Fontes prosae numerosae

발행: 1909년

분량: 93페이지


분류: 시학


canescere ii . Pictura quoque non alium e tum fecit ij, postquam Aegyptiorum audacia itur. tam magnae artis compendiariam invenit I . I nex looked at Vitruvius, vilios Latinit is known to have afinities mitti the sermo et ulgaris. Some of his linguisti peculiarities are sostrihin that UsSin attempis to ho that the wor de Archi sectura cannot have been writte during the Augusta period, ut during the decadent of the Latin language an it transition to the Romance

sHos A this appear tore rhythmicat, I mar the accents and addi brachet Zielinsvi' symbol for correspondin metrica FormS:- Ahius autem quae proxima fluminibus spis procreaturrit' et minime materie utilis videtur habet in se egrcgias r1tiones 33. Est enim aere et igni plurimo thmperata a , non multum terrcno umore

paulo(3 . Itaque in palustribus locis 1 infra fundamenta aedificiorum palationibus crcbre lixaris , recipiens in se quod minus habet in corpore liquoris Virum permanet immortalis ad aethrnitatem a tr. et

SUStinet immania pondera structurae et sine stiis conscrvata j. Ita quae non poteSt extra terram paulum tempus durare I , ea in umore obruta permanet ad diuturnilitem (33. Est autem maxime id considerare Ravcnnae i , quod ibi omnia opera et publica et privata a sub fundamentis eiusadneris habent palos 3 .

ThebaSSage is certaini no metricat, an seem to exhibit the Same Phenomena a thos visibi in the prose of Petronius With the exception O the clausulanilitas come dat which does no sal in Withan SyStem untes Re conside it a rhythmica equivalent to Zielinski's P ori Should not however, e incline to accepi UsSing's theor concerning the date of the realise, but hould preserto SuppoSe that it is a specimen os accentua proferas,ritte by Plain sol in the AuguStan era. Another author hom I examilie was Frontinus. The works attributexto him are aureatis De quis tirbis Romae, rit te in i A. D. ,

an a book on militar stratagems Strategematicon , of hicli thetaurili book is possibi a composition os a later date. Ictive thetallowin citation rom the sirst book of the boletematon, b. 6: Ventidius Parthico bello adversus Pacorum dgem ij non ignarus Pharnacem quendam natisne Cyrrhcstem si ex his qui socii videbantur a omnia quae apud spsos agercnturrit' nuntiare Parthis resiliam barbari a si utilitates suas convertit ij. Nam quae maxime seri cupi bat a , ea vereri se ne acc silerentiu e timebat a , ea ut evenirent optare simulabat i Sollicitus itaque ne Parthi ante


Cappadocia trans Taurum abcbat I , studiose cum proditore egit, uti sollemni perfidia Parthis suaddret I per Zeugma traicerent excr-citum it r. . qua et brevsssimum ster est a et demisso alveo Euphratem decurrit I : namque si sila vensrent i adseverabat se opportunitate collium usurum ad eluddndos sagittiriositi' , omnia autem vereri 1 si se infra per patentis campos proiecssSent utrochaeus . Much of the reatis de aquis is o technica that it can hardlybe sed for this purpose. I quote, however, the folio in hom

Sentit hanc curam imperatoris piissimi Nervae prsncipis sui si , regina et domina orbis inises I , quae terrarum da conssstit, i cui par nihil et niui secundum i , et magis sentiet salubritas eiusdem

aetdrnae urbis a , aucto castellorum, operum, munerum et lacuum numero a nec minus ad privatos commodum ex incremento beneficiorum esus diffunditur a . Armed illi these clues I finalty looked a Cicero' Letters to

Atticus, hicli are considered by ali critic noto exhibit those metrica clausulae hicli characterige his the works. I selecteda letter hicli has always seeme to me the mos private in the collection, vig. iv. 5, in hicli e unbosom himself concerning thepainful incident of the παλινωδια after the Conference of Luca Mysu riserias great he I found that thebl usulae appea to be

Sed valeant recta, vera, hondsta conssita a , non est credibile quae sit perfidia inrastis princspibus a , ut volunt esse et ut essent Si quicquam abdrent dilirii . Senseram noram inductus, relictuS,

proiectus ab iis i , tamen hoc eram animo a it cum iis in re publicae consentdiem 3 iidem drant qui fuerant a . Vix aliquando te

auctore resspui a . Dices ea tenus te suasssse ut iacerem a , non Etiam ut scriuerem a tr. . Ego me hercule necessitatem mihi volui

imponere huiuS duae coniunctidnis 3 , ne qua mihi liceret labi adsitos 1 qui etiam tum cum misereri mei debent non ddsinunt inviddre(s . Sed tamen modici fuimus Wooco c. 3 ut Scripsi erimus uberiores si et ille libdnter accspiet a et ii subringentur qui villam me moleste Nint habererit quae Catuli fueratria , a Vettio meemssse non cogitant a): qui domum negant oportuisse me abdificares ij, vendere asunt oportussse s . Sed quid ad hoc, si quibus sententiis dixi quod et psi probarent i , laetati sunt tamen me contra Pompei voluntatem dixisse ij. Finis. Sed quoniam qui nihil possunt ii me nolunt amire i , demus operam ut ab iis qui possunt diligamur 'o .


