Fontes prosae numerosae

발행: 1909년

분량: 93페이지


분류: 시학



THE sophist Thrasymachus is chie fi known torus homuli mercilesscaricatures of Plato. In the Phaedrus heris depicte a thera Chalcedonia viant Rhoba putri Whole company of peopte into a paratonand out o it again by his might magica and is first-rate at inventingor disposin os an Sort o calumn o any ground or none . In the Republic herappears as a mere chil in the hand of Socrates, and resoris to insolenc in orderat couer his discomfiture Nomne could suspect that he was ne of the greatest inventor in the field o literatur that the wori has seen, Who lai down the sines upon hicli prosebas to developrior nearly two thousand years. Ne learn hom Cicero, hos informatio is dram hom Theophrastus, that Thrasymachus a theirst person who deliberatet introducedmetrica cadences into prosedor rhetorices effect Previous writer hadused Such numeri y accident ni the pleasin result mas noticedan certi cursus conclusionesque erborum Orat. Ir 8 now ecamea pari os rhetorica technique Ne also earn rom Suidas that

numeri. The theor of the period is that os a se anta sali. RoughneS is permissibi a the sentence torm iis Way onward, ut harmon muSt be restore at the excorii Later Gree writers Sethe SuggeStive term poros, i. e. Vbeat , so the en os the clause orrentence. The Latin Mord is clausula. Whereve the voice alis, a musica essec is required. The timeri coincide illi the beat anilrevea the Secret os ancient punctuation. The inventionis Thrasymachus was Supplemented by Gorgias, lio


oratorica numerus The pulsi os Thrasymachus Nere combinedmith the re pinet of Gorgias by Isocrates, of whom Plutarch says that hespent a si time o his Panegyric, pastin together antitheses and balance clauses illi similar cadences smoothin his period mithchiseis and saws and mahing them musical ρυθμιζων ' Demosthenesmahes more paring use of the roseis, than Isocrates, in hose prosethe are o ConStant a to ecome monotonous, but greatly developedihe se of polaeo . Thrasymachus had relied for effect upon the paean, a oot whicli mas thought mos suilabi lar prose, sincerit Was tuleused in verse Demosthenes preferre the cretic Which, as ancient writer potnt ut is metricali equivalent to the paean i. e. - is equa to 3. Theaeginning of the De Coronaboicscoc cooptari Wασι καί -came proverbial, and Dionysius o Halicarnassus remarhs that the proem in his, his mos caresully rillen speech, is mundedi the voe ixossus aeos. He also continuatly Se a cretichilowed by a troche or spondee the final syllabi bein regarde asanceps by ancient metrista induae,18 roseo is quote by Quintilia asan example of his mera compositiost ther avolarit endings withhimbere a doubie troche orioubie spondee. Cicero heldaim uinas an example to those ho objectato the use of numeri, saying that his lighining was orerilliantaecauserit,as,inged with numbers. SubSequent riters, speciali thos connected illi Asia, surther develope the practice of Demosthenes. The oubie troche nowbecam the favourite pos sic and was used mitti monotonous regularity:so much so that it hecam characteristic os the school. The Romans adopted herusco numeri rom Asiati teacher talare the Ciceronianera Thus in fora c. Carbo, addressing theseople, aid: Quicumque eam violassent, ab omnibus esse ei poena perSolutas. Patris dictum sapiens temeritas filii comprobavit. Cicero notes the doubie trochee, fresbluth, and say of the secondiloubie trochee, c prsidueu: Hoc dichoreo tantus clamor contionis excitatus est ut admirabileeSSet. Quaero, nonne id numenis effeceris verborum ordinem immutari ac Sic co robati, isti temeritas, iam nihil erit. Cicero nas at great pain to se forti the theor of the subject in his Orator, abor dedicate to the Atticis Brutus, an intende to convert im to the se of numeri hil his account of the origin


and object of the practice is admirabie, it cannotae said that his rulesare lucido e does no appear to have grasped the secret principies by hic he was uided These mere firet ascertaine by the patientanalysis of modem ScholarS.

Cicero the three avourite clausulae are

voecos o DemoSthenes the secon is a double creti and is identi calmith oc scocs cooptaxi the third consist o a doubie troche preceded by a creti as in the Stoc example quote hom Carbo, leti comprobati I. Zielinshi explain the three formVas consiStin os a cretic base, sollowed by a trochaic cadence of varyin tength. It may be remarhed that this is state in m man word by Terentianus Maurus c. I so A. D. , homSSim to the creti a sedes beata just betare the end of the period Rhen in clausula is completed by a troche or dactyl. Optimus pes et melodis et pedestri gloriae: Plurimum orantes decebit, quando paene in ultimo

Obtinet sedem beatam, terminet si clausulam Dactylus, Spondeu imam, nec trochaeum reSPuo. Bacchicos utrosque fugito, ne repellas tribrachyn. Plenius tractatur istud arte proSa rhetorUm.

