장음표시 사용
l. s. ciuilam. sublimi altari tuo: conspectum P. l. 6. ut et hac altaris participationeJ hoc altari sanctificationis . l. . celesti om. . per c. om. . eundem om GPIMPZ
momento otiari omitte in C. l. Io. ne Φ animarum S. famulorum . . tuarum et eorum IPΣ famulorum tuorum .
l. 22. Shoul probabi rea meri L with theiulios MSS. But has aestimatis meritis sed uenia ,hicli a possibi besthe re ingintende here. It wil be remembere that uenia might asit bewritte uenie by ou scribe. The St. Aman Ordo agrees exactiswith Ε Duchesne, mi ines uiuue Chresten, and ed i 898, p. 440). In the Vaticani S. o G we have non sumamur meritis, an in Cod. Vat. 477 non estimamur meritis Ebner, uenen unae For flumen, p. 24). Andri may be note that the final letters os estimator arei thera Gali S. of the Gelasian Sacramentar Writte Over an erasum G p. 230 .
l. 6. et societatem societatis G. L I7 ignare Σ Sanctis tuis ci et aco martiribus in cum petro paulo patricio Σ. I. 18 mathia bamata ignatio om. . l. I9. selicitate m. 'os cecilia l. Ο Σ perpetua m. C. agatha luci post anastasia agne agna CD agnete
l. 22. aestimatis meritis Σ meriti . . . largitor omni. ueniari ueniam G. l. 23. n. - amen HY.Per Quem haec omnia CG have no crosses Ira omit thelast three. Additional crosses are placed in rat creas l. 24ὶς
l. 28. oremus oratio D m. preceptis . . moniti diuino magisterio edocti .
l. 36. m. om. omni malo praeterito praesenti et suturo . l. 37. et sec. m. intercedentibus νε pro nobis GHΣYZ. beata . . . maria et om Σ et uri. om. R. Semper exc. M . l. 38. et om Z. 4.J sanctis G. l. 39. et Om. . atque m. Z andrea patricio necnon oti Stephano protom tuom in necnon eli Cyriaco, tuo et Sancto martino consessore tuo cum omnibus Sanctisom GPΣ cum et AMR. sanctis auiso. l. o. pacem Quam DΣ in om M. l. 4i peccatis G liberi semper G. l. a. eundem CDHRS V.
l. 44. Per . . . amen Om. M. amen om. .
l. 6. mei ther Aous, nor an os the prayer solio ing, is iveni GΣ. The Agnus, without the succetaing prayers, is ound in P Ρ. p. 76. l. 2. Agnus an the prayer on this page are ound viso with some omission and inversion Os orde in CDHIRSwYZ. The differences in thei arrangement are exhibite in the subjoine table. hic tines no account os prayers in some of these books hic have no place
Dne L c. Dne. i. c. Perea trama. i. c. Due. i. c. e. i. c. Dne. i. c.
Placeat Placeat Placeaι Piaceat Placeas Placeat misceat
l. 3. sit fiat an e commixtio l. et M mihi nobis v et
ΗΙ- omnibusJ mihi omnibusque s. omnibus sumentibuslaccipientibus nobis, nobis accipientibus . Salus . . . corpori et m. Z. l. 4. etJ atque A. adbi R. et ad . . . Salutari om. C. a eternam uita aetem Z promerendam salutaris m. Z eternam promerendam capessendam aeternam I aeternam capessendam is et capescendam Η Φ situ. l. s. n. per c D HS Hamen IRWZ.
l. 6. michi nobis V hoc om. sacrosanctum HIS. l. filii tui ni dei, nostri . c. etc. Η). ini nostrii. c. - Η ital tam H digne HISW. l. . assumere A. merear mereamur IV per hoc hec γ exe D omnium om. . l. meorum nostrorum I Y de m. eis. tuo m. A. spiritu sancto A. repleri, et atque Lati aeterna damnatione liberari et in die iudicii cum sanctis et electis tuis in perpetua requie collocari Q et pacem tuam habere . quia c. per eundem A. l. o. solus IS et preter te non est alius om. D. alius nisi tu solus, cuius regnum c.J qui uiuis &c. . l. tr. gloriosum om. HI sine fine anu permanet HIS .amen Om. . Perceptio comori. DRSYZ. l. II. perceptio om. . et Sanguinis om. Z. . sacramentum S.
