장음표시 사용
equivalenis A trisyllabie, is paroxytone e g. timcris, is a spondeeandis half, i proparoxytone e g. negligens or mulus, i a dactyl. long word likeraxcommunicationis consist os laur spondees Rulesare vivendor the composition o a sentence. It is est o begi Witha sponde followed by a dactyloe g. Deus cmnium It is allowable toemplo continuous pondees, but not dactylS, . g. negligens Amulus dliquis, Since this mahes the movementato rapid. The ast Nord in the sentence hould e precede by a dactyl e g. gduna perdenhe, a canon hic is obviouslcidenticat illi thesule o Terentianus Maurus, who vives that place to the cretic the quantitative predecessor of the dactyl e g. gaudium semenire. The examples vive by Gregor belon to the cursus lanus and Belox Rules for the cursus tardus are added by his contemporar Transmundus, Vice-Chancelloro the Roma Church. large number of treatises based on that os Albericus ruere composed in Ital and elSemhere. Hugo o Bologna c. IIa repties tothos who Alberici monachii ri eloquentissimi librum et ficiant, probablyreserring to Albertus of Samaria an others horaenounce those
scholasticos seu grammaticos dictatores qui di clamita more metrorum setisti ramorum cursitare siste claudicare coegerunt'. Bonum o Floretice(c Ia Io wrote 'or calle Candelabrum, the object os,hichbast give populo dudum in tenebris ambulanti lucidissimam dicend peristiam. Eoncam pagnuS, alSo os Florenceric Iaao , mole an encyclopaedicruork, the various book of whicli ad sancisu names suchis Oliva. Cedrus, Myrra, Rota Veneris Thomas of Capua, hancello to Gregor IX Iaa - IJ, wrote a Summa dictaminis secundum Curiam Romanam A minorbor by Galfridus de Vino Salvo deserves mentio sor his verse modellexo the eginning of the sirs Georgicae
vobis reseram quo Sidere veStrum dictamen lucere queat, quo clauSula POSSit lascivire gradu.
The mund imitator in ther countries. Thus in German we have the Saxonica summa prosarum dictaminis, in hic liberare told praecipua sit industria dictaturo ut stilum qui Romanus dicitur teneat et obsertiet Ludolphus o Hildesheim gives nemoni rules for thethree tam of the cursus. Conradus o Mure de arte prosandi distinguishes prose hom verse in the olloWin lines Vultque venire metrum tanquam domicellula compto Crine, nitente gena, Subtili corpore, forma Egregia.
lli Roman vig that of Oileans. Ne have an ars dialonis Aurelianensis illi letters so the se os Bishops of Orleans, an Poncius Provincialis ia oo-5o , ho live at Orteans, is a riter elongingto his school. The Italia dictatores carrie on a fierce polemicagainst thei brother of Orleans Boncompagnus rote, he telisus, in orde that ibi sciolassici ter falsam et superstitiosam Aurelianensium id est Gallicorum, Sententi iam, ranquam ct rct rite . . .
formam Sanctorum Patrum, Curiae Romanae et imperialis aulae stilum frosaico dictamine studerent imitari Thomas os Capua speah in similar termS. I do no professo have grasped the exaci potnis where the Orieans schoo fel into heresy. Bonum os Florenc Sus, sed hoc aliter ab Aurelianensibus, aliter a Sede Mostolica obserueantur. Aurelianenses enim ordi non dictiones fer maginarios accitos et
SpondeOS. . . . NOS erum Secundum cuctoritatem Romanae Curiae frocedemus quia dilus eiu cunctis lanior inυeni Iur. his, however, is
no at ali clear, since me find that Gregor VIII ound his Forma dictandi upo imaginar spondees and dactyls. I should suspectathatthe disserences Nere invisibi exceptato contemporar expertS, WhoSeacutenes may be See stoma repl o Innocent III Pope iis 8-Ia I 6 :- Litteris ipsis diligenter inspectis ipsi rescripsimus eas tam ex dictamine quam quod a Stylo cancellariae nostrae di Screpant omnino
Probabi there a some professiona jealous in the matter. esin scribes rom Orieans exercising thei ari in Rome iself thus Johannes Aurelianensis a Secretarcto Alexander III Pope II 5s-81 , and the Italian dictatores may have objecte to the dumping os lareig good o their marhet. Also there a the perpetua hiction etween the Gallican Church and the Papacy.One of the mos interestin writers of this perio is Johannes
Anglicus, ho wrote in Paris se Ia o . There seem to me o reaSonsor connectinthim illi the schoo of Orleans, since there mas a laudbetween i and the Universit o Paris. He distinguishes etween three ind of si lus, vig. Gregorianus, Isidorianus, an morianus. Os the rst e says in hoc stilo considerantur sedes spondei es accli,
id est sedes cadentes ad modum pondeorum et siculorum. In stilo Amano non es obserυando sedum ciadentia se dictionum et sententiarum
coloratio'. The si iti Isidorianus is sal to e based on the Soli loquies of Isidore, in Whicli thoe clausulata correspond secundum
leoninctatim e consonantiam. his style, he says, is aue mollisus adsietatem, i. e. Sesul for Sermons He vives as an example prius legunt quam si abirent, prius Dolant quam humi currant. . . . Prius montes scandunt quadriisti quam per actes incedunt tristisi, notant ad astra nec pennas ossident.
