장음표시 사용
NITES. l. 22. apostoloriim om. APH V. petri . . . commemoratione lnatalitiis ΓΗ, . l. 23. commemorationis tue maiestati m. PH V. SuP-pliciter recensente APH V.
l. 24 ligamina uincula AGI HY prauitatis iniquitatis G. l. as 'arismata dona AGPH V. l. 26. tribuatyconciliet AGΓHV.
l. 3i satiat D. indulgentiam 4 nos I.
l. 33. The masses illi simila headings in CR differ stom this
in ali thei colleCis. Couset I mense aprili in dedicatione . l. 33. i. . . . pauli Lb. Petri P. I tuorum Om. D. l. 36. gloriosam . . . persecisti facis osse gloriosam L
praesta L. l. 37. ut et L. doctrina semper ipsius L. muniamurysoue
p. 84. l. 2. Rea uom populi. The originis the present readin is lain. Tho exemplar mus have ad uosa uora su taking the letior a xviiii the thir instea of the second wor an omittinio the scribe, roteuom unasu, as in the text. l. 3. Rea constaenum, hostiae cili intercliange of ando an osa and ae, is frequent in IrishmSS.
l. 7. Read farticipare. Pontoommon. as ad populum sor Tucsdanastor xl P as vesper collectrior editesila aster xl in. l. 6. protegeJ respice GH ine. Φ propitius ad G P. l. 7. participare proficere P. apostolica intercessione Om.
l. 9. Read in ecclesia This mas appears, with some varici in thetexi os the collecis, in many missals The wordinio the litteris notuniform, ut it seem in almost ali cases to impi cither that tho Sain or sainis commemorate&were burie in the Church, o that relicsos the were preserve there. The titie os ur mas is apparent lyalmos decisive that the Church sor,hich was inritie clat me tolethe actuat place of huria os thesininis mentione in the collecis Thewominio the collecis themselves cloes no indoed suppore this conclusion, and the use of reliqui in l. 2, without the alternativo corporia, may seemo teli against it But A Was certainly used in the restingplace oscit Augustine Rule' edition p. x sq.), and reliquiae is sounclin it,ithout corpora in ali the collecis. An reliquiae Seem to Osrequently applied to the hodie os the three Iristi Patrons See, Orexample the mce so thei translationis quote by Colgan, Trias, p. i8, an compare the Annalcat A. D. 293. l. a. patricii 'n' I am notinware that an parallel an he citet sorthis formis expression an it certaint need explanation. I mentionfirst two suggestions which have been made to me, and which seemworth recorving. I. That it is a corruption os tu rocinium This.
ouldie possibie with a caretes scribe like ours, is the exemplari patrocita' ut areocinium feem to eis readin entiret without Suppor Domisther missais, and ver improbabie a That it shouldbe expand satricii, rei But i the scribe di notis understandit foris it a mini more a well, after it is nou here sed ornostri land ahinough examples os Parricius nos re in Iristi literaturema be orthcoming, it is no a phrase hic might be expecte tooCCur in a mas collecti I belleve the mos lihel supposition to bethe following 3. That in the exemplar stareicii di no occur in thetexi os the prayer hut was writte in the margin opposite 'n Thescribe transferrexit to the texi, but in cloiniso, instea os pulting the word in place of r', wroterit helare this letter. Ne have here in Shorta conflate reading-h no means the ni one in ur S. This hypothesis is horne ut hy the ac that the collec read laetior without the name than wit it in laci, omittin parricii, it is almostidentica in text it CD. An it is further supporte by the
absence of the name sto the secret an Postcommon.
