The Rosslyn Missal An Irish Manuscript in the Advocates' Library, Edinburgh

발행: 1899년

분량: 291페이지


분류: 미분류


l. 9. Aue gratia, as jus observed is the rst processionat anthem in mos books. Someri vela more precis direction Thus in Q theeleventi, centur portion it is obe sunt ad stationem sancte marie ': in the Sydne Sussex S. of in egressu do choro iisque ad altare beatae mariae, the antiphon Adoma thalamum folio ni in statione ante altare beatae mariae. This give the reason sor the substitution os Aue gratia soritier esus in E. The benediction too place notos in the Englisi Pontificat at themigii Altar, hut at the ady Altar. Is theresore this anthem,as to Misc in the customary way it mustbe sal besore, no aster, the procession et ut an e auarc no adfrocessionem I may be remarhed that a simila transposition os Auenaua ahes place in I. It is no impossibi that this missa also supposes the benediction to tali place at the altar of Sain Mary.

l. 23. Rea accisiant. l. 24. editui S inmittorp's ordo quote above. In I p. 39ὶ thecandies are distribute by the edituus. An similari in the BodleianMS. Ra l. c. 23 W col. 624 distribuantur cerei per secretarium'; an in the ook of Evestiam col. o) Secretarii uero distribuant Singulis fratribus singulos cercos. This,as in lac the usual ruleamong the Benedicti nec se Martene, De Ant. Mon. H. III. vii 2I col. 3O3 . Sisin Coueet. Ἀβν aster the sprinkling). l. 28. repellendas S. l. 32. runm. eundem. l. 33 The superfluous in is Mund also in stl. 34 antiphonas The abbreviation is unusual anu Is. The wores ad inrocession/m are absent Dona the Englis Pontificals excepi β), stom hicli circumstance e maninis that thenare notio e connected illi pertinenus Though writte by ur scribe continuousin illi ha precedes thenwere probabi in his exemplar the head ing of the antiphons hic sollow. Thei absencerim the Pontificats, in Whicli the ex os these antiphon is no given, icthus


l. 27 Road auctorem. POatcommon. de S. Maria Christinas to Candiemas . l. 26. ia m. S. nobis om. S. eius iso S. praesenti estiuitate continua intercessione S.I. 28 pcrydnna nostrum &c. om. Per S.


l. 20. Maria The Iristi nam so the monti, os March. This mas is identica wit that assigne in Grio 29th June, underihestilles In natali S. Petri proprie.' l. 3 sq. his office nn psalmis no appea in fuit in the missat They are ound howcver, in the Mas sor ne Consessor in D, asin ther hook another indicatio that coriginali possesse a


NOTES. 33l as petri apostoli tui om. GAM P sex apostoli tui petri apostolica PL. illiust illorum ri l. 26. prosill proficiato.


l. 34. ' have a ossice an psalm Uulfum, Eructauis almos allother book agreeing with, in the office, an mos os them in themiam. l. 35. et ius Hia . . . eum ould wem to e the psalm, as in mos books though in both, an Erit is written ascis it were partos the office. p. 54. COIIoct. ACHIRS YZ D de S. Maria ΓΛM collec besore

no else heres see, p. 34o . 'AR haveis usa est. l. II. Reaia occursus. l. 4 sqq. his is the tract also in CH. In SMil. 6-IMare omitted. an in v l. 6. has no tract. l. as Read frenaea Secret ACI HI ARS YZ M a postc. D missa in commemoratione incarnationis C. . l. 20. m. m. AMP. one . I. l. 3Ο uerum m. hominem imite S. l. 3i eius eiusdem RS resurrectionis incarnationis Scin Carnationis . . . et aduentus Spiritus Sancti D. l. 32. mereamur peruenire ea c. l. laetitiam omnae peri qui

P. S. Post common. ACΓΗΙΛRAWYZ Dde S. Maria MPmoni aliae orationes a the end of the mass).

l. 3. tui om. W. l. 4. crucem ' perque mariam uirginem de genitricem D. l. perin m.J per eundem ex qui tecum c M.





O ium. Gaudeamus omnes. Oratio.

Omnipotens sempiterne deus qui beatum patricium bernensium clegisti apostolum tuum resta quesumus is cuius doctrina fidem sumpsimus eius intercessione in bonis actibus roboremur Per. sis ola. Ecce sacerdos. a MD Domine prevenisti Uitam petiit. Alleluia Iustus germinabit. vel Tructus Beatus uir qui. Sequencia. Dci per patricium. . . . Euan elium. Uigilate quia nescitis. m. meritas mea.