This series of balance antitheses remindhus of the oexo et ofGorgias It is singularo find the method of the great Siciliansuddent revived in the thineenth century. The dilus Hilariantis is o calle as modesse on the hymnascribexto Hilar :-Primo dierum omnium
In this ach verse consist os mur iambics, oroas Johannes Anglicus Scans it o ab Spondees an a dactyl. He ives as an examplea leuerat he sentato the Archbishop o Paris Dan Archdeacon hosaitexto attendi synod his runs a sollows
Cum essem in itinere, tendens ad veStram sinodum, caput meum
in remitas oppressit ita scbito, quod despero rea gere Ortumque vitae tangere, nisi Dei clementia me visitare drci dum condignetur. Quare pater mitissime, vestra dignetur erillia infirmo mihi, pati meque languentem Ebecti excusatum. How different hom in laconi excuses With Whichise remo Sosamiliari
The orthodox si lus Gregorianus hecam universa in Papa Bulis, letters privileges, dispensations indulgences, an excommunicationS.It was Sed in Sermons, prayers, collecis, chantS, an graceS. ealso finxit in nonrecclesiastica literature, as I shal Sho Shortly.Belare paSSing on to ther subjecis it mill e convenient here tostate the definitions of the cursus vive by mediaeva theotist anxio explain the terminolon employed by them. Gregor does no himself emplo the term flanus, rartar, Pelox, but gives ex amples hicli sal unde the lanus and Delox Trans- mundus Speah of three kinds, vig. lanus, Delox, an ecclesiusticuS. The last of thesebas styled tardus by his successors. The cxamPles vive by Gregor Whichaelon to the cursus flanus are iam , com- Uunt an cons neter aud bo : those hicli sal unde the elo, are, Vacria semen e deere nisi dure, tu sciant ad olatum. His generalineor is that inales dictiones semper debet quasi pes ac tilus antecurrere'. It willae noticed that this exacti corresponit to the Stat mentis Terentianus Maurus a ut the sedes beata ad igned paene n
uctiso to the cretic He explains acria semenire ac dactylladowed by a paroxytone tetrasyllabie, hich may be replaced by two dissyllabies nimis di re or a monosyllabie an paroxytone trisyllabie ad olatum . Transmundus ives as examples of the ecclesiasticus orsardus the form oseiari iussi iam Aretatur in tactus. These e explain a a tetrasyllabie or monosyllabi an trisyllabie With a proparoxytone accent preceded by a Word With a paroxytone accent. Gregory's account of the two fores hicli elon to thesianus, vig audiri com cuni consurier aud bo is omeWhat confusing.He explain theseras a fina trisyllabie without mentioning that thisis paroxytone preceded by a trisyllabi or tetrasyllabie. As a matteros faci, honeven the number of syllabie: in the precedin mord is notthe determining oint, ut the paroxytone accent Thu n enasScmens, stat interdum equali heton to the cursu flanus. Recent,riters have noticed other form to whicli the dictatores didnot ive ames. Grospellier mentions the following, hici hedescribes in term modellexupon mediaeva theor :-(I tr m trispondaicus, e g. d6na Sentiamus.(a redam dispondeus dactylicus, e g. virtuti operatio. 3 o m octosyllabicus, e g. fictibus Supplicantium. medius, e g. iugiter postulat,
i precibus nostris, lavdmur critis.
