Easy Latin for sight reading for secondary schools. Selections from Ritchie's Fabulae faciles, Lhomond's Urbis Romae viri inlustres, and Gellius' Noctes atticae

발행: 1897년

분량: 170페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류




lea to more sight readin in secondar schools. While theoreticali ali agre that nothin is more helmul and inspiring, practicatly ut se give it the attention it deserves. When sight readin is made to mea loos guesSin and inexac interpretation es Latinos a refuge homhard stud an scholari habiis, nothin canis urge in iis defenseri ut properi understoo as a method by whichone a be Mel an suret te in ea an understandLati a Latin to tali in iis thoughis asil in the orderin hic the are presented, it no conscious appea toΕnglisti, e must ali acknowledge iis primar importance. Ρoor resulis in the stud of Latin are larget due to mis- directe enero. Student learn much about the language, but domo learn the language iself. The get the form, butno the substance. Whilemo language cani learne Withou knowin iis gramma an syntax the amount of such knowledge that is necessar to one Who seelis only the meaning of the textris much smalle than is osten supposed and howeve valvabie lose grammatica analysis may be forother purposes, it may, and no doubi osten oes, serioustyimpede progress toward rapid readin and intelligent appreciation The man who parse Milton' ' Paraclis Lost V


iv PREFACE.fromieonning to en caninardi have fel the poet' inspiration, Whateve he manliave learne es format grammar. Student can neve reatly enter the fiet os Latin literature nor rea it widely an appreciativel Who anno understandit ascit is ritien, ithout change of orde and without formal translation. e translate farrio much, e rea theoriginal far o litile. Student Ahould e tauo to read, and to understandos the read Without translation, fromine very beginning The aim from the ouiset should e tolearn to rea Latin This is notis dissiculi ascit seems, and pupiis in secondar school can with prope instructionacquire considerable facilit in his direction.

Μany of us have fel the lac escius the right in ofreadinymatter forieonners to grapple With. The ancients di not write fori es an sucklings, and the Latin offeredior translatio at sight is osti meat to Strongrior Oungbeginners Latin that icto hard is mors than seless, an leadsuo nothinibu discouragement an self-depreci tion. Student mus seel that the Can Conque an are conquering rom dant day It has seeme to me that fora elletrade series of selections for secondar schoolsnothingieiter an e found than Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles, Lhomond's Vrbis Romae Viri inlustres, and Gellius Non Atticae. The selections have accordingly been ad fromthes three ources. The Fabulae Faciles may be sed toadvantage during the alter ad of theirst year and the firs par of the second the selections rom Viri Romae come neri in dissiculty, and the those rom Gellius. It hasbee mysu os to assor sussicient an sultable materialso the entire preparator course. tris hope that, far frombein an adde burde to student atready verworked the


PREFACE. Vuse of this book ill greatly facilitate the progress throughthe require Work. From Considerable experience wit classes in sight readingand rom in experience an publications of thers, have

compile an formulate in acie introductor page Somehinis an suggestions thates have found mos useful, praci, calty in teachin the artis readin Latin These are obloWed by a few modeis for ritte lessons, hicli Willis offome se in fixin the foremin suggestions. In these Iliave followed in the main the method hic Pros. . . Hale describes in his ell-known amphtet, The Ar es Readin Latin.' While rofessor Hale' method is admi able in an respecis it is possibi forcles skillsui teachersto overdo the science to the detriment of the ari, M. to pediplex the mind with unnecessar question acto possibi orprobabie constructions that oni delanthe successsu progress of the interpretation. I do not thereiore thin it wellio continue suc clos analysis by Written ork, after the fundamental principies of Latin orde an syntax have been weli mastered.

fications an some modifications in orthograph an punctuation, in texis have been followed ithout variation.

As authorit for quantities the las edition 189s of Lewis' Elementar Latin Dictionar has been followed, a the most widely adopted is no in ali cases the best standata.


vi PREFACE. The notes consist in the main os SynonymS, antonymS, an Latin paraphrases an definitions. In thes the wordsused are suchlas are common in Caesar, Cicero, an Vergil, the aim ein to increas the student' vocabular and

thereb his abilit to rea thos authors. nglis transi tions arealven only heremo happy an eas Latin equivalent suggeste itself. It is suggeste that teacher mali frequent se of theselections for ora reading. ur method of eachin are t to neglect in ear a mos powerfui instrument in the interpretatio of thought, an to train the ey only. Ostengood student Will ait o understand the simples Latinwhen it is ea to them These selections ill e found of out the right dissiculi for this important discipline. Fuit an gratesul acknowledgmen is made to ali ho have added to the value of thes pages by thei publications in his field. an helmul suggestions have been raWnfrom these ources. Specia thanks are due to Dr. Jolin Tetlow, ead-master of the Boston Giris'migh an Latin Schoois for an valvabie criticisms an to rincipalA. R. Crittenden, of the psilantimio School, an toΜis Helen B.,uir, assistant in ancient languages in this institution for assistanc in reading the proos.