장음표시 사용
Bries Histor of Roman Literatum.
This mota was received with great favor in Germany, and was widely adopted by the secondar Sch lS. The present translation adapis it to the se of schoois and colleges in America, not es by retaining est that is valvabie in the German work, buti addin copious reserences to the best generalan species Englisli,ork o Roman Literatum. The table os contenis hac en greatly enlarged, Sora to Constitute a complete analysis of the whole, and the chari a the en hasbeen put into belle sorm in hori, the iam has been to miserit a service te hanebook o student an teachem. The chie excellence of the wor consista in iis terae, Suggestive, and admirable characterietations of the Roman writers and of theirtimes It containsciust ha the student ought to know, and my
Cruttweli' Work, that while re onablyful in iis furve of the literature, it is So inexpensive a tot within the reachos college classes. octo. E. ΔΟΚSon, Pro VLatin, Washin ton Gnis. St. Louis erat Seemst me the very hook for the unde graduate, discriminaling, comprehen- Sive an yet concise and attractive. Ishal mali tilat os it anotheraear.
This book is no an exhaustive or o Latin composition, butis intende to mali the labor of both pupillan teacher e te byputtin into compaci form various potnis hich e have Muni it neceSSar constanti to reiterate to ou puplis. Feeling that ill- succes in Latin writin is larget due to the habiti translating the word ruther than the thought the authors have almed in the Introductor Remarks and the Suggestions atriastenin attentionupo the thought, an have trie to Ahow the learnerio to express
ali frightenexawaydrom Latin writingby the notio that there is ni orieway of puttin an Englisti sentencie into a Latin sentence This idea, whic seem to e. incidentali atteast inculcatecli mos os the ' Latin Prose Books.' is admirabi ignore in the presentiook. o. F. Utt1Θ, Pros o Latin
Cou Vniversist Me. For aclvanceo classes in Latin composition it is an excellent textinook, an admiratilyadapte sor an elective sectio in that Subjeci. I this college a attaineddimension that ould usiis adclingilia elective to ur curriculum, should adoptrit,ithou hesitation.
The sollowing are the prominent seatures of the work I. It present the subject in a systemati form. The generalprincipies and law of the science are firs clearly state an illustraled then the word are reate in their etymological order. 2. I give a neman simple plan, presentin side by fide soreach groupis relate&word the sorm of the roo in Indo-European, Sanshrit Greek, an Latin, illi the meaning of the root. 3. I gives great prominence to the derivationis Englis Word supplying to a large degre the place of an English etymology. 4. Bein furnishe with a complete index sor every root and worduealed, it cani conveniently used asin or os reserence. s. It present the entire subject in a sorinthoroughi ad te toschoolis in ClaSSeS. 6. The present,or is the fim school-book to et forti in the Englisti language the principies and the applicationis the new system os I .in Phonetics. his Mor may be sed without confusion