The mediaeva method seems to me ver cumbrous anxit has ledio much misconception. The resulis can e state more clearly
by the hel os the symbols hic Zielinshi has invente for themetrica clausula ut of hicli the accentua is developed. Heconsider the Formas a metrica whole an distinguishes the types by means of the caesura Thus Form has sive possibie
others. His statistic Shoethat in Cicero di is the favouriae type of Forms I an a Whil his characteristic o 3. In the middie ages
I we apply this method to the les frequent types collected by Grospellier, the sest of these, si senti mus, is identica mitti Cicero's
8 e. g. iugiter p6Stulat. ii De g. fovcmur critis. 8 e. g. gaudia pervenire delox .c e g. fletibus Supplicantium. The variet of the tardus vive by Transmundus, vig Arirentur in ictus, has a minor caeSura, and is Stricti a d but os course in exilusis realexa one ord So the varieties of the velox vig. su Diant ad τolarum Where the fame explanatio applies in Oere nimis dure,are 'stricti a V and 38 . The presence of thera division is theimportant Potnt. do not is to imply that the cursus as alWays employed Stricti accordin to the rules laid down by the notarii os the Roman Curia. It is however, unmiStahabi present in a vastabod o litera itur Such as in Policraticus o Jolin os Salisbury IIIo-118o the writings os t. Thomas Aquinas Iaa5-Ia and the correspondence of Hclois and Abelard. I addi extraci rom a letter of HEloiSe:- Cum me ad temporales olim voluptates ex teres et , crebris me epistolis visitabas a , requenti carmine tuani in ore omnium Heloss- Samson bas i . Me plateae omnes, me domus Ingulae rhSonabant a . Quanto autem rectius me nunc in Deum quam tum in lil,sdinem hxcitares a . Perpende, quiam, quae cli bes ij, attende quae
postularia et longam epistolam brevi sine conesudorii .
The stylem sermons may be illustraled by t. Bernarios Clat,auc: Quam gloriosi revertuntur vict6res de practio a . Quam beati moriuntur martyres in practio a . Gaude, aeriis athidiariae , si vivis et vfncis in Domino a . Vita quidem fructuosa et victoria gloriosa(3 , sed utrique mors Sacra iure praeponitur a . Nam si beati
qui in Domino moriuntur a non multi magis qui pro Domino moriuntur a II is Stated by the experis,lio have Norhedrepon this subjectrahat the cursus began to decline unde Nicholas IV Ia 88-sa tand that itdisappeared hom Bulls in the murteenth century, excepi in the case offormulae hicli mere reproduced rom earlier documents. his, again, is an Ssertion hicli I must ahe on trusi, sinceri have no time in Whichri veris it In an case the cursus furvived in literatur in iis most exactamm, e g. in the Latin mork of ante La 65-Iga I , theletters of Petrarchri Igo - 13 thos of his friendaeola diruieneto, and the letters and de Mulieribus Claris o Boccacio. I cannot refrain hom quotin the amous letter of ante to the Florentines, hicli derives additiona interest rom the fac that . Meyer has madea certain correctio in the texi upon rhythmical groundS:
O miserrima Faesulanorum propagorii et iterum iam punstabarbaries a). An parum timoris praelibata incutiunt ax omnia vos tremere arbitror vigilantes s , quamquam spem simuletis in facie verboque mendaci I , atque in omniis expergssci plerumque I ,
Sive pave Scentes infusa praesagiaria , ive diurna consssia rhcolantes(s . Verum si crito rhpidantes s insanisse Enitet condolantes(3 , ut in amaritudinem phnitdntiae metus dolorisque riuuli crinfluant a , vestris animis infigdnda supcrsunt i quod Romane rei baiulus hic divus et triumphator Henrscus si non sua privata sed publica mundi c6mmoda stiens a , ardua queque pro nobis aggrcssus est a
Sua Sponte penas nostras pariscipan (a , tanquam ad psum post
spiritu dei revelante predsxit i , vere languores nostros ipse tulit et dolores nostros pse portavit' i . Igitur tempus amarsssime phni
tendi s vos id mere presumpt6rum 3 , si disSimulare non vultis i ,
aclo se conspicitis et . Punica barbaries a formeri printed in the sirst sine This readingyield a very doubila sense and offend against the law of the cursus. W. Meyer emend to tincta, referring to the previous destructio ofFlorencere Totita It is ver difficultato distinguisti belweens and ei murteenth-centur MSS., ut Mercati, ho has examine the Vatica MS. Whichris the sole authorit for this letter, is, opinion
revived, and the cursus mas abandonexas barbarous Thus Coluccio Salutati Say to a correspondent Who ad Writte to im a lette in whicli it was avoided Cum omnia michi placeant, super omnia michi gratum est quod more fratrum ille sermo rhythmica lubricatione non ludit non est ibi syllabarum aequalitas quae sine dinumeratione fieri non Solet, non Sunt ibi clausulae quae similiter desinant aut cadant. Quod a Cicerone nostro non aliter reprehenditur quam puerile quiddam quod minime deceat in rebus seriis vel ab hominibus qui graves sint adhiberi. Benedictus
deus quod Sermonem unum vidimus hoc femento non contaminatum et qui legi possit sine concentu et effeminata consonantiae Cantilena.
