장음표시 사용
INTRODUCTI JΝ. vii Again the word ex Seminacione sat an may be alien
time in 379. Independenti of iis bearing on the date, the stage in the develos mentis his opinions hicli Wyclis had reachedin the Dialogos ould naturali engage Ur attention. What cloes the Dialo us eachis to si the constitutionos the Church, a the Friars, 3 the doctrineis Eucharist,
clownright and without modification to identis the Pope with Antichris o the Devit . . . The ope is Antichristini in soriar as heloes o leaves undone his orthat In his way in Chapter 1, e is calle Antichrist' Vicar ather than Christ's, hecause of his en croachmentsin the tempora power p. 73 l. ), an in Chapte 7 his temporal possessioniare sal to mali hi man obstinat heretic' p. 14 l. 4). In the fame strati itis sal that the nam is uni nown to Scripture, and that
is trace to the interserenc os Constantine p9. 8a 83). At this is stronger than, have in any orla preVioucto I 378, an appear to elon to the eginning of the second of the three stages whichir Lechler has traced
in Wyclis' teachinias to the constitutionis the Chiarch. The sanae, I hink may be sal of what, find writtenon otherioinis Thus an attach is ad on the exercise sor gain f the three distinctivel episcopal unctions os confirmation, ordination, and consecrationis places p. 5O,l. 19), ut it is not et suggeste that these an beeXercised by an priest. Again, a to the enclowmentos the Church, the main subject of the realise Wyclis here eaches that ali properi hel in direct wnershipmust e surrendered, ut though his arguments en in the direction of the abolition os tithes his language onthe subject is no so decide as in later ortis Thath attacks the monasti system illi bitternes helps snothing so this was par of his earlies leaching, and his virulencein his Oint is in strong contrast illi the comparativel moderate language abolit the Friars,hicli eliave neX to consider A to this it musti note thalthe theor that Wyclis a friendi to the endicant Orders ill the en os 1 381 has been decisivel disproved by r. Matthew. In the trac D mcio Fastorali which both in iis Latin and Englisti version alludes o Avignon a the residence of the Pope, hicli it hasceased tot aster Gregor XI' triumphant enlr into Rome in 1377 Wycli is atready sinistrong XpreSSion against the Friars Indeed, scit ere no that he eenas, untii quit the en os his life to have been naucli more moderate on his subject in his Latin than in his Englishwritings it ouldie dissiculi to explain ho his langvage in the Dialogo is a temperate scit actuali is Atthe en of Chapter o, an in a se other places, we haUe
Single paSSages more or es Strongi condemnator of
them Τ, ut a I have at ready observed Chapter 19, os whicli the forna the subjeci, is remari able for themoderation oscit language. his hapter, alien illithe referetice to them on p. 85, a likel to supportthe ut o poverty, suggest that the Dialogos as
writie at a time heia Cyclis a sol ready stronglymoVed by the abuses,hich had crepi into the Mendicant Orders, but ad not et abandone ali ope that theywould ange thenaseives on his Side. It remain foris to consider hos reserences to the
Doctrine of themoly Eucharist,hicli invest the date of the Dialogus illi is hie importance Accordin tolli passage in the Fasciculi Ziganiorum sub anno Domini
iu elue theses on the subjec o Transubstantiation, andit has been generali assume that the publication os these theses martis the date of his firs opposition to the existin doctrine of the Catholic Church. That doctrine a I understan it Was, an is that by the actos Consecration the substance of the re ad is charagedinto the substance of Christ s Body, ut that the ac
opposition to thi Wyclis augii that as accidenis cannot exist ithout a substance, and the accident aster Consecration re plaint no the accident of Christ's Body whicli is in Heaven the substance of the readmus remain. The result, heresore, o Consecration is no materiai, ut spiritual, and the Host, although at every potnt incit verit an in deed Christ si Ody re mainsbrea a to iis substanc as et a in iis accidenis. Beside two unimportant reserences on p. 32, t. a, and
P. 53 L I9, the passage.whicli relate to this subject arothe ollowini: 1 On p. 28, l. 4 sqq. Veritati arguingagainst the introduction os legend into the Church usesa an eXample cum in festo corporis Christi de Sancto sanctorum Scribitur quod accirincia sunt in eucharistia sine
F Z. P. O . ut the alteration of MDCCCLXXXI MMDCCCLXXX in the heading of the Confessio F. Z. 115, note I , and the ac that Veni the theses ere ut sori the firs da o Term only three eelis areallowed for at that too place besore the confession ' and ni si WeekSsor ait illiam o Berton's meas es, seriousi affect the credibilit of this dateipo whic so much has been o ded.
