Latin works

발행: 1883년

분량: 172페이지


분류: 미분류



cas against endo uments a state Dona Scripture, and in o 23 e nave ne des ence of Ueritas to successive

appeal by Mendacium to Church authority. Worstedon the theor of the question, Mendacium then salis back on the practica dissi culties in the way o dis-

enclowment, and the consideration os these occupies

traces the histor of endowment, an potnis ut theaduantage to e gaine by iis abolition. In the Epilogus, hicli is scholastic in forna, ei argument areadded, illi a recapitulation o sonae os the mos important Oint preViOuSi made. As an introduction to his arguments Veritas brieflydescribes the division of the Church Militant into thethree orderio Clerus Domini TemporaleS, and VulgareS, and Xplain thei severa functions an relations. In three Successive chapter the proo frona the old Testamen is then unsolded, hici here, as in the Ver early Englisti traci Thelloro mar no holae rosory, and the ver late Supplementum Trialogi is maint based on the

an Egehiel liii. 28. In the following two hapter itis hown that this eachin is confirme by that os Christ, an also os Solomon Peter an Paul. In Chapter mendacium malles his res reply It strue, he Says that Christ reached overty but He didno inten it orae a permanent law. The glor of thepriesthood requires the suppor of endowments theseare hel in the nam os Christ a. patrimonium crucifixi, 'an are sanctione by the concession os tempora lorcis and the approbation of the ope. Is Christ' la topas away Antichrist' toindures Veritas answers. Theso-calle 'glory of the riesthood is heir hames; tosa that he hol thei estates in the nam o Christ is blasphemous attempto sitis their in pon Him. Christ is the dominus capitalis ithout hos conSent




no concession os His tenanis, the tempora lordS, an

hol good and the Xample of popesinoes for nothing

so the clergyris contrition an restitution. Already Mendacium has hown a disposition to avoid the testis Scripture, an helao begins a series of what Phave oughly calle appeals o Church authority. His main position is that endou ments are supporte by the lives of the ainis, ut hen Veritas et up againStthis the doctrine that the Scripture lone is incling, papal bulis indulgences an letters of ishops and of fraternity are innocenti presente sor demolition ontheiround that they est on an authorit distinc DomScripture. In Chapter 14 the Xample of the satiat is

recurre io, an Mendacium demand reverence ortheir authorit because prayers are addresse to them. Inans verrio his Veritas, who has reviousi distinguished cares uti belween aith and opinion, no potnis ut that it coni the Apostles hos sanctit is a matterisfaith, and that though prayers to saintiare good in s sara the serve to quichen devotion to Christ the ostendo harna, and wout be belle ad dressed directly to God.

This Mendacium consider a a saltur os reverence tomen hos Sanctity has been approVed by canonigationan miracles, and Veritas is thus give an Xcus sorattachin more abuses, hile the surther objections os Mendacium that disendowment,ould essen the numbers of the clergy, and that prelates V ho rank as great nobiesare peculiarly serviceable to the Church, ea up to denunciations os simony and of the woridi character os the riesthood.we have no v reache Chapter 19, and this and the Mur chapters hicli solio v it are directe against the friars an montis, and the doctrine of the superior emcacyof the prayers by the sale of hicli the vast revenues of the monasteries ere main ly obtained. Mendacium introduces the subjec by the objection that, is endow-



ments are ad consessors, and there re specialty thesriars, must e ratior an heretic sor concealin the fac frona thei penitenis, a conclusion o utra COUS Sto malle the supposition inadmissible. In his replyVeritas deal first illi the friars, an it is orth of

note that here his langu age is mos caremit mensured. The friars, e says, must malae thei own de iace, onlythe cannot be Xcused sor choosing the unendo ve lis for thenaseives, a the more perfeci, and et approVinios endowment in the case of thers. Their duplicity, howeVer, cannot hahe the authorit o Scripture, romwhicli ali that i good in their orde is derived. ereth orde only trippe of iis unscriptura accretionS, what rematne would e the pure and meritorious Sectos Christ. his mention of the sect o Christ is construe by Mendacium as an attach noli ther secis,

and tal in v the challenge, in Chapter a Veritas

Proceed to prove it superiorit to them all. On his follows an argumen against the splendour and Uen theeXistence, o monasti bulldings, and when Mendacium objecis that, is montis e done away illi, thei prayerSwill e los to the Church the bitternes of the attachincreases, and the fraudulent an simoniacat natur os the argaining about prayer is sully Xposed Anaccusation o fatalism is answered by an Yposition fili true doctrine of the e cac os prayer an it is predicte that the ligooten wealth of the clergy ill bring

clown on them the curse pronounce against those hooffer o God os,hat he have defraude the oor. Mendacium no talicia lightly different line Hitherioli has adduce the existin practice an constitution os the Churchos an authorit by hicli endowments are defended, he no objecis that the withdrawal of theendowments would involve the Verthrow of the constitution This Veritas is prepared totie with quanimity, and in Chapter 24-26 he argues that, i it is a Mendacium says, it ould e good for the Churcho have