Dices vcssem iam prsdem' i . Scio te voluisse et me Sinum germanum sussse 1 . Here the ni clausula hicli vives an dissiculi is qui possum

diligamur, hicli, howeversis metricali correct - - i. e. iii orthe ditrochaeus may be regarde a suffcient in iiseis. In As eram Enimo illo hiatus as in vulga Latin and regarieram a unaccented( . LindSay, p. 6 , ho Say that erat, erit, c., ere unaccentedor accented accordin to the caprice of the writer .

Other letters at whicli I looked appeare to confirm his analysis. O covis Cicero continuali drops into his metrica style. Thus in I. I 6, a very private letter of Whichae sus inari, in ea raresertimestituta quam nolo his gile goe on to refer ora tost speech anduses metrica clauSulae .

I add the following passage homo letter o Caelius, Fam viii. 6 3 Pompeius dicitur valde prorippio l1borare s , ut etiam putent alteram utrum de filiis ad te missurum ij. Hic nos omnes absolvimus et et hercules consaepta omnia fodda et inhonesta sunt ). Consules autem habemus summa diligisntia a adhuc s. c. nisi de feriis Latinis nullum facere potucruntris Curioni nostro tribunsitus conglaciatria . Sed dici non potest quo modo hic milia iaceant et . Nisi ego cum tabernariis et aquariis pugnarem p veternus cirufitatem occupasset a tr. . Si Parthi vos mi calliciunt a , nos non nihil lasgore rigdscimus a tr. . Tamen quoqu6modo potuit a sine Parthis Bibulus in Amano nescio quid cohorticularum arnssit i).

The ni clausula here hicli calis sor comment is a drisis fu-gndrem. his may e regarde as equivalent to Zielinsvi' mi rare Form in hicli a dactyl appear in thenas in place of the initia trochee. For the accent os quoqucmodo LLindSay, P. 16s, It wouldae a long tas to examine the prose of Cicero' correspondent an determine hether the write metricatly rhythmically, or in either Style. The letters of Plancus are of course metrica liheth elaborate compositions os Cicero himself,hen writin to Lentulus. shori letter os Pompeius at whicli I have lanced Att. viii. II. A, appear tore rhythmical hom suci clausulae a uer ab re, roscisci Cominio, coistibus subsequi Lucctiam Gias, tutissimo fur Are. find ei ther metre nor rhythm in theaurried dispalchre Caesar to Oppius, Att. x. a. A, o in the elaborate letter os Antonius, Att.

I, id conclude his investigatio by a se remar, iam thenatur os the Latin accent an iis relation to the Gree, The Gree


accent Wa one o pitch, at an rate in classica times, o that there mas no conflictabetween accent an quantity At a later date it,cam one of Stress Thus accent is ahen into account in the verseos Eabrius, and in the murth centur A. D. a Meyer has potnted ut, it hecam the regulatin principi in prose. In the case of Latin the facts are Wholi different. It is clear homo variet os considerations, suchis the syncope of unaccented voweis, vowel changes, the horten- in of the vowel in unaccente final syllabies, and the accentuation of the Romance angvages, that the original accent Was ne of StreSS.

This is also evident in the indigenous Saturnian metre, hic ibas essentiali rhythmicat To quote Lindsay's description of this p. 1283, the line consiste of two alves, therars of whicli containe seven syllabies illi three accents, ne alway on the rst syllabie of the line, hile the secon hal containe Six syllabies With two accents. He distinguishes betnee tW tyPES, vi Z.

e. g. Ebuni milium Mefelli aenio oeetae e. g. rim a incedit Cereri Prose , sina su er. When the Romans adopte the Gree quantitative metres, the influence of the accent in hortentia unaccente syllabies is seen insuch lines of Ennius as rei tres nam sibi quisque domi Romanus habet fas and in various matures of Plautine verSification. The Latin langvage ein essentiali rhythmicat was ill suile tothe quantitative system Thus kutSch say Die Natur de latetni- schen prache is star undactyli Sch', an has hoWn the various devices by whicli the poets adapte it to the Hexameter mi Ochrim I. d. omn.- . Isos, P. 68 . There Nould appea to have been a perpetua Struggle to esse the conflictaeiween accent an ictus mit the result that certainrending to the Hexameter and Pentameter

hecome Conventionat There remained hoWever, conStant colliSion, as

may be see homuliererat line of the Aeneid. Arma frumque cdno Uiae qui frimus ab oris. So the disyllabi at the en of the Pentameter, though possibiySmoother than Some therrendings, causes a perpetua conflict. r. Robert Bridges consider that the music o Latin verse is assisted by theSe discords, Since, i accent an ictus always agree, the effecthecomes monotonous his mayae true, but I Mould potnt out that