l. I 3 quamJ quod S. ego om. en R) licet anu indignus S. peccator Om. Sumere presumo accipio S. michi proueniat' proueniat mihi Z sit mihi s mihi ueniatis. l. 14. in ad Y in iudicium iudicio S. et nec ad . condemnationi S. sed ε pro 'si prosit pietate S. l. s. michi ad c.J corporis mei et animae Saluti amen S. ad purgationem Peccatorum et om RYZ. mentis animae,. l. r6. corporis Het ad medelam percipiendam R.
l. 8. sancto spiritu C. uiuificasti salvasti C. l. I9. quaeso SacrumJ sacrosanctum ΑΗISYZ. et hunc S. a cunctis ab omnibus HRYZ 83. l. Io. et 'ri. - ab HIS meis post iniquitatibus AHIRS I 2I semper m. AC hia Z oboedire inherere, Ma g. precepti si mandatis HIRSWZ in Perpetuum m. IR. I. II. permittas si separari RSY post perpetuum l. ai H. saluator mundi anu qui uiuis S. qui uiuis amen I.
NOTES. l. 26. propitiabile te miserante Z in meritis et intercessioni.
Ini illis is the mas for the octave os Pentecost.
l. 7. dedisti in nobis IV. l. maiestatis Quae D.
l. v. benedictui sit. l. 3I. alleluia om. exciri in tempore 'aschati, p. 78. . . silenter The direction that Suscipe s. Trini aishouldie iniit silently scem tote unusual It is ound ho ever, in Montecassino Cod. 27 xi. γ, a manuscript of the leventi, o twelli century Ehner, euellen unae Forschumen rur Grachichu und unumschichuae Missati Romanum ter Italicum, p. io): Sacerdos secreu dicat hanc orationem Suscipia &c. l. 2 sqq. e have here a portionis the ordinar of the mass. Thisseem to consarm the conclusio at ready mached a vei. 68hthalthe mas sor themoly Trinit in E was a missa canonica, em dying the ordinar an canon. ur scribe has ritte this mas very caretessty se below on l. 233, an may wellis supposedo have Minoiten to mi portions hich in the rearrangement of the ook se above, p. 68ὶ ought to have been struch Out. His error is suchit was, has preserved torus the only portionis an Anglo-Iristi ordinaryno remaining with the exception os In spiri u humilimus, test in the
Missa pro deiunctis in D p. 34 The orna of Suscis give heresis
NOTES.I7s longer than thoseis HSY, and disser much rom them in other respects. The formoso laesas I have noticed Whic approaches mos closely tooum is that give in . p. 93. it this and withis it is collated helow. Almos identica wit cis the or give in artene, De Eccl. H. I. v. a. t. i. cia sos, sto an ordo edite by Flaccus Illyricus, whic Martene belleve to have been in us a Salaburg. l. 6. The omission of the nam oscit. Joh Baptis is,orthmos note. Le Brun says Explication, t. iii. art. ix note 4 I that St. Johesis notnamed in themicrologus, nor in any missa besore the welsth century. This statement anno incleedie accepte without reserve se Paci- audi, De Cultu S.Iohannis Baptistae, Rome, 733, p. 38 : ut theabsence of the clause Containing the nam iam indicate an earlydate so the ex os, at this place. l. Read placuerunt et This,or is, of course, superfluous B ut in a 'er large numberos instances a clauseris introduce at this potnt, beginnini illi et, and apparenti intende to adapt the genera sor sor us o specialoccasion not ther is provide for se belo in the collation).when the missat was revise an rearranged this clause, is it were speciali appropriate to the Trinit Mass Would uite naturali hemarhed sor omission It is no impossibi that the scribe, by an oversight allowe the rst ordo stand while passing ove the
l. a. offerimus R. in o R. l. 3. incarnationis natiuitatis om. R. l. 4. atque et Mom. Λ. i. c. uni nostri R. l. s. honore ΛR. beatissime . . . Christi et om Λ. beatae R. uirginis mariti mariae semper uirgini R. genitrici . . . christi om. R. l. 6. Heli ioannis baptiste et Sanctorum p. petri et pauliet istorum ante et omnium R. tuorum . . . mundi et