These three form mithout an licence of an kind account sor percent of the clausulae in thera eches, Ir,so in number. He also recognires aratron tam of the has in Form 2 andri, vig. a molossus insteia os a cretici The addition of theserering the tota up tofo Per cent. Various licences are permitted the clites of whichris that an long syllabie macta replaced by two horis e. g. ESSE DILiatur. Also certain variations in the Merare pilowed, e . g. a choriambus orepitriton tr. in place of the cretio, as in Exlaud te bre, subme subscributir o the trochai cadente may be prolonge by another Syllabie, thus creatin a Form e. g. spiruum ter Escerem Thisaccount for another a per cent. r Sing the totai tomearlyrii serient. The remaining tam nee no detain us now, With the exception os Someretrihin cases in hicli, sor rhetorica essecto sponde is sed in

the cadence instea os a trochee, e . g. cctrcerem condimniati, here the

I denote the strone forma by Roman numerat, ii iii, ce. .


Zielinski has since been occupied in investigating the numeri of the colon. In a letter Whicli I received romaim a laedays agorae telis me that he has nomaone through the speeches and tabulate the cola,

Igo,oo in number, and hopes soon to publisi important conclusions.

Meanwhile the genera theor is clear rom a passage in Quintilian(ix o , Who potnt out that Some clausulae are haltin and limp istest to themselves, but are proppexu by the contexi He quotes

Non vult populus Romanus obsoletis criminibus accusari Verrem,' durum si desinas, sed cum continuatum Sit ii quae Sequuntur . . . nova postulat, inaudita desiderat. Salvus est cursus.

The harsh numeri are comparativel frequent in the cola, hile harmon is restored in the clausula I may be notice stat the periodsrequently salis into strophes, recalling the measures of lyri poetry, whicli, curiousi enough, Latin writer considere notato have a strictmetrical system This arrangement by Strophe enabies usso express symbol What Cicero termed concinnitas. Cicero' system is uniform throughout his ritings, illi the exceptio of the letters to Atticus Many of the letters ad Familiares rejus a metrica as his speeches. The Commentariolum mictionis ascribexto Quintus is, ille in the fame style. The strict Atticisis of his day, Sallust an Caesar, o no resor to numeri, and Brutus mas not convince by the Orator, hici Cicero dedicate tollim Att. xiv ao. It is interestincto notice that the Letters of Brutus, the genuinenes of Whicli has been doubted are o metricat. Among subsequent, iter I findio se of numeri in Cornelius Nepos. The practice of Liv is exacti opposite to that of Cicero. He howsa marhed partialit for the forms,hicli are leas common in Cicero, notablydor the spondat ending. In this connexio Cicero has an

illuminatin remarh orat a Ia , ursum continuone magis requirunt, expositiones rerum tardi talem i. e. Histor prefers a Spondat meaSure. The comosita os Tacitus mas intentionali harsh. e mas thewagne amon Roman composer an produce music ut o discords With these sew exceptions an Some technical orhs formhicli suci ornament a unsultabie, ali subsequent Latin authors Nere possesSed by the peli. Jus a the later Gree author tentato monotony, a compared

mitti the re measures of Demosthenes, o in Latin the tendenc is to uniformit os type This is atready visibi in the prose of Cicero. Zielinshi potnt out that in the early speeches the molossus base, in Form et andri, is almostris requent a the cretic, hil in the later


speeches the cretic is considerabi more requent. Quintilian actu lyincludes the stron sor o Camong the ad clausulae ix. Io 3, an it is notabi rare in thedounge Pliny S in the fifth centud Martianus Capella speah of the disium in Cicero frendin ad meas cassas admisero Div. in Caec. I . Thestigiit metrica prose of suchwriter a Minucius Felix c. 16 et , Si Cyprian ao set , and Symmachus 35- ao recognietes se numeri excepi Forms I, 2, 3 the creticbas in candri bein predominant , a Form , and the esse ideatur clausula I ' . Theserare used in ali the colaris,ellis in the clausula

proper the effect bein very monotonous. The exces to hicli these Writer carried herus o numeri may be