the may accidentali do the disappearance of UniUer- sities ould e no os to the Church, an ali montis should reel cast of their bonds and enter the feci os Christ. Such is the scheme o Church resorm propoSed by Veritas, an he laim for it the sanction an approbationis Christ. Mendacium threatens Xcommunication, ni to beanSwere that Xcommunication by Antichrist ill in blessing rom Christ aridae salis back on the argumentiliat, is alnas may be given or a certain tengil O time, there cante no reason why the should not be given in Perpetuity. Veritas potnis ut that this ould provetha because isties canesive out of water a certain tengilio time there re the can live so for ver an addithe surther objection that the endowmen os cloister in perpetuit has no right to the nam os alnas. e continueSto press his potnt in angwerno a proposa by Mendacium

the granis of renis made by thei ancestors, and thus theclergy, without holding ownership have the fruits soriis- tribution among the oor. The clergy ould lose their much-pri Zed ille to endowment, and the ordes e reduce to the positionis rent-gatherers, and yet, after ali, the alms,ould eis triae alnas. No analog frona thesupposed ac that it was the apostles,lio distributed the fragments est rom the miracle of the oaves an usti Perpetua endowmenis, and the Xample of the apostles aster Christ' deatli telis, no sor, ut against the distributionis alms by the clergy. Lord should in their



fusing In the Ashburntiam Manu script Chapter et is sollowed by Chapte 33, with a note that sonae chaptersare anting. A the en of the manuscript these resupplied, illi the X ception of the reater par of Chapter O the lea containing vhicli appears o have been lost. In the ther manuscript Chapter I is omitte altogether, and that whicli in the ex is numbere 3 sortiis the firs par of the Epilogus More illbe sal on his subjeci later on the present it is enough to note that the arrangement in the ex is by

To the old demand of Veritas for the confiscationos clerical property, Mendacium repties that the secular

and the ope is sworn to oppos it. a more thepope has the power os conserring ingdonas an it is rather the clerg who hould disendo the seculariord than the secular ord who hould disendo theclergy. Against suci a vi ex of the relation of the two Order Veritas vigorousi protests, an he has nodisiiculi in potnting ut the absurdit of the conclusions hicli might e rawn rom it He has opes that the clergy, i force to ac the question, ould

thenaseives declare against endo ment, an in an casethe in o England should resus to malle any restigrant to the and should folio suci precedentias thedenia os tribute to the pope. Mendacium no adVances his las objections. In the rs place, e says, glebe and churchore insepar-



thei income the must surrende the whole, glebe, tithes an orsering as,el as endowments. ut reatlythere is no nee so anything of the ind, ascit is notthe individua ecclesiastic ho olds ordship, ut theclitarchis a hole. Veritas asil shows that the connection o glebe and church is uret arbitrary, and applies himself to the question o restitution This, heSays, is wed toto an noto the secular ord, holias no claim ithe by God' la o man' s. ut it is notthe lactis hold in property so much a the anne of twhicli is to e attachecl. A good curate ma keep his lebe, O receive moderate offerings and tithes s he besaithsul in ori and re froni avarice. As to the theorytha lord sh ip est.with the church, i is an imperfectioneVen in the secon order, an iis plainly sorbidden tolli clergy that thei acceptanc oscit ranks them under the anners of Antichrist. Precede by a scholastic eX- planationis the natur os buyin an selling, an attachis no madetpon the simon of the clergy, and the destructiVe par os the reatis comes to an end. Os thethree hapters hicli follow the sirs is devote to aneXposition of the anne in hicli ach of the threeorderes an an ought to come to the rescue of thechurch. At must help with thei prayers, and the clergymus stir the temporal ord to restrain the enenties of the church and withdra frona them the misnamedalnas. A sl etch of the gradu at is of the system os

derance of opes an bishops then sollows, and their insidiotis advance is ascribe to the devii Lastly we have a bitterly ironical hapter in hicli the ord arebidden to inforrn the clerg that they ill nolle damned for thei salie, and the clerg are rem inde that is thelord have borne the burden os the present system sor a



al three orders of the church may atly to the truth, the Dialogus is rought to an end of the pilogue bywhicli it is sollowed, it is needies to ive an fullaccount. As has been at ready aid it is scholastic in forna, and we have irs three hie argument in favouro endowment illi thei appropriate refutations thentwo thers, and then a final our. The reasonin is Uer close, an cloes no ad mi of a horter reat mentilian that given in the margina analysis.

