Latin works

발행: 1883년

분량: 172페이지


분류: 미분류






Ors orta







no es than ten manu script have come down to S, agreater number han o any the of his ortis Osthese te manu scripis in are in public libraries at Vienna an Prague, an for the mos part ea plain traces that the were transcribe by ohemian Copyisis. The onlyinglisti manuscript eXtant is that in the collectionis Lor Ashburtiliam, and Dona his by the wner'skindness, the ex of the present edition has been ahen. Though Wyclis immense influence in Bohemia is nowwel known that the foretgn transcript in Xistenceshould uinumber the Englisti by nine to ne is a first

popular character of the Dialogus, specialty in iis early Chapters, a compared illi ther of Wyclis Latinworks. In England this ould not greatly increas iis circulation, as early the whole of the work an e paralleled frona the Englisli ritings. ut in an foreigncountr it ould naturali widen the circle of eaders, and thei se hichir Loserti has ad of the Dialogus,

that the large number of the ohemian transcript in eXistenc is no meret the resultis accidenti As the nam by hicli it is generali known in ornas

The Dialogus and Trialogus are mentionec together as the wo bookson hich in 1 o bachelors ere orbidde to hol public lectures in Bohemia, an in the lis of writings of Wycli condemne in I Io the Dialogus comes irst. Logerth's Mycli andius, Eng Ed. page IO5 and II 5.

10쪽, the sesculum Ecclessi Militantis is ritie in the formis a dialogue Later on, in the Trialogus, yclis was to ho that he had attaine at eas a moderate master ove the dissiculties of this hin os composition, but the Dialogus was his firs essa in it, an homo literar potiat of Vie is pen to sonae criticism. The persons of the dialogue are Veritas an Mendacium, anda the ouiset, are tot son the authorit of Jolin iv. 6, and viii. 4 that he irs of these stand sor Christ, and the secon sor the Devit. In the sirs three hapterssonae attemptris made to adhere to this characterigation, and we have suci sentences as Cum si sim deus condi orcu fιSlibes croaInres ordinavi illis roxilla viet cludi, feci illam scribi in duplici testamon to though fide by sidewith them are ther in hicli Christ is spolien o in the hir person Aster Chapte 3 Veritas i Wyclis, and wyclifinly, and we have him frequently professing

the purit os his motives an his readines to confrontthe ope, oro endure persecution for the truth. Asto Mendacium, there is no attemptis characterigationwhatever. He is ni a rathe simple pholder of Xistin abuses, an is content to se suci ver Wyclisite language a tit aut de horosi in cucharistia et aliis similibus quo in suo Pmporum diabolus spissius Seminavit. A further literar defeci a be note in the tength at

whicli Veritas ornetimes solitoquires. Hi open ingstatemen occupies Murteen ages, and though Mendacium is allowed in alto vent stior paragraphs, thelast three speechesi Veritas fili respectiVel nine, our,