장음표시 사용
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The editor has te species philologica training to the teacher, Ont mising occasional reserence to the leaclingarammam. theotheriand he has underinken to explain the historica reserences With great suiness, and tolive needsul assistance in ali real dissiculties.
Piau. Vnim, Ind. It is the best textan commentar sor studentisse that have ever ecl. Dec. 2, 188 I.
LIBRI TRES, wit the commentar of G. F. Schoemann translate and edite by AUSTI STICΚΝΕY. Iamo. Cloth. 348 Pages. attingPrice si . 55 Introduction, 34. o.
The textis his edition is substantiali that o C. F., mulier. The Introductions Summaries, an Commentata of Schoemann aregive entire, an some additions have been made by the editor. This essaron themature of the godiis at oncemur mos accessibleand most complete originat authorit o the theolog of the ancients; it gives us a complete expositionis the doctrines of thos schoolsos philosophy which, in later times, include the greater number os educated eople. The reatis consist o Mur paris: iret, a brief shetch of themost noteworth opinion o the subjeci, sto the eginning of philosophi speculation doWn to the complete development of the Epicurean and the Stoic systems secondo delaile expositio of the Epicurean and third, of the Stoic philosophy Murth, a criticis of both these system sto the stan Oint of the academicscepticiSm. Cicero a theraret to develoy the Latin lanmage foras to aliei fit for the reaiment of philosophica subjecis. eis e to himan acquaintance illi man portions of the ancient philosopli ofwhich, should othemis be quite ignorant an howeve dispa Ving the udgmenti many peopte no adays, O ne canten theimportance of these orks for the histor of philosophy.
II. The value of Schoemam, sedition has long been nown an Iam glad that o caresul a scholaras Pros. Stichne has brought it to the eas reac cis America students. The translator' Hoditions too seem to ethorought hel psu to a nice unde standing of the thought an Latinityos the origines.
translatio seem to have been very caresuli done an hespealis accurate scholarship. It is a treatis Whichra serves tot more Widely reari in Ame ica colleges.
Princeton Cou. I have use theme man edition illi, classes an a preciate iis ell-recognige meritS. The additions made to the notes, which have examineo ad to thei vatum It willi a convenience sor Americari student to have th book in iis presentsorm and Wil stimulate to a Wicle uae Ofit.