sub clo, quod nota fuit de tempore augustini. et OnP. 54, l. I sqq. Veritas, after Speat in os scholastic studies as fruitsul os herestes again ahes as his example: Ut quo sescuritas os in istis des uendendo quod hostia conSρ- crata non Sit orsu domini scd acci fons inco nitum sine subjecto, ni r erant nove secus 3 On P. O ll. 25 sqq. he actuali is atready propositi that this question Ahouldbe made a test ne and that he riest an Diars, npain os ulla vry, hali declare Gi et Quo. Hesmaci
auto ita e scripturo est raciones, quid in natura sua sit Sa hostia cons crata These passages mali it clea thalat the time the Dialogos was,ritten, Wyclis alat ready in the final stage of his opinion o the subjec os Tran- substantiation, though the orna in hicli the are castieavescit open to his to hol that he had not et formulate his doctrine illi the recision illi hicli it is
presente in the welve theses That he hould have promulgate thos theses ithout an preVious discus- Sion o warnin appear antecedenti improbabie, and r.
Thus rom an examination oscit references to current
evenis, an oscit place in the developinent in Wyclissdoctrines the Dialoxus appears o have been writte in the ourse of the ear 1379. his date is further confirme by the stron resemblance hicli ur realisebears to the o Papa hichir Matthe has assignedio 38O. On very ther oin the langu age of the De Papa is almos identica with that of the Dialo us, but on the schism, the doctrine of the Eucharis and the
INTRODUCTION. XX iu selessnes of Universitie. it is more prono unced thus indicat in that ome suci interva asin ea must haUe elapsedi et Neen the wo works. While howeVer, I thus tentatively ut forti the ear 37 a the probabie late os the Dialo us I feel mos strongly that tinti allWyclis.workiare in uriandino final decision is possibie, an i I have reate the subjectis sonae tengiliit has been much more illi a vie of furnishin tori per scholars than myself the materia is for consideration than Dona a destre t force Hown opinion on my
III. O the en Xtant manuscript of the Dialo us ineliave been Xamine sor his edition. The estimated expense of collatin the tentii, whicli is a Pragiae, astanfortunatet to great for the wyclis Society to ejusti sie in incurring t. For the description of the eight Vienna MSS. I am indebie to notes supplied by r. HerZberg-Frankel by ho in the collations of the texthave been made The manuscriptiare a follow.
an attempto adornment, in a charte hand of thes isteenth century. The copyis has one through his wor an correcte it. The S. has a leaves and contain three Englisti Tracts an eleven in Latin includinia ly-shee o the mystica sense of Castellum onL 17. The Dialogus occupies leave 97-ΙΙ6, and 118-I 2I The las soli leaves contain Chapter 29 a
On his last oin there is a mos interestin progression traceablebetween the angvage of the Englisti version of the De Osscio Pastorali Cap. the Dialogus Cap. 26 , and the De P a Cap. Io), whicli alone would gorio prove that the Dialogus was,ritie at the fame time etween
O Parchment a columns to the page, to Hand-
On archment a columns to the page, solio Hand-writin of bout 1 oo. Initials illuminated. Withcatchword and in another and glosses, ut o no interest. Heading, Dialogi Cap. m. In the numera
Veritas iniur Chapter 8 so that our 9-3 are numbered
glosses Chapter I omitted. Without the Appendix. In the two lisis o content so the inside of the leatheran parchment over respectively this trae is enume
INTRODUCTION. xiii 5. Vienna 393 o. i. - 2 o. Cited a B. On aper. 2 Columns to the page . Folio. Date ofWriting 1 12, o correction, I I . Initials illuminated. With catchwords, ut no glosses Heading, Dialogus. The Chapter mostly unnumbered. Without the Appendix, ut the contentiotherwiselas in I 387.
1387. At the nil sic es snis Iracumli M. Lo M. scilice balogus. Explici d alogus edictus a reverendo magis r Io de in . sacre heologiis professore docIorequeewankelico nacionis anglicane. On his follows a glosson Chapter 1 and a no deface inscription Scribit
Wen . . . ec Sebastiano Amico S. dilecto. 8. Vienna 4515. i. Ι-25 a.