Coluccio and the other Humanisls falle to observe that theaccentua System mas based pon one o quantity, and the ari os numeros comosilio ma lost, nicto e recovere graduali during the last se IearS. The development of the Latin cursus cannot be fuit underStood thout Some consideration o a similar phenomenon hicli appears in late Gree prose. Here also in the murth centur A. D. accent,comes in dominant actor, and the rhythm dependCupo the intervat etween the accents. his discover is uera the acumenos . Meyer Who hows that hom his time onward untd the sal of the Bygantine Empire it hecam the ashion in prose sor at least two unaccente syllabies to come elare the las accent in the κωλον
This explain the remar o Psellus tot io 8 , ho States that ille rhythmos prose depend um the interva between the accentS
Ha A. D. in Whichol the clausulae elon to this Forna, o it must
22 have been considere tialde molisus ad sietatem. The Bygantine and the Latin cursus therelare exemplis the fame principie viet a tina movement', in hicli there are a least two unaccente syllabies between the laSt two accents. In the cursus planus and tardus thereare in syllabies unaccented e g. ectus humdnum, bona rem io, in the elox, e g. Dci uni meri rum there are mur. When the rst unaccente syllabi end the last ord ut ne there may be an intervalla three unaccented syllabies, e. g. tacta reserEre, CorreSPOnd- in to the three hori syllabies in the metrica Form esse idestuir I' . When Such a Nordis reserare does no occup this place, but comes aster a ProparoXytone, e g. inculum, it is reate a the Successor of the ditrochaeus. e. g. taculum reserdre, it first syllabi receiving
The two articles of Meyer hom,hicli Iriahe these observations aremos profound an illuminating. He was the rs to hom theconnexion etween the Gree an Latin cursus and the common principi on hich bothbere based, o state that motrica prose is mundexupo the cretic, anxio demonstrate the existencem a curSuae mixtus in riter like Ammianus and Vegetius. The Statemen hillierio accepte is that this cursus mixtus firStappear in the murth centur A. D. e. g. in the writings of St. AuguStine. I have recenti arrive at the conclusion that it came into existenee much earlier, and was in faci characteristic o vulgar o colloquial Latin a opposexto the Sermo urbanus. Whiled was,riting this paper, it occurretto me to glance at Some of thoS authors hos proseris consessedi not metricat, or oni partiallyso. I began wit Petronius, thinhing that it ould e interestingto See o sar the bas-monde conforme to metrica rules. In this
inquir I ad been preceded by M. mite Thomas, ho mund that,
although a number of the clausulae ere metricat, ther nere not,
an arrivexat the conclusion that the textua criticis of the authormas not likel to e duanced by suc a methodi study. I lookedfirst at Silao- 1 and mund that though severa clausulae,ere correctfrom the metrica potnt of vieW, ther Nere recalcitrant e. g. milia occupaverat, super me potitum cocum, contentus fuit recumbere, contentIone TrimalchIo, testamento meo manumitto, meam heredem facio. Others, though defensibie, ere arsh, e g. Circensibus primilmsct Um, dicensimiam e lectam recteti m.