Ventilemus prisca monumenta I*j, scrutemur annales i) invenies vel talem paene ignaram fluminum quae tenetisis . Ipsi illi vates exoticis nominibus licenter ornati I , cum ad Indicum Gangen et Borysthenen Scythicum carmen extenderint et , Nigrum parem maximis ignoratione Iluerunt I*j. Nunc primum victoriis tuis externus fiuiuus publicatur a tr. gaudeat Servitute 3 , captivus innotust et . Elementis quodam modo ditatam cerno rempublIcam a , cui omnes incogniti mancipantur a , longinqua terra coniungIturria . Dum Orbis termInos quaeris I , gentium Sustulisti a . Parum quiddamnaturae Superest quod adhuc populus Romanus inquirat(13. Relabi credis imperium nisi semper accesserIt a J. Quid si impetus tuos institutio moensum non teneret g nescis transire defensi ij. Ne are in presenc os a phenomenon similar to that by whicli the Gree Hexameter tend to ecome more an more dactylic in character. The luxuriante os Homer graduali dries, and finalty in Nonnus c. oo A. D. , find that as,oo verSes iel oni nine type os hexameter, hile a per cent os his lines consist os dactyls

Sidonius Apollinaris c. 3i-8a , BiShop of Au vergne, carrie onthe tradition o Symmachus, whoSe rotunditas e prat se and ets,sore himsel as a modet. The prosod of the, accompliShed meni correctoas is to be expecte in person os thei culture. The n lydeviation whicli Symmachus ahes in the passage quoted above homthe prosod o Cicero is that he appears to Scan cernδ. Other riter, longaesore this timebrote in a very different style. Fore igners and barbarians found it extremel difficultat master the quantit os Latinvoweis On themther and the theor os the Latin accent is ver simIlle,

ille clites potnta in that ord in hich the penulti inate is long are


paroxytone e. g. per Heu, and those in Whichrit is hori are propar- oxytone. e. g. tacula orator, , 58, Quintil. i. s. as . Ne oon findStrange scansions Suchis hos of the Spaniard Juvencus c. 33o , holias laborum, laticibus, rerum, and end the hexametermitti, e g., Ir-sentat, Aerasti, &c Stili eariter, have the astonishin hexameterso the Syria Commodianus e a 383, Who begin his Instructiones illi Prima praefatio nostra viam erranu demonstrat Respectatque boni cum venerit seculi metra.

Theirst line of his Mologeticum is

Quis poterit unum proprie deum nosse caelorum Teusse says of him that lis hexameter in defiance of metre and prosody meret follow the ear and the accentuatio of very-daypronunciation . It is ni natura that the prosod os prose-writers hould exhibit simila desecis. In orde to appreciat this potnt i is necessar toconsider the relation o accent to ictus in the clausula In Cicero

It mill e observe that in the last instanc I have placed a minor accent over theirst syllabie offregeramus. his is in conformit milhali modern writers, who ho that long mord cannot e pronouncedisithout the hel o minor accents. Cf. Lindsay's alta Language, p. 161. Whil agreemen is normal, there are certain cases in hicli there is conflictoas in Zielinshi' second Form,here a molossus is has and there is no caesura, . g. νίnctalem fregerat, or Rhen the clausula endsmith an iambic dis syllabie. It is oubiles due to the tu of the accent that Martianus Capella censure Cicero Cendiri consulis et Cat. I. 23. The result of the enheblement of quantity and the tres of the accent Was to produce What somebriters have callexa cursus mixtus, a very convenient term Whicli means that Some of the clausulae aremetrical While other folioeth accent mithout regard to the quantity.All that is necessar is to have the accent in the right place Theresuit is that the metrica prose of St. Cyprian, Symmachus, and Sidonius gives Way to accentua or rhythmica prose Formo is succeeded by a rhythmicat equivalent consistin os sive syllabies e. g.


gsius Anm inunt, or et to ne of Six e g. δ na rem dia, and Formato ne os exen, e. g. Aciunt meritorum. Ne also find accentualequivalent for ther metrica clausulae, . g. ictor redit crus m FSSetiisseaturrit' and excell)entiae destrae scribere in VIImo ii re con-

This mixture os metre and rhythm is hund in various writer during the alter hal of the laurili centur3 . Some of these are Pagans, e . g. Ammianus Iarcellinu an Vegetius, ther ChriStian e. g. St. AmbroSe, St. Jerome, St. Augustine. quote the solio in specimen rom St. Jerome A. D. 33I- 2o , Episties xxiii. I mar the clausulae by accents excepi in the case of

two viZ. velorum chori S and Ialmatum consulem, hichire metrices, and do no give a clausula by the ther method. In severat cases accent and metre agree, ther are purei accentUal.

