Easy Latin for sight reading for secondary schools. Selections from Ritchie's Fabulae faciles, Lhomond's Urbis Romae viri inlustres, and Gellius' Noctes atticae

발행: 1897년

분량: 170페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류





INTRODUCTION. I. What is Sight Readine pB sight readincis meant in abilit to ea an un-clerstan Latin in the orde in hic it stands, without forma translation and without lavis dependence pongramma an dictionary. I a translationi required, itshould come as a subsequent exercise in Englisl after in thought of the Latin is atready clear. Sight readingcloes no mea inexac an rapi skimmin ove es a Latin text. In acquiring the pomer to rea at sight, e procee a first Howθ, afterward Wit greater speed, to an exact an accurate comprehensio of the language. II. What are the Difficulties pThe dissiculties are notis great ascis usuali Sup Sed. Constant practice an persistent effori along right method togethe with a thoroughanowledge of the essentialso Latin gramma are ali that is required. The threechies obstacles that hinde the student' progress througha Latin sentence are his deficient vocabularn his uni miliarit with in constructions and the unusual orderis


ΙΙΙ. Consideratio of the Dissicuities:


a Learn a Soon a possibi the meaning of the prepositions conjunctions pronominat adverbs, and numerals. These recur very frequently and an either e guessed nor omitted. b. earn the force of the principat prefixes an subfixes, and the mos important ules for or formation H. P. 52-Ι78 A. p. 4o-I62). aster at that is essentiat, omittin exception an minor potnis. memorige nemword a yo meet them, beginning with the firstir roo meaning of Word in thei simplest formS eg. learn duco efore ovor to remember o

duco. nowing the oo meanin and the force of prefixo sumx, ou Willi easilfled, without using a dictionary, to the meaning of derivatives. an CompoundS. d. In inferring the meaning of a repositiona com- pound try the oo meaning efore ovor to ad the force of the preposition. an prepositiona compoundsfail to how the force of the reposition in translation, eg. adiuV6 differs but litile hom iuv6, an indiged homegeo. Osten the particula force of a compound is madeclea by the conteXt. e. Englisti derivatives, is used in the prope Way mayinor valu te id in inferring meanings derivative


s gest ome Englisti derivative that wil give the helpdeSired . . Subtractu through nglis subtraci may suggest the prope translatio for subtrah6. Imave a tr at very ord efore o consul thedictionary but whenso are compelle to do his, lookumine or in questio so thoroughly that ou wil notnee to do so again. Student Waste an incalculabie amount of time in lookingis the fame or a scor of

Ηappily the days are past,hen student Were madet sWallo Latin gramma in toto before hein allowed tous an oscit in practice. The victim o forma cultures calle have been many The new teachingi Latindiffers radicati hom the old in that i seelis to applygrammatica linowledgerus fas ascit is acquire and thati excludes ali non-essentials In the stud of syntaxpractica utilit is the imis instruction. I should elearne ascit is needed. uch that the gramma comtain is neve neede by student in Secondar SchoolS.Μany greatly overestimate the amount of syntax that is indispensabierio correct an facile interpretation, an in tryin to learn to much ait to earn the litile eli. e essentia titue mustrae a meu nown a Me Engus alpisabet.' practice, grea facilit cambe acquire in recogniκ- in and even anticipatin constructions any of them


4 EAS LATIN FOR SIGH READLNGare precede or accompanie by invariabie sim that aremo learned i attention e calle to them Alerinessos in and a litile common sense, assiste by the comtexi osten lead ne to the correct interpretation ithout an specia thought of the construction. o now thenam os a constructio is no hel in iiset to the correctinterpretation. The more e rea and the more asilywe do so the les We ConSide Construction a Such, though, o Course, ei necessit give the prope forceto ac cas and ood in interpreting the thought. Construiniis, therelare, notis en in iiself, ut houldbe meret the mean to the end namely the interpret tionis the Latin When verdone an perfunctor' ascit ostencis, it retard rather than assist a pupil' progreSSin readin Latin Some specia hinis o constructionare ive later o unde a Separate eading. Q GRDER OF ORDS. The dissiculi that appears mos formidabie to egin-ners is the strangenes of the Latin order. erfectfamiliarit wit the Roman ways o constructin Sentences is however, an absolute essentia to eas reacling. The strangenes of the orde is osten more apparent than real. amples of the periodi structure and of invenedorde are not uncommon in Englis andore readilyunderStood, ας, Whomo ignoranti Worship him declareo unio ou.V


peculiarit o Latin style that is osten conspicuous, and ne that is of great assistanc in interpretation is that the thoughis generali move by antitheses TheseContrast are caresuli marked by the order of the wordsandi particles. 'moticin these, o can anticipateth course of the thought.

h. ea a sentenc straight through efore o tryrio translate an oscit. A mu read carr alon in thought the meaning of the words, hether vague o definite toyour ind, and thei probabie ossice, o far a the progress of the sentence enabies ouo do o. ee themin expectant unti the close of the sentenc setiles alidoubifui potnis. Try to gras the meaning of the Sentence S a Whole. Is o do no succee the firs time, rea it again and again untii ou thin you et thethought. c. Latin im to kee the fame subject throughout a Complex sentence. When the subjec is hanged that fac is usuali made lain by insertinii or a pronoun referring to t.


6 EAS LATT FO S GAE READLNG. d. The irs wor in a sentenc is alway conspicuous in interest an importance. Ver ostencit i a noun, prinnoun, o PhraSe referring to the precedin sentencem to Some partis it: o cum frustra saepe εcisset, etc. Heresi refers towhat has been describe in the foregoin Sentence. e. The mos important,or o combination os ordsis osten alien ut rom a subordinate introductorysentence an place at the very eginning efore theconnective introducing that sentence This orde isespeciali common illi cum clauses of time an cause. The wor o phras inus made emphatic is osten such as has been describe in tabovea

f. When a Wor serves a the common subjeci orobjectis both a principes an subordinate Clause, it stand before them both. The sameris true, is the fame wor is subjecti the principat claus and object director indirect of the subordinate clause Likewis i the subjecti the subordinate claus is the object direct orindirect of the principat clause. Cf. Menge' Repetitorium 543-

sent an ambasSador.


A. A modisyin clauset phraseris usuali put elareth thin modifled, henc a clause of characteristi somoetimes precedes in thin characteriged:

other. When the subjeci an objec are thus placed itis ometimes dissiculto distinguis them untii, cometo the verb. Wit a ver taking tW accusatives, the subjectine standsie,een them:


though us influenceris alWays lait:

A The antecedent of a relative pronou osten followsit, an ostencit is no expresse at ait: