde is most requent. In later riter theρυθρῖοί ecome constant anil monotonotis: the Asiaticschoo in particular,ere so lanxos the dotibi trochce thal



The Romans adopte the se os numeri in proSe, and carrie it to greate tengilis Cicero endeavoured to laydown rules for numerosa compositio, but these are omeWhat desultory, and he oes not appea to have graspe thegenera principies by Which he was unconsciousi guided. Zielitasti has horun that in his speeches, per cent of the clausulae-in whicli, accordincto Cicero' teaching the numeretis is Speciali prominent-consist os the ollowing

He explain these a consistin os a cretic o in arundo a molossus a base, fossowed by a trochai cadenc os

are thos most frequently used by Demosthenes, who also employs ornaria , the ouble cretic Zielinsiti old thatali herether form used by Cicero a be brought under the operation of the fame principie, and has invented an ex- ceed ingl ingenious System os nomenclatur and classification. Ibould refer hos readers,ho do not posses his

Cicero's use of unigri, though disdaine by strict Atticisis like Caesar, archaist like Sallust, and the historians, Liv an Tacitus, was generali adopted, and therules ere applied illi increasin rigidity. The climax may be een in the metrica prose of Symmachus, in Whichthe sentences are made u os a number of Clausulae,

chien bolongincto the three savourite formS. At the en of the taurili centur accent egan to SUP- plant quantit both in Greeli an Latin Meyer has dis- covere a curious la by hicli it hecam the rule in Greeli Prose hom this time onward that betare the last



accente syllabi in acti sentenc there must erat east two generali two o mur, more raret three unaccented syllabies The favourite clausulae no Are

laeside disparillae . The first os these a styled by mediaevalwriter the cursus sonus, the secon cursus tardetis, and

the thir cursus elox Al three exhibit the operationos Meyer' law, vig. that there is an intervallas Nore laurun accented syllabies between taedast two accented syllabies in the sentence so that this rule also hold good o Latin . At the en os the eleventi centur the employment of the cursus was SystematiZed by Iohanne Caietanus, aster-ward Gelasius II, at the order of Urban II, an minuterules Nere drawmu in the wel fili century by Gregory VIII. The solus Gregorianus no hecam traditiona in the RomIn curia and was mPloyed by ecclesiastica writers, e g. in Papa Bulls It was alSo sed in metrica prosedown to the en of the murteenth century with the Renaissance the nowledge os quantit revivei and thecursus a rejCcte a barbarous. The rhythmica proseos the id die ages casexto Nisi, anxiis connexion Niththe metrica system rom hicli it ad Prun remat nedunnoticedrenti recent XCarS. ALBERT C. CLAR Κ.