Hostias tibi domine in honore quesumus sancti patricii offerimus deuote accipias ut nos a penali gehenna iudicii liberemur per. Communio. Fideli Seruus.

Post communionem.

Omnipotentem deum uniuersitatis auctorem deprecamur ut Sumptum sacrificium per beatum patricium fiat nobis remedium sempiternum


l. lo. Scolorum This a the nam applied to the Irish, and tothem alone, o many centuries. The cognate term ricinia wasi retuso Mos that portionis the modern Scotland which si unde on thesouth by the rivors Forth an Clyde, early in the eleventi centum, the word Scoti' havin been applied to iis inhabitant sonae halearlier Shene, cui Scottianae, i. 308). ut long aster that date beisland now known as reland continue to e calle indifferently Hibernia an Scotia. Se the letter rom Stephen hi te toColgata, publis hed in the Proce in s of he ora Iris Aoti my, vol. viii. P. 34M USsher, morti, vol. i. p. 283 sq. An early use os Scolia applied to orth Britain ill e lauia above, p. xxii note 1 and o the ollior an an interest in examplo of the late perio to hic the nam Scottan continue to e used for I reland may beseen in the Marsilo eis Richar Whytsom, printe in Sa6, hereunde Feb. I and Mar. I we have in Scottonde the eest os fami Brigido,' in scottonde the laesi os saynt atrihe byssho an consessour that syrs preched there Christes sayth ' Procte an De vick scilition H. D. S. Ol. iii pP. 9, a). l. l. ut hibernenses . . . efficeret It is difflauit obelicuo that we have this collec in iis origina sorm. I seonis unlikel that thepeopte to hom St. Patric proached houli ho describe in two

Successive clauses by the disserent names of Scoti an Hi menses gentes. Moreove the wordsietween elexisti an tribue a re a merenna plification os scolorum asouorum. e ma suspect that the area later explanator addition, ad aster the wor Scoli' ad cometo De used so the inhabitant os orthiritain a weli ac ratiose of Irclan that is about the eleventi, O twelsth centu . Compare theword os a scribe employed by Marianus Scotus, penned so the benefit os forci gn eadem on uno 28, Io72 Et scripsi hunc librum pro caritate tibi et Scotis omnibus id est Hibemensibus, quia Sum pS Hibernensis MacCarthy, Theiodea Palatino. Vaticanus M S g


NOTES. . 830. R. I. A. Todd Lecture Series, I 802, p. IS . Our suspicionis confirmed he we turn to the Breviar of ilna oon Trini tyCollege, Dublin, M S. D. I. S), hicli, at s. Iaa in has the ollowingcollectrici St. Patrick' Da :Deus qui beatum satricium Fberni apos olum tua prouidencia

elocisti reisue nobis quesumus eius intercessionibus ut ad ea quae recta sun quam scitis festinemus 'en

This omits it illis seen the suspecte clauso, an proclaim iis comparati vel late clate ni hy the substitution os inbernia sorscolorum. It is the in k,hicli connecis the collectis ou book init original formis illi the more divergent recensio in tho ilcormicmissa printed above. ciet another example of the collect with the ordo forum and the explanator insertio is ive by Colgans Trias Thaumamma, p. 93 isoni an ancient Breviarnos Armagh. It varies rom ou textis followscit. Sanctum beatum.

l. I l. ad lumen . . . reduceret et sm.

I may be ad ted that the inserte claus recalis, though perhaps no very vividly various phrases in Jocetin's me of St. Patrire, and ma with sonae lihelthood e referre to imos iis author TheContrast etween the clarknes of heathen error and the light os Christianit is ver frequent. Sue .g. SI, S, 2, 33 an note especiali Populus ergo gentium illarum qui sedebat in tenebris

jam videns lumen magnum acclamando gratiarum actiones Summa luci . . . atriciumque praeconem perennis lucis magnificabat i ad discernendam lucem verae fidei a tenebris idololatriae': Ipso vero S. Patricium Sicut angelum paci et luCi . . SUSCEPit . . . Credidit et per lauacrum regenerationis . . . christo incorporari meruit Ne tali lucerna extincta, populus Hiberniae iterum in tenebris ambulareti Al these expression are os course remini Scences of Isai. ix i, whicli usuali serve lis the ex o Iristi homilies o St. Patrich. ut simila phrases are Munil also in the Vita Mens. Derni, here there is perhaps les opportunit for using them, and where the cannot have been due o any Such obvious Suggestion Thus cap. quote Doni Forbes edition, His orians of Scottanae, vol. v. p. 62 Quomodo candor lucis etcrne, sol tu Stitie . . . radiis Sue cognitionis et dilectionis mundum illuminauerit . . . suo inducens in omnem plenitudinem ueritatis efficatius', C. Cap. iv p. 69 Lauacro regenerationis et renouationis illos perfudit. Cap. 24 p. o3 Sedenti namque in tenebris exterioribus uerus lucifer cordi illius illuxit et lux cxterior ad tempus adempta de tenebrosis, et umbra mortis, illum educens in lucem