Nunc igitur pro brevi labore aeterna beatitudine fruitur a , excipitur angelorum chori (a , Abrahae sinibus confoveturris et cum piupere quondam Ligarori ) dsvitem purpuratumris , et non palinatum consulem ii sed atratum stillam digiti minoris cmit inqusrereri et . O quanta rerum mutatiori a j Ille qui ante paucos dies dignitatum omnia culmina pr1eceddbat a , qui quasi de subiectis hostibus triumpharetris , Capitolsnas ascendit arces 3 , quem plausu quondam et tripudio populus Romanus excepitrii , nunc desolatus et nudus si non in lacteo caeli palatio a , ut uxor mentstur in lix ij sed in sordentibus idnebris chntinctur 3 .

do no sin any systematic se os clausulae in his translation os the New Testament.

St. Augustineri 35- so says of his own practice ego in m et squio a quantum modeste seri arbitror a non praetermitto istos

numero clausularum rig). In another passage, Rhen commentingupo the Episti to the Romatas xiii I , he says that is the Latin translator ad sto opexto such artifices e could have producedri clausula numerosior, ut that he preserredri Lee the oriter os the original. In the cour, os his remarhs, he ingle rhythmicat Orms e. g. locutus psilotas a , crrere numer se a , mili metrical e. g. liccb bnut i , inrauare non audeb et . The prose of the Syrian Ammianus Marcellinus 33o- oo is muchmore accentua than that o Jerome, a the solio in specimen illshoe xvii et, a) Rex regum Sas,or Particeps silerum et , rater diis et Lunae

si , Constantio Caesari ratri in oris salutem plurimam scorii .

Gaudeo tandemque mihi placet ad optimam sam te rhverissseria


Ia et incorruptum aequitatis agnovssse suffragium a rebus ipsis cx-

pdrtum i , pertinax alieni cupsditas a quas aliquotiens edsderit strages ij. Quia igitur veritatis oratio a soluta esse Ebet etlmeraria et celsiores fortunas I idem loqui decet atque sentire i , propositum dum in pauca conferam reminiscens haec quae dicturus sum me saepius rhplicasse s . Ad usque Strymona flumensi et Macedonicos lines 1 tenvssse maiores dos a tantiquitates quoque udstrae testantur I , haec me convenit flagitareris , ne sit adrogans quod adlirmoris , Splendore virtutumque ins nium scrie(a vetustis regibus Intistantem g . The Sermons of Leo I Poperas A. D. are rhythmicat s also is

the Leonine Sacramentary, Whicli, whateverrit authorShip is of great interestris the oldest collectio of this kind. his may be eendromone of the sirst Collecis :-Tuas enim Domine virtutes tuasque victorias Idmiramuris , quoties

in Eccldsi Tua r horum dierum Ssta celebrantur 1' , quos insignes consessorum tuorum I et martyrum palmae 1 ad percn-nem memoriam a solemndmque laetstiam a fidelibus populis a cra-vdrunt 3 .

The prose of Boethius 8 sa seems to me os specia interest. His theologica writings are in the usua cursus mixtas Thus in the de Trinitate I findiuch endings as cmerum facitur , luralitatemque permicere a Dcitant niuersurum 33 untiarum repetitio a' . On themther hand his Philosophiae Consolatio, miserere is modeliin himself upon Cicero, is metrical This is interestingos howing that it was possibie for ne riter to se both methods. The metrica clausulae pre- dominate in the methologicon o Fulgentius ( 8o-sso , ut I sindaccentua ending suchis cuius oblucrum si, collegi nc donemr a . Cassiodorus ( 8-5 5 writes in a cursus mixtus complicate byaSSonance and rhyme. Gregor of ours 538-5s ywrites accentuat prose in Whicli the metrica element is recognigabie. The letters of Gregor the Great s -6o Lare considerexto markthe fuit development of this mixed style. I quote the fossowin specimen I. Io : Supplicaverunt nobis Hebrae Tarracsnae degdntes ij ut locum quem synagogae hactenus 1bucrunt a , eum illis nostra quoque auctoritate esset abdndi liccntia a . Sed quia pervenit ad nos quod locus ipse sic vicinus Esset ecclasiae a ut etiam ad eam vox psallcntium servensret a , scripsimus fratri et coepiscopo 6stro Petro a ut si esset ut vox de eodem loco in ecclasiam resonaret

a , Iudaeorum celebrationibus privaretur a .