there is no suci conflictai Gree verse, an no one Nould say that this asses musica than Latin Certaint this a no the view of the Romans themSelVES. While the interna evidence hom clearly that in Latin accent Wasoriginalty one of Stress it is equali indisputable that the Latin gram- marians se term Whichire inconsistent With the explanation. Cicero, Varro, and Quintilia are unanimous in speahing of pitch ηocis altitudo, ocis astigium, c. , and Se preciSel similar term whendescribin the accent in both lan ages. It is usual o suppos that the borrowe Gree term Without noticin the essentia disserencebetween the two Systems, ut his cannotae considere di satisfactodexplanation. Prof. F. F. Abboit os Princeton has recenti madeo suggestion hichappears to me mos illuminatinc Classica Philolo , sol, p. -6o . his is that when the Romans took ver the Gree metres, the Gree pitch-accent was also adopte in the sermo urbanus, hileth native treSS-accent Survive in the sermo ulgaris. Thisbould explain the language used by the grammarians, lio rote ni soreducated eople and did not concern themselves illi the talk of the vulgar, and the ac that syncope an vowel reduction mere chiestymund in the sermo flebeius. In epicto the objectio that oratorswho did notaus the popular accent,ould notabe understood by themaSSes, e ma potnt ut that the Same objection Ouid appi to theemplo ent of the sermo urbanus iiself, whichisa essentiali artificiat in vocabular and construction. Abbot thinks that he Cicero telisus o the whol theatre Nould rea out into an utcr is an salse quantity a made by an actor, he is referring to the Senators and Nnights by whomae mas surrounded, who would e sollowed by therest of the audience. It is interestincto notice that a Simila explanation occurrexto Leonardo retino in the fifteenth century. I may also e doubte i the disseretice belween pitch an Stressma in practice S great a me might at sirs suppose Thus the accent in French resembles a pitch-accent, hile ou own is emphati- catly one os Stress Would the disserence etween the two methodso pronunciatio have been greater tha that of two Englishmen, ne os,hom had been educated in France an daad a French accent O the other hand this theory, is state Nithout qualification, runs contructo certain facis. I there mas no conflictabet een quantityan accent, how are, to explain the attempt visibi in poet Ioreduce this to the mallest possibi proportioris by the choice os certain


recognirexendings in dactylic verse also in prose Zielinshi has

shown that the ictus os the clausula generali agrees,ith in accent, and that here there is a confiici the Form or the type of the Form, Whicli produces this conflictais neve common and steadilyaecomes rarer I Would there lare, propos a very light modification os Abboti's vlew, vir that in the sermo urbantis the accent tende tobecome one os pitch, but that the proces nas no complete. I So, the conflictbould be light while it Nas susticienti feltatore noticedand o the whole avoided. Abboti's aper contains suggestions hicli appea to me very

interestin in te of the resulis at hicli I arrive aster studying the accentuat system o Petronius and Cicero' Letters to Atticus Thus h says p. 5 hen me bear in min the great disserences in Pronunciation, vocabulary, and phraseolog Whicli are to e mundbetween the Latin of the reedmen in Petronius and the Latin ofCicero or Quintilian, and when me recal the statemenis hicli the

Romans themselves made concerning the vulgar longue, me cani eadii belleve that vulga Latin and forma Latin mere distinguishedhombach other in the character of their accents. In a note ony 58 e says, It would e quite possibi lar Cicero to modis his accent lighil in addressing theseopte justras e mahes his vocabular an his phrases sui the topics hic he discusses and thepeople hom eraddresses in his letters. This is practicali What m analysis of Such a spontaneous and nstudie document asAtt. iv. 5 nould sho himo have done he writin in his most colloquia stylerio his mos intimate hiend. en this aper illi a suggestion concerning the meaning ofa passage in Cic. ad Att. xii. . . Tyrannio is sal to have been the rs person ho introduce the theor os accentuation to the Romans Lind say, p. 15I . e sent a book on the subjectato Atticus. Cicero ad arrange to ea it it Atticus, but Atticus, o Cicero'sannoyance, rea it rs by himselfi Cicero, aster expressin his

disappotniment, vS: Te istam tam tenuem sciopici tam valde admiratum eSSe gaudeo.Etsi tua quidem sunt eius modi omnia. Scire enim vis, quo uno modo

animu alitur. Sed, quaeso, quid ex ista acuta et gravi refertura et Aos In the Dublin edition erat . . . oo is translated The whole beniosbour miniis sor Subile speculations. Vo destreanowledge, Whichi the only sabulum of the ind. But, I ascyou What in that aculean craτe reastis has any bearingon theti maiesrinis fleos conduci '


The editore say that there is a play upo the acute an grave' accents hic mere the Subject of the realise, an Cicero's orkDe F nibus, o the cxo or summum bonum This Seem to e therecogniae vierum. Professor Reid, o ever, dissent in a note added by the editors, an says, feel Sure that there is no allusion to the de rinibus He explain re, ras reser in to the en o Atticus, vig the acquisitionis knowledge. It occurso me that cλoc may be e so the en of the sentence, i. e. Cicero asks hat is therelatio of the accent to the clausula '