l. 7. et in eorum quorum hodie festiuitas celebratur et quorum hic nomina et reliquiae habentur Λ. l. 8. omnibusque fidelibus christianis om. AR. l. ut e R. in ne Om. R. l. o. qui in trinitate C.J per C. R om. Λ. l. a. deinde chere sollows the Roman ather than the Englishusage. In HS Orale cloes no immediately solio Susci . l. 7. hese verses, o Some of them, were Ot uncommoni used asa response to Ornu See Rome Bibl. Angelica Cod. D. 7 3 Ebner,suellen unae rachian em Iter Italicum, p. 353, Milan Bibl. Ambros. Cod. H. 233. ins M. p. 3ω , Amalarius De Eccl. F. iii. 9 Hitto , p. 9ab , Ps-Alcui De Div. O . Hitto , p. 82bὶ, Durandus, Rationale, IV. xxxii 3 the Yor Missa i. 7 sq. and the usage of the Carmelites a reporte hyae Brun Explication . . . de Priares e aes Ceremonio ae Ia Messe, lege, I 777, t. i. P. 372,
Sancta ante Per SY. Per . . . uirtutem et om Orc. ΛY 'ost claus sequ. et ante per HY. l. O. et . . . inuocationem Om. A M. Sancti nominis AHIRS v. sancti om CDPPZ. l. 2I cooperante Sancto Spiritu om. σΩ ΗΜSY). spiritu sancto
I76 TES. l. et a per c. qui uiuis &c HS qui in trinitate persecta C, per DIAPZ om n eundem sem. R. l. 23. The concludin portion of the massias Men omittes. Compare a vei p. M l. 3 an below on p. I, l. o. his tunder of the scribe is readit accounte sor in the present instance, o the suppositio that in the exemplar the Trinitymas was a missa canonica For in that case severa pages containing the Canon, Would intervenebetween the secret an the common. Se a Veis p. 73, l. 16 P. 78,l. 2.
mundet purget excisDin. l. I 6 immolata post crucis RSW post etiam C. fiensa DIΛ ostensas HS offensum C. l. II. per in eundem HY.
l. I liberati, sumus. l. Io. redemit ε nos alleluia sec. . excit n. 4 alleluia D.
resurrectione usque ascensionem ora. Oxv I and 3 account sor
See bove On p. II l. i), .e et 'er octauas eiusdemJ. is scat his mas is intende soris sto Easter to the octave of Ascen- Sion. I seem clea that octave mos probabi refers to the
complete the series, vi g. isona Candiema to Easter. How are et account so the absenc os a mas sor the las of these period sinis Most probabi h supposing that it was accidentali omitto thy the scribe. his par of the missa is extremel consu sed init arrangement, a we hal have to Otice heroaster, an bears tokens os a ungi in attempto alter the ordor of the masses. Noth in is more likel tha that in the proces os changing the Sequence a mas shout be omitted or possibi si serve so theearlier perio as weli a so that with whicli iis ille connecis it But, however his may be, it sumce suo say that simila lacunae occur in other books as sor example V. It omninscio observe that the masvso the time prece ling Advent sint ille in Q a penthecoste usque ad aduentum, notrus heres ab octauis ascensionisJ. The differen ce strit ling, assectiniat the mos only the mas sor the Vigilis Pentecost. But indee it is possibi that E contemptates no mas os St. Maryon that day. In the case of the Missa de S. Cruce, hicli assaicliseekly, a long lis os circumstances is ive in col. 748 )which woulmentat iis omission An where themas of the B. U. M. Wasi sed oni once a Meeli it is no improbahle that it was similarly supersede on certain great days, of which whitsun ve might ellhesone is there a no Missa de S. Maria on hiisu Eve, thecli rections in ian Mare equivalent. The mass hic corresponds to the present in iis content is variousi headed. It is Missa de S. Maria ithout addition in ACPJΛΡ, while inis the addition is gi ven a senuecosse usque ad aduentum in S a suri catione usque ad ciuentum aeni. in W a festo furi cationis usque ad pascha et a festo s. Trinisatis usque a aduen um ni in Y a festo furi cationis ad castut ieiunii es a festo, e . a W) in, post puri casionem. D has nouit te. l. 23. Read uersera. l. 27. his is the psalm in D et Daudia HV A has uia concupiui Denedia tu, ioth of these alter, R sexo dei genitri r. cis,ithout the maSS.