ueritatis induxit. Interius igitur illustratus . . . ut . . . sontem

Saluti ipsum ablueret, cepit deuote deprecari, and the remainde os the chapter See also chapter te p. 78), xxvii p. 2o8), xxxii p. ai8ὶ,

St. Bernarii' Vita . Malarhiae writte A. D. II 49 supplies an instructive illustration os the ambiguit cis Scotia and iis cognates early a centur later. Ire lan is usuali named mi hernia ' ic s. p. 374 Once ulterior Scotia i 72 : Neotia is regulari used sor North Britain and the Scoti are iis inhabitanis, cingorice contraste with thes Hiberni' sit . ut iace, in the mout os an Irishman. 'Scoti is used in iis olde minini g6I , while the mean in Rhicli Bernar attachedio the Phrase opus Scoticum' g 43 probabi copie froni the notes of his Iristi

correspondent Ongan is uncertain.


NOTES xxxi v p. I9), xxxv p. 22ὶ xxxi p. 20). Jocelinisses Scoti Orthe inhabitant os modern colland Thus, i a Ment cap. xxvii p. a ), Si Kentigern reaches to the icis an Scots while a se Pages later, are told cap. xxix. p. at 3 that Rederech was baptized by the discipies of St. Patrach in Hibernia. Another collectrior St. Patricli' Danis Mund in two inedite Iris, Brevi aries, whicli stant side by sicle in the librarno Trinit College Dublin B. I. 3, 4), and whichiolonge respectively to the CLurch os Clondalli in and to that oscit. Johitho Evangelist, Dublin. t runs thus Deus qui beatum 'a rictum D emi apostorum si is muDimodis decor

atum ae celesum Horiam Iranstulisti pressa quesumus, eius meruis etfrecibus atata Deum beatitudinis remia consequamur per Thi S

l. 7. r. Warre has aptly cited in illustrationis the closing wordso the secret the Iristi notion os the functio assigne to St. Patrichin the ano Judgement This traditiona belle secm to assumet o forins Accordinoto ne the aint,as to e the juclge os beIrish. Thus to the word os St. Sechnali' hymn, cum apostolis regnabit Sanctus super Israel, the glossator append the note regnabit Patricius super colos in die iudicii, quotin blati. ix. 28, in hicli the apostles are describe lis sittinion thrones justingilie tribes os Israel. So, accordi noto uirch Maccu actheni's notes in the ook os Armagh, it a grante to t. atricli ut Hibernenses omnes in die iudicii a te iudicentur, language hic is echoc by the homilisis. The ther sor of the tradition Aes Patric the defender of the Irish o Doomsdav. Thus th Prayer es Nini neci Weum to Patricli, hi es apostle, who ath save iacto oom' dayFrom judgement by the malevolence




l. 22. Froni iis position in the missa it appears that this masswas intende to e sed on St. Mark' Day an sor his clanit sappi inte in PZ. I ut o the ther and the majorit os later olis assign it to ne or more of the Rogation Days. Thus in AHAMSW it is the mas sor Rogatio Monday in , an in visit a change of essons also sor Rogation uesclay. In the modern Roma missa the fame mas serves sor at three RogationDays and sor St. Mark' Day, while in cit comes et ween the masssor the Sth undanaster Eastor and that so the Uigil of Ascensionwith the ead in In Lemniis maioribus. An with this usage the ille in E agrees. I seem clea that in the exemplar it was a Rogation a masS, and that it was transferre t it presunt place, without altering the titie in accordance with the principi expresseclin the rubri in ossicium misse de claniis ante vigiliam ascensionis positum : fiat eo tempore quo fit in terris in quibus fratres

morantur. The converse transpositio has been made in I, where itappeam a the mas sorali Monclavi fore Ascensio Dari but withthe titi vii Kal. GL Gesania Maiore Thus the position in themissat, ather than the litic in Oth cando, indicatos the sage.