The two laregoing notes appea to establis a probabilit that ille Church to,hicii ou missat belonge clatine to e the burial-placeos St. Patrich. ut here an objection to this vie must be considerecl. The ille is inconsistent illi the ex of the prayers, the so erimplying the possession os the odnos the saint while the alter is qui te appropriate is mere relics were preserve in the Church. Is it no possibie, then, that the scribe sinapi copie the titie ithout making the alteration in it hich was require to adapt it to thocollect ovo whic it a placed He has certainly been guill of similar tunder elsewhere p. 33 l. 22ὶ That he has been equat lyremis here must be admitte to eis possibili in but it scem arii inprobabie supposition, so the solio intrinsons i It involves theassumption that the scribe transcribe the ille and the collecis Domiti flerent SS. Othemis the fame incongruit hel cen headingand prayers mus have existe in his exemplar. ither incit, then, ori one of iis ancestors a definite ille mus have been substitute sorone that was indefinite, ithout the correspondin changes ingmade in the prayers-a fac very difficultri account sor in the case of scribe les stupid than ours. a A more lihely theor os the originos the phenomena maneasi ly be suggested. Letis suppos that theexemplar sis ad a masscias in C heade De sanctis presentis ecclesie, Wit the woros corpora uel reliquiae in ali the collecis oratis margin notes Wouldie written, with the view of adapting the massio the specia circumstances os the church here St. atricli asburied Thus opposite the ille oui appea qui in ecclesia requiescunt: hile onposite the collect would e the nam patricii, corrorra uel Minimarhedrior deletion These lalter notes Would os course heintenderio appinio at the prayem though actualty writte opposite the rs only. It would e qui te in keeping ith ali e now of the scribe of to suppos that aiungi inlattempto incorporate themarginalia illi the texi produce the mas ascit no stands. YSome suci hypothesis, must account so th conflate ille so themascos Ianuar I p. 7 l. see note 4n so the readi nidi an erfropitius, p. 22, t. q. For the bearing of this mas on the histor os the missat, Sce theintroduction, p. xiv sqq. Couere. CD P sor Feast os Relics . l. II. N. m. nobis pos propitiare indignis D.
l. I 2. Sanctorum . . . 'n' sancti augustini consessoris tui
Sanctorum in consessorum CD. patricii m. DIV. 'n' m. l. necnon ante et . 'n' et eorum m. . et eorum . .
eccleSi om. I. et eorum . . . reliquiae qui Z. eorum lceterorum om. Ahomnium Sanctorum CD quorum, cor Pora uel CD.
l. 13. hac praesenti excio . continentur requiescunt -Scit Z CDPYZ eorum eius Z. iii intercessionibus ADV. l. 4. Semperim. protegamur muniamur C. Secret. AC DIPZ sor trans of St. Aldhelm Y sor St. Jolin OfBeverte and east os Relics). l. 6. clementia pietas senseo ecclesia P. ne. q. cic. CV . q. m. semed. ine.yd. Y semuhom C. l. I 7. munus oblatum hanc oblacionem . et quod A. b. . . . ecclesia sancti alde in ... pontificis, sancti consessoris tui ohannis episcopi, sontes iraeSent.um sanctorum V
semet sanctorum tuorum I huius sancti m. 'n' tu ira omni b. m. tuorum . . . . . tuorum Sancti augustini consessoris tui atque pontificis necnon et ceterorum omnium sanctorum chorum sanctorum tuorum 'n' atque eorum I . l. 8. tuorum in et omnium Sanctorum C. quorum . . . re
liquivi qui D. corpora uel om. A. requiescunt continentur . l. 9. ecclesia Φ Sacras A. orationes orationem . emundetJemundent C absoluet, semes . l. 22. Read fro. Hatcommon. CDIP sor St. Taurinus v sor east os Relic S). l. 22. misteria om. dne. . pro . . . ueneratione inhonore sancti consessoris tui taurini atque pontificis proueneratione Sanctorum tuorum . Sanctorum . . . CCleSial Sancti augustini c. u sus. A huius sancti 'n' in tui Sanctorum m. tuorum Piraesentium sanctorum . l. 23. 'n et 'n' m. C. et n Latque eorum . - et Omnium SanCtorum anu quorum C. quorum . . . ecclesia in praesenti aecclesia quiescentium D. l. 25. ne. . . ne. m. Z. mereamur in habere peccatorumJ delictorum, om. C.
l. 26. gratie gloriae Z omnis.
l. 29. n om c. ros nostro episcopo abbati A vantistiti, V. l. F. exempla J. l. 34. Read susci .
l. 34 placatus suscipes placatus adnaitte V. l. 33 episcopum abbatem W. 'D Scopum nostrum m. V. n om S tos tuum gregemque . . . Comini Sum commissumque sibi gregem A m. V. l. 36 benignus m. ubique hic V. p. S. Postcommon. AS V. l. a. ine communi N.
tuum . et Commissum S. Commi SSumque . . . gregem m.
l. 4. tua semper anu benigna benigna H q. . Conseruat custodiis. PRO PISCOPO.
l. s. ira papa HRSV, Pro episcopis e sibi commisis D, Pro 'asIore W, Pro ponti cera. The mas here is reali sor an archbisho', a thetex of the prayers Shows Compare bove, Introduction, P. xvi.
l. 24 qui Ha tua miserationeJ tuo nutu C. SuScel'it. l. 23. omnium m. accipiat W. l. 26. uoraginem monstra CS euitare et hostes SuPerare m. I AMR hoStem AHJ V. l. 27 uita et ueritas HY. l. 29. Rea suscipe, me. Secret CD pro rege et regina populoque christiano ΓΛ in another missa pro regibus HS pro rege et regina II pro rege et regina liberisque uel filiis I eorum oro imperatore Varianis in ΛΗΙΝ , whicli are obviousi cluesto the different pumose sor,hicli the mas is use in theS books, are notrecorded. l. 29. post suscipes postine. H. tu quas . L 3o. 'n' m. oc GPJhros nostri regi nostri m. IPAR. te m. ea c. supplicanti Si te AI J Shom mante ut antiqua l. 3i AHISM in om AD HI, K. l. 33 populorum quas om Sytuae maiestati fierimus HS ut ante antiqua AHIS operare te operante AHI, V. l. 32. iacis m. AHIS Christianorum ADHJΝ On ana οῦ. libertas chri Stiana C.
NOTESp. 36. l. 2. Read sacramenti. Poatcommon. CPHIAMR WV. l. 2. Salutaris . . . perceptio communio salutaris C ratio Salutaris I M oblatio salutaris, Λ RV perceptio om. V. l. 3 tuum Φ regem nostrum ACHIS V. ' om. HJRv. ab om. R. omnibus m. HNV et om R. l. 4. obtineant C. Post Om. I. PRO AMICI CARNALIBUS.
l. 6. maiestati Het praest S. l. l7 Sacrificia om. en C) benedictioni sybeatitudinis PI A. l. 8 gloriam eterne selicitatis aeterne beatitudinis gloriam .selicitatisJ beatitudinis DPHIAMRYZ.
l. 27 quesSo propitius R. L 28 meorum, mihi. peccatorum delictorum R. merearministrarem merear famulari R. Seorol. HIAMS in another missa pro Se PSO . l. 32. offerre AZ indignus R. l. 33 meis manibus . ut et M Z. l. 34 quo quodis quatenus' atque I Perim. . l. 33 mysterii SΗZ exhibitione Z peccatorum, meorum A.
l. 39. per huius . . . misterium p. 7 l. 2 om. R. filii tui eni.
nostri l. C. HS. P. 7. l. 3. et . . . Perci Pere Om. R. MISSA S. SPIRITUS.
l. 3. The collects of this mas are, as in mos books, identica withthosessor hiisunday, excepi that in the rs of them hodierna die is omitte l. For collations See a vein P. 42 q. L Rea spiritu. PRO MUNDATIONE CARNIS. l. 6. The t ille os this mas varies C has Missa spiristis sancti Γ Missa e spiria sancto, an similari 1 has the three collect a, alternati vos in the Missa δε sanesto spiri v. iis Sthave Adinuocam&m
iS NOTES. 'oscendant Z statiam spiritus sancti, I De Vatia sani si spiritus fos Man aer, me cordis emundatione per spiritum sun. Ium postula a V Adponulandam gratiam.
l. 36 concuti J nocerim. p. 88. l. dignare η- et precibus et hostiis G dicatae etc. Dyclicatas in tibi ante dicata D) plebis quae D. l. 2. pax - GR. christianorum romano G. l. 6. Read supplices.
l. 7. hanc in igitur J. tuam m. quam . . . deuSJ q. dne. . quam tua maiestati pietati C maiestati tuae I exc. SYὶ quam tuae maiestati ne HS supplicos . peccatis
l. 8 q. m. respice propitius RS. l. I9 nostris Φ Copiosam SV. l. Io. ualeamus C possint HY extingui evc. CS . l. 24. Rcad nos morum. Poatcommon. CP as Super populum . l. 22. spiritus sancti R. inc. d. cordibus nostris.
l. 32. ine in igne sancti Spiritus CS et om IS . l. 33. libertate, ac munda mentem possimus, et C re tribue . . . tribuisti om. HY. l. 34. saluare dignatus es AR .
l. 37. ne. d. HI d. S. r. et protector CHY. r. in P. adiuva nos et om JAP. nos in per uirtutem sancti Spiritus tua sancta sumentes HSY et secJ ut ΛΗSV.
l. 38 nostra' uel Cis et I uel et ex m) nouitatis . P. I. in om J resurrectionis gaudioJ resurrectione iustorum aeternis gaudiis A. gaudium CAR . l. a. iubeas, meo.
l. 9. oblati. q. W. tribuo nobis G. l. a. his postcommon is madet os two, theiret os hic is ound in .P. M. ginning Tuere and encling illi peccaus l. 3) the other in I MR, running thus: Da nobis . ne. . e. q. 3l pluuium sata arem et ari iam terrae faciem uentis caelestibus Unanter in- funae per Only the firs of thos is include in the collations. The two are combine as here in M'. l. I 4 Read aridam.