Eor reasons that wil be apparent as e proce ed thequestion of the date of the Dialogiι is of peculiarinterest. In endeaUourinito si this dat two kind of evidence must e considere&; I references to current

but especiali whil so many of Wyclis Works rem ain inaccessibi e is ver difficultis interpretation. In tryin to si ou date by means os references to


it is impossibi toteli eve that in a work of the tengilio the Dialogus, it ould have been tinnotice had toccurred. his is the more certain because the bearingo arm by the clergyris actuali mentione in Chapter 4 p. 8 l. 6), here a re reiice to the crusade ould

have been Ver apposite. In the absenc os suci, reser- ence e ma Sasel conclude that our reatis was composed not later than 138 a Was it composed in 138a ΘThis date is supporte by the great authorit os Dr. Lechler', and it has in iis avour a passage a the endis Chapter , here aster speat in os the increas of Simony, Veritas proceeds: Pes hoc anum inhabiles aspirant ad Superiores gradus sacci docti I impcdiunt perbum dei predicari in populo, et anholanus ad illud

Ianquam hereticos seraecuntur et ista sorSecucio Sthorosis ne manifestum indicium nec Sassciunt pauperes et paucis feles Sacerdotes rosistere, nisi deus crocculare brachium est aliunde icius manus apposuerit a b utrices



is no ground sor asserting that the ne Archbisho was inhabilis, though, accordin t Wyclis teaching the pressure hicli his nobi hin sinen may have brought ob ear may have ad the appo iniment simoniaca sa)that in the Latin traci De Doemonio Meridiano, hicli, frona iis style an appearance of haVin been written

cannot Pthink be place later than early in 1377, hereis an equali distinc referetice to the opposition totaithful prea chers. Is this be so Wyclis. Poor Priesis 'mus have both egun their orti, an met with resistanc much earlier than is suppo sed, and the resere iace nota teX may be o sonae preVious persecutionis them y. Our neX date-passage is a probabie reseretice to the

death o Gregory I in March, 1378. 1 Chapter a

Mendacium ad thrown ut the taunt, sitiali recunque hic loquaris in ingulis tota an foros ista des sudoro oldiocre coram sapa, and Veritas ad ans ere hina Coussus in des audes hoc dicor coram eo. Et Si morum Iemporalem adhuc timeo, Sicut serens, resputo quod obeso istam enunciam mendere coram papa. In Chapter 29 Mendacium launches a more distinc threat in the word sista defendens citabcris, cxcommunicaberis, et ab omni fructu in ecclesia lili susscia foris, o hicli Veritas malles ansiuer, Si antichristus citat hominem ad locum quem Iora nulli it nec Scit si pro tymporo citationis critin tartaris cum diabolo stabilitus est Christus citat sor

A this te is somewhat disserent to that hel by the editor of thetreatise, Dr. Buddensieg, it is ni right to quot his resace. 'To judgefroin the whole tone of the raci, it mus have been writte shorti aster

fuit this date very wel . . . ,ould defend his date more Leenly unlessin the las chapter the opposition belween the ricli clergy, who tr tot inder the re preachin of the Gospel by the itinerant reachers, were o Stronglymarhed for accordinito ali particular hitherio linow of the institute of Vyclis itinerar preachers an earlier date than the ear 138a ould notsuit this antagonism. The date, heres ore, must remain uncertain. The passage referre t runs sacerdos,idelis volens gratis predicare evanielium ies Cristi erit sfatim prohibitus predicare. It is to e note that r. Buddeneste here post lates the deat of the lacti Prince by a year, thoughi is given correctly in the note ola P. I 8.



Dem suam, per instinctum et castis quos immittit adparum contrariam, ni dubitat nin citacioni domini est

parcndum On Ycusing himself in 1384 Dona obedienceto a citation o Urban VI Wyclis,as to se langvage ver simila to this, but here it is dissiculi noto se a referetice to his conditiona citation in the bulis os May,

Marchisendere inoperatiUO. One more reserence to current evenis remain. consideration, and that the mos important. It occurs in

Chapter 11 and is an unmistat able allusion to the papalschism,hich was plotted in July, 378, and consummated by the election o Clement VI as anti-Pope on the twentieth os the ollowin September. Veritas has been speat in of the too great reveretice palesto papa decisionS, an adds as an Xample os the popula solly, Et si duosas ex Seminacione Sathan elocli fuerint, populi diversi cocciones illas approbant tanquam dona. I ex tali scis-mal oriri soraciat inconveniencia insulta The allusion is made the more potnted by the attach hicli sollowsin themethod of election by cardinals instea os by tot for theground n whicli it was fought to invalidate the electionos Urban was that the cardinals ad beenis intimidated by the clamour of the populac foris Roman ope, that the had ad thei choice against the guidin os the Hol Spirit. It is tinfortunate that a passage of Somuch importance is no alto ether re frona dissi culties of interpretation. I the readin possent is right, and the ense is to be pressed, it might be helesto poliat to adate suci a September, 1378, heia the subject was atready unde discussion, but the news of the electio os Clement ad not et reache England It is more probabie, howeVer, that w ought to ea soSSunt, especiali a the word populi divorsi Dcciones illas probant tanquam sirim ould e more forcibi aster than be re the recognitionis Clementi the niversityos Paris, whicli di no tali place ill the spring os 1379.