tatis G M.t r. Warre supposes that the nine excised cavos o C, intervening ,et weenthe present s. I an s. II S. containe l. inur a. ia, in Ke so the Rogation Days. Though this conjecture is probabi correct it cannot e regardei a certain sor. laesides the ni ne here referre io, si leaves have been remove isOm them, bycxci ion, an in each of these cases the excialon too place at an cari stage of thegerit,e's,or an has testis lacuna. t is qui te pomitile that this manti irue also ,s Ome os the nine excised aster s. II7. The tollowin indication Os the arrangementcis the gathcring Osi, whiches in to the inlines os r. munimer, ille Librariani, Corpus Christi College, Oxsord, ill supplement hat r. Warren has rit tens C p. 2 sq. :

Possibi the final leas os the manuscript has been lost. I so it was probabi theccinjugate os xix. I, and thus what we have calle gathering xlx, in re the remainsi,s a single composite catherinios Ia The stitchinios these two sold is modern.


Pontoommon. APHIAM DRS YZ. l. 8 tua dona ΓΛ tribulatione F nostra . PercepimuSAPHA PSYZ. VIGILIA S. IOHANNIS APTISTAE.


nostrum i C. filium tuum HRYinna nostrum P clnm nostrumi. c. AIDAS Per GLAM. IN DIE S. IOHANNIS BAPTISTAE.


l. 26. honorabilem, nobis. ohannis Φ baptistaeo. l. 27 da, populis tuis. l. 20. sternet et pacis GL. p. 38. l. I sq. Inis thes t O verse a re replace by Tu ue proprie a and Ne timeas zacharia, in 'Ai murus uir. has Heluia a theend of l. probabi omitte heret an cri or of the scribe. l. a. his verse is common to C anilis, but is Quia in no the book


l. a. apostolica sanctorum p. tuorum Petri et pauli . et om APILAMPR Z. l. I 3. tribuis PILAP. l. I 6 Read amo tela lavini en istahen sor his common is Mund ais in Cri and ver raret else heres see, p. 56iὶ Themajoritnos books have Tu es inereus. Postmininon ACPHIΛΜPRS sor Annunc B. U. l. l. 8 satiasti m. S. appostolici intercessionibus b. sanctorum p. 228 ap. tuorum petri et pauli intercessionibus intercedentei. . . . maria G. l. I9 omni, nos notis o Vigil GH in propitius et semed. NATALE S. PAULI. l. 23. his psalmaeem to M peculiarito p. 36i in C,antinithis mass. 'ARSY have ne probasti, H De reliquo reposita, W Non solum auum michi. ueet. GPHIAM PRSWYZ. l. 26. gentium cinis. apostoli aut HISWYZ. l. 27. natali I. l. 28. patrocinio I R. l. 29. Read alaras.


l. 22. tua' et S. l. 23. apostoli ri tui S. OCTAVAE S. PETRI ET PAULI. l. 26. non See o P. 9, t. IS. l. 28. his mce appears to e peculiar o E. 'H. RSW have Sapientiam sanctorum. At these books excepto seemo agreewithin in having the psalm Exsuuate. Amas the ossice Caeli enarran The masscis,antinii C. Couoci AGI HI AMPRS YZ C de petro et paulo). l. 32. i. m. Petrum in apostolum GHIRSV. l. 34 pelago G exaudi . . . et Om. G. l. 33 concedes propitius . internitatis gloriam aeternam trinitatis gratiam G.

l. 36 per qui uiuis AF RSV.

p. 62. l. a. his episti is sonaewhatinusual It is Mund in, Eolatio. In flectio mar ovo True ad. l. 3. ConstiIue is ver rare here see, p. 364J. It is Mun in sor the second, and v so the third da with in the octave but wii adisserent P', it mos Engli Sh books, has ouorum animae There is no mascis the octave in C. l. 6. his is the x in mos books have Sancti mi.

l. 4. The offertor scenas peculia to , C Want in the mass. In iacit is o the seconcl, an in Y so the third danwith in the octavo.

l. 23. Sacramenta Φ caeleStia S. p. Φ tuis petro et paulo S . VIGILIA ASSUMPTIONIS . MARIAE.

l. 28. Apparently the scribe egan to rite the psalm, hui, in error, aster iis pening Word or oriis copie again the cn os the ossice. He the commence the psalm Desti no percei, in his mistake. This appear tot tho psalm gi ven in almos ali Englisl hooks, is ema assume that Et murium in the Duiliam and whiti, missals