On aper. to Hand ritin os the firs hal of the 15th century. illi Calchworiis, and with the fame gloSSe a 45o5, ut expresse more hortly. Contenisas in 393o. At tho end Explici d alogus edim a reverendo gro Iohe de Flles sacre heologie professore doctorisque evangelici Anglicana acione, sollowed by the Same glos as in 393o. The glosses are in a differenthan sto the texi and the colophon in et a third
whicli approaches most early to the Ashburialiam is 393O but his has been correcte in another han stomone of the manuscript of the 45O sub-groia p. alf-way between his sub-groti and the Ashburntiam stands1387, but more, early relate to the former. The ex of the present edition is alien rom Lord Ashburn ham' manuscript transcribed Some ear ago byΜr Matthew, and collate by myseis. Eo the portionis Chaptero omitte in his manuscript and so the 'Uogus, the texi is tal en rom 1387, transcribed for this editionby r. Hergberg-Frankel. r. Hergberg-Frankellas also supplied the materiat so the collation os oti text with
regard these manuscript have o CXpres in regret fortavin thoughtlessi relettere them in the order of thei relation to the Ashburnham manuscript instea os
havin adopte the letters sed for them by r. Bud- densie in his edition of the Latin Polemicat ortis. As to the principi on hicli Pliave printe the texi, ana gla to a thates ound the Ashburialiam manu -
as it stan is, illi the Xception that in sonae three or ur places letters hicli ad accidentali been omitted have been inserte with in braci et s. On the therhand where the ex has been alien rom 1387 have ometimes et oblige to adopi the read in ofone os the collate MSS. an relegat that of 1387
tion in hicli the three collate manuscript agreed, and , with ver se eXceptions ali of thos whicli are giveni, any tw of them. It remain to referiries to the question of the placeos hapter 31 and a, an generali os the arrangementos the alter par of ur realise Chapte 3 is foundoni in the Ashburnham manu script the hapter numbere in the teXt a ni in that an in three ut os the eight Vienna MSS. The place of this alter chapter, where it cloes occvr, is sum cienti singular sor in the Vienna MSS. it comes etween Chapte 36 and thesilogus, from,hicli it cloes no appea tot in an waymari exoss. In the Ashburnham S. I sor a long time persuade myself that the secon digit a so satiatthat it might eis et have now howeVer no Oubtilia it is reali a . Thus in his manu script also thechapter appears as altiadis appendiX. The justificationsor assigning it a place belween our Chapter 3 and 33lies in the ac that both in the Ashburialiam S and in 1387 a place oris hapter is vacant, and that here appear ito the way os illin it in the Ashburialiam.
whil in 138 it is more likely that the lacuna hould besupplied rom the Appendi than by Chapte 31 of
the last hirty page of the Dialogo present compare lxvith the smoothnes of ha hasione bes ore. e have first ne hapter hicli only Misis in a single manu script then anothe whicli is ni gi ven by four ut os nine and the place of hicli in these mur is quit uneX-plainable then a tota abando iament of the Dialogues orna astly an filogus whicli is not ascit professes tobe, meret a Summary of the precedin arguments buta resti reaiment of the subjeci, though on simila lines. Is it possibie that heres vere two editions of the Dialogos, of hicli the firs may be represente by the ViennaMSS. hich have no Appendix ,hile the secon containe ne chapter no Ver artisticali dovetaile into the earlier ext Such an hypothesis may perhaps compete illi that of the scribe of 1338, who attributes the sua omission of the Appendi to the work os
Ιn preparing this dition os the Dialognses have incurre heavy debis of gratitude to severat in helpers. would again allude to the great courtes of the arios Ashburntiam in alio vin me the se of his manu Script to correct proos with aster it ad ali eady been transcribe l. To r. R. L. Poole I we my thanks soradVice on the veribin os quotations a fiet in hichthe est I could do compares ut 1 oorly with his own Untiring energy. To r. Furnivali I am gratem formuch cheer encoharagement, and the mos considerate
Patience illi a very slo editor But the debl which am east able adequalet to acknowledge is that withwhichir. F. D. Matthe has burdene me by his ostgenerou Sl givei hel p in potiatin out error of the PreSS, in Suggestin improvement in the analysis, and in id in me illi his mos caresully considere adVice