Various riting os this period e. g. the Sermons of St. Innocentri, St. Boniface, an St. Gaudentius, the Promessio Fidei of achiariis MonachuS, c. are quali rhythmicat. It is the opinion of the speciali sis vlio have orkedipon his branchos the subjeci that rhythm in prose fel into abeyance, ut this time.Thus the Benedictines of Solesmes say thata a parti, de saltat Grego rele Grancer time semble exiger Iour quatre si ecles de lauros si Orci re'. The Statemen is ne of great importanc sor liturgical StudentS, Sincerit enabies them torax the date of old rhythmica texis. have not attemptexto hec it, since this ould involve much labour,

and deel that the question hould e testato experis. I Would onlyremar that a Decree passe at the Synod o Toledo in sa, omesist years after the death os Gregory, is quote by . Meyer a an example os accentua prose. Also, I hould have thought it helythat the old tradition nould survive in ome places. As we hal See Shortly it Was revived mur centuries lateranteacher proceedin homMonte Cassino, and I should have thought it more lihely that the artha lingere on there, than that it ad been holly lost. Is oncelargoiten it,ould in ali probabilit have been lost sor ver I also

notice in the letters of Servatus Lupus, ho mas educate a Fuldaand was Abbotre Fer thres hom 8 iri his deathi ut twent years later, a cursus hicli I cannot distinguisti homolia current in the Seventi century quote the beginning of his firs letter:-Diu cunctatus sum desideratsssime h6minum et , auderem necne excellcntiae vcstrae scrPere Et cum me ab hoc officio aliae rationabiles causaerii , tum etiam eo misime deterrebat a , quod Sse id conisngere videbatur a , ut, dum vestram cuperem amicstiam comparareris , osscnsam incurrerem a . Scilicet quod praepropero et inuSitato prorsus ordInerii tr. ab ipso familiaritatis munere inchoaverim qui nec primordia notstiae contigsssem 33. Here at the clausulae appea to e accentuat, illi a Single e XCePlion, Whicli, however, admits of a metrica explanation, hein identical With a variet os Zielinshi'. Form i. e. an epitriton mia is admitted into the has in place os a molossus Should the retare, liherio se some surther discussion os thi potnt. Ne no passis to the revivalis the cursus in the leventi Cetuury, heri it Was adopte by the Roman Curia and was the Sullaec os elaborate ruies. The prose os illis period was larget epistolary Bythis I mea notam e rei private letters, ut elaborate and courti com-Pobitioncsentato ecclesiastica dignitaries, and diplomati docvnients Proceed in hom the Papa Chancery The sua term so Such com-


position vetas di clamen, riter mere calle dictatores, thei ari Wasknown as ars dictatoria, an handboohs iving the rules Ner styled summa dictaminia These realises deat with a variet os subjecis,e. g. the proper method os addreSSin a correspondent, the choiceo subjecis and their arrangement, rules sor the exorditam, rictrriatio, conclusio, and generat insormationis an encyclopaedic character Thedictatore mere ver long-winded thus a sua phras for disten isties rae probitatis agnoscat discretio They also us mord sola rectius ei bonae sonorimus causa. The ope is to addres various personSaccordin to their Status. To ordinar persons e send salutem et Oostolicam benedictionem, to the excommunicatech says siritum conscisi soni is toseis an heretios iam agnoscere Aristatis Rulessor the rhythmicat order are give in severat of these morks, and the

come into use. It may be observed thata planus is used in the senseos' ordinad', justras cantas lanus denotes plain son in the liturgya oppoSexto elaborate compoSitionS. The first wor o the Ars dictandi Nas the restarium de dictam eos Albericus, written a Monte Cassino Io 5 IIIo . He oes notgive rules for the cursus, ut employs it throughout an Says that prose liould e sonoram et distinctam, id est quasi currentem. When Urba II vas elected ope in Io 88 he mento Monte Cassino, here Albericus a teaching, and chos as his SecretaryJohannes Caietanus in order that antiqui leporis et elegantiae Stylum in sede apostolica iam pene omnem deperditum Sancto dictante spiritu Iohannes Dei gratia

resormaret ac leoninum cursum lucida velocitate reduceret.

The phras Leonine has here been interprete a meanin in thestyle of Leo the Great, but more probabi it refers to the rhythmicat

natur of the prose in question Thus nother riter se the Nord

Caietanus subsequently hecam Pope in III under the nam os Gelasius II. The cursus is mund suli develope in his own lettersas mellis those hichae ad rittendo Urba II, and was adopted by his Successors Thesules mere published by Albertus de Morra,vhonecam Pope in II 8 under the nam os Gregor VIII. romthi time onmard the term dilus Gregorianus is Sexto denote thalused by the notaries os the Curia. Gregor VIII adopis the mediaeva viem that ever dissyllabie,

Whatevertat quantity, is a pondee e. g. miare, Iraebe, amia, Romia are