l. 3o. nobis famulis tuis A P. l. 3I salute sanitate ACD HIRY prosperitate ΓΛ P. gloriosa gloriosae a CD. l. 33. sutura aeterna HRSWY.
l. 23. concedas sempiterna concede D. l. 8 Rea Iuo. reatis omina sor omini an so e have iti'. 67 l. 4. io also, ii p. 3. have no found this common hereelseu here, excepi in C.
l. 3l beatissimae J beate: maritii mariae semper uirginis A eius PS. l. 32. nos patrocinii HIV. no pos q. l. 3i A. l. 33 cuius in Sanctissima A. l. 34 ranna. c. eundem, WV.
l. 33. in aduentu diai.J ab aduenm ni in ab aduentu usque ad narius-mum Q infra a uentum . . . nisi in festo conceptionis SQ inmmensum per lorum aduentum usque ais festum se alii ni W. COIIoet CDHRSWY AI sor Annunciation ΛΜ collecta sol Annunciation . For collations se On P. 4 l. 2. p. 8 i. Secret ACDJ sor trans os t. Marti H sor St.
l. 6. maiestati tuae S. Post Ommon. ACD G sor Assumption). l. satiati sacrati C. N. m. nos om. l. protectione, ubique A. l. o. Sancta' uirgine A. l. I 2. per c. J qui tecum C per eundem D.
1. 4. Amoc aut epipfluviae usque ad puri casionem Q A te circumcisionis usque mi puri cutionem H In nurata aeui. Q DRSN as
l. 23. substantiam os eiusdem i. 24 CS praesenti hoc C. l. 26. enm. eundem CS. l. 29. Rea auctorem. Pontoommon. sor Purification . For collatio See o p. 32, t. 26, where the textrinis dirurssrom thaliive here.
l. 32. The scribe in error inrote here the ille of the nexi mass. Hesubsequently altere it se sootnote to De resurrectione usque ascensionem, hic agrees Withis De resurrectione. D is the ni othermissa in whic I have Mund this mass. It is evident ly ut os placellere, intrude in to the series of missae de S. Cruce and cle S. Maria. Probabina rearrangement ha been attempte of the Votive Masses, and the disserence in orde os the masses in E an iis exemplar aqthe cause of the error in the rubrication. Bisho Forbes Arburanos asinal, p. xxxix omit the ille os this mass. p. 82. I. I. nostra Thisbor is an error of the scribe sor nos er Itshould have been marke with an obelus.
p. 8 i. Conoot D ΓΛ M orationes paschales, orationes paschales uespertinales l. 36 in om. D. P. 82. l. nostra om. aptismo regenerari secisti . l. a. b. immortalitate facias D diam. J eundem IἈM P. l. 3. See s inole. I in unable to osse any satisfactor explanation of this line. The alter pari hould probabi be expande in resurrectione usque asscensionem . The ac that these ordo cur in the ille of the ex mas suggest that we have here a secondsmittes attemptis the scribe to infert it in iis prope place sec
l. II. actionibus actibus D rationibus ΓΛ deponentes Finis. l. i. c. c.J per eundem AP.
l. 27 intelligentiam spiritalem temporalem in
l. 33 fieri participes. p. 3. Seoret D sor missa in commemoratione incamationis c. lni. AC PHIARS V sor Annunciation c. M amon aliae orationes aster postcommonis Annunciation. For collation Sce On P. 4 l. 29, Wheret is inserte aster stris l. 2 . l. 8 Rea nostris. Postoomino n. D A HI ARS YZ sor Annunciationis P monualiae Orationes aster postC. Os Annunciation . For collation See o P. S l. 2. DE OMNIBUS APOSTOI IS. Couoet serrat Alban). l. Id. et Inis. m. J ut I. i. . . p. l. 3)J Sanctum albanum C. I.
l. 2 . salutaris ODI AGI I V. ne. q. . quam . . . offerimus l. 24 Om. . quae D. Sanctorum . . . p. l. 23 J Sancti albani C. I.