It then occurre to me to ook at the accents The result Was
surprising Since, here the quantitie are rong, the accents are correcti placed. In orde to ho this I ad the passage illi the accent marhed, and infert in bracheta the Form to hic the clausulae belong
Paene de icctis deiccti sumus s), adeo totum triclinium amflia occupaverat Certe ego notavi super me positum cocum ij, qui de porco anSerem fecerata a , muria condimentssque fetdntem 1 . Nec contentus fuit recumbere a , Sed continuo Ephesum tragoedum coepit imitari 13 et subinde dominum suum sponsisne provocare 1' si prasinus proximis circenSibus prsmam palmam' si Diffusus hac contentidne Trimalchio a amici' inquit, et servi homines sunt et aeque unum lactem biberunt I , etiam si illos malus satus oppressit I . Tamen me Salvo cito aquam liberam gustabunt Stai. Ad
summam omne eos in testamento do manumsito x j. Philargyro etiam fundum lego et contubernalem Suam 3 . Carioni quoque insulam et iccsimam et Ectum Stratum' a tr. . The ni clausula hic does no fuit the accentua method is liberam gustabunt, hich, however gives the metrica Form S a i. e. Sponde tahes the place of the troche in the cadence . As hiatus seems norma in Petronius I ahe c simam et to correspon to themetricae Form - --, i. e. a choriambic base tr. 'efore a double
I add another paSSage S IOZ Non est dilfit sallacia a sed ad litus naulati a furtim proccssimus a , capitaque cum supercstiis a denudanda tonsori praebuimus a . Implevit Eumolpus frontes utriusque ingdntibus istieris a et notum fugitivdrum epigrammarii' per totam faciem liberali manu duxit ili tr. . Unus aerte ex vect6ribus ii re. qui acclinatus lateri navis I exonerabat stomachum nausea gravem 1 notavit sibi ad lunam tonsfrem I intempestivo inhaercntem in sigriori a , Execratusque omen a quod imitaretur naufragorum ultimum ustum ij in cubstereidctust ij. Nos dissimulata nausefintis devotioneris ad ordinem trisistiae Edimus a , silentisque comp6sitiria lacliquas noctis horas(3 male soporati consumpsimus a .
The clausula Aberdii Enti cxi I seem to correspondes o Ziel inski sForm iii tr. in hicli an epitriton - replaces a molosSus in thebasis S also Arte ex ecuribus corres nil to ii tr. in hich themme change tahes place. I have printed rei clust reiectus est S. , since this seems to have been the popular pronunciation Lindsay Latin Languaee, p. 6 3. I also give the vulgar forni insterio
ministerio S. , since this Mem demande by the rhythm The
a eviden cerior itasteritam in vulga Latin is give by Lindsay pp. 1 sand or . It is interestin to notice that in Sisa in conspectu min- strantem ij, and DII detrectator inflerita a the rhythm seem torequire the syncopaled form. Nould mention in his connexio that the vulgar pronunciation
muli re, for hicli Lindsay p. 16 3 quotes the line of Dracontius
seem to occurri Si mulie re suendare si . Caper quote by Lindsay p. 163 mentions that word endin in-c like adhuc, hac illuc, forme hom the enclitic re, Whicli avedropped thei las syllabie are an exception to the genera rule that
the last syllabi is not accented Sobe findari rem nerent de illac a , and res adhuc capillatus essem 33. I previoust mentioned that hiatus mas a characteristic o vulga Latin That this is the nil in Petronius appears hom e. g. denarios mille aureos (33 S 66 excelltate Hi Udnum 13 I do not isti to impi that ali passages iei resulis quite Sosatisfactor a the two hicli I have quoted. The inquir is asyet in iis insancy, and Lam contentrio indicate the principies involved. mouldini say that whereuer the ye resis ne ees form like cduee
mali si et igni rasso a , te gerat Ela Enus 3 , cantabundus et sulas numerori j, hicli carrctheir explanation ritte on them Since everynhere the tendenc is hom multiplicit to uniformity, it mill probablyrae mund that the cursus o Petronius is richer in formstha that o writer in the fifth centu . While the colloquia paris of the author are based on accent, the more elevate passages are metricat. I quote the following, a using Zielinshi' symbols: Grandis et ut ita dicam pudica oratio ii re. non est maculosa nec turgidaria , sed naturali pulchritudIne exsurgit I . Nuper ventosa istaec et enormis loquacitas Athenas ex Asia commigravit a tr. animosque iuvenum ad magna surgentes 1 veluti pestilenti quodam Sidere amavit i , Semelque corrupta regula ii stetit et obmutuit a j.
Ad summam, quis postea Thucyssidis itur. , quis Hyperidis ad famam processit Si a Ac ne carmen quidem sani coloris eiatuit 1' , sed
omnia quasi eodem cibo pasta I non potuerunt usque ad Senectutem