l. 2. q. . . . noSJ tuere nocent. q. q. ne AM Wὶ. l. I 3 propitius Gram. terramque . . . infunde om GP., M. CONTRA PLUVIAM.
l. 6. I have no Mund this mas et se here But the collec occursas an alia sor the postcommon in Gerbera, Monumeno Vereris Limmiae Alemannicae, ni San-blasianis. 777 I. p. 3OJ, an a acollec in the Liber Sacramentorum Osi rimoldus P p. 449), in additionto the places mentione below. The postcommon also occursos a collect in rimoldus P p. 43o . The massiere serves the fame pur seas that whicli sollows, and these two are the ni pat o alternative masses in the book unless e re to excepi p. 87,ll S, I 6). The
nostrae tuae. l. Io. inundantium.
l. 3o. nos om. Seruientium naturam.
l. II. et intercessione . . . S. tuorum HSem Per S. Subleuemur S. que . . . adiuUntur Om. S. l. 2. intercessionem G intercessorum CDH. PRO TER AGENTIBUS.
l. I 3. Orationes a prosciscendum in itinerem. The singula is used instea os the plura throughout in M, an in the collec an Secret
p. 9 I. l. 2. tibi in ecclesia tua reserant conserant I actionem actiones R). l. Rea de eorum. Morol. AGI HIAM RS V. l. 4. i. - sub M R. nutibus uiribus suscipe ε propitius A. l. s. tuorum amularumque tuarum GP 'n' HIS Vmisericordiae tuae S. l. 6. aegrotantibus,m. post quibus i. 5 HMY imploramus auxilium S. periculis M.
l. cio. The postcommon is est in complete a the cnd os a page in the S. Compar p. II l. 35 an P. 78 l. 23.
AD POSCENDA SUFFRAGIA OMNlUM SANCTORUM. l. I i. his titio is alien rom D. The running ille is that ound in AS V. Raaxo tho Same ille asi excepi that the omit omnium and similari Z Iissa omnium sanctorum H has ratio dicenaea Momnibus sanctis in dominicis et in festis is lectionum, honore omnium sum oram, Λ Ad sus usa sanctorum postula a C Missa
NOTES. l. 2Ο q. m. Hrc. ACW ine. q. intercedente cum intercedentibus PI R. intercedente ACHSwV- et gloriosa semperque uirgine S. l. Ii genitrice semperque uirginem T. l. 22. nm. eundem A V. Hatcommon. AC DI HI ARSE V l. mense Aprili . l. 24. sanctae marie et om D tra omnium om. sanctae Ih HRS V 4 de genetricis SV in semper uirginis v mariae Φ semper uirginis, omnium m. JI- l. 23. tuorum m. merita memoriam RS commemoracionem, sollemnia DPILΛΣ recolentesJ facientes, celebrantes PILAΣ caelestia sacramenta in praestri . I quorum Suffragiis q. largiaris L. l. 26. agimus gerimus. eorum adiuti m. DΓJLARΣ.
l. 28. The ille os this mas talae many ornas, but the are generativequivalent to that os I , Pro vittis atque defunc is In HS i is simpl Oratio onerulis Iissa communis. Inicit has no ille
l. 32. supplices, . exoramus exoro P imploramus . l. 33 decreui P. adhuc uel praesen J. l. 34. saeculum adhuc CDPRS . l. 33 suscepit intercedentibus omnibus sanctis tuis R. l. omnium post clementia p. I. l. 3S CDRS om. HIPV. et gaudia om. PR. conSequi mereanturJ consequantur PR
l. 4. Superna eterna'. l. s. locandorum P. quaeso ΓΡ ut intercedentibus omnibus sanctis tuis R. l. 6. suscepi P uel et CDΗRW siue S nomina omnium fidelium R. fidelium Huiuorum atque mortuorum CDH V.
l. o. purificet AI R. i. et mi S. d. om. et mi S. Om. A. l. II. Sacramentum quod et in intercedentibus omnibus Sanctis R. tuum Sacramentum Om. R. tuum Diui mysterii
corporis tui . l. 3. ad ueniam adueniat C. ablutio remissio I si se .lom. V desensio et ereptio de manibus omnium inimicorum
nostrorum sit D. l. I 4 omnia om CPHIAV.
l. s. idelium om. I. omnium remissio D. l. 6. delictorum peccatorum ΗJA per c. J qui uiuis,.
l. 37. Most os the paris os this mas are oun i S. In the main, sol lows the missa pro trigintalibus of S.