장음표시 사용
a. A tempora clauSe. Clooro puer Arpini vixit, Cicero, misen Ae was a bor, sive at Arsinum. b. A concessive ClauSe. Meno Iogato multo non parent, Me sol ierido notobe Labienus, at ovis Aetas Heuunant. c. A relative clause. -- timor, maximum conomaea vinculam, etc., ea mitissus inicis is Me stranges bonae f
3. Clauses cap te of being used a the subjecti theobjectis a ver are I. Infinitive Clauses, o Indicative Clauses linquod in statements of fact. ΙΙ. Ιndirect uestionS. III. urpos Clauses. IV. Result ClauSeS. 4. cum is eister a prepositioni a conjunction. The following ord wil usuali determine it character. fmati a noun in the ablative case, cum is a preposition.
1 EAS LATIM FOR SIGAE READ GSometimes, hoWever, a modisyin genitive standibe,een cum an iis objeci. Dcumie a conjunction, it ma bea mere connective, correlative it a followin tum orit ma introduce a subordinate clause an mea Sinc auflouris, o miseri. Di introduces a subordinate clausean means since or an ovo, it is followed by the subjunctive. Is it means flen the following ood illbe indicative, in case the ense e presen or future; is the ense e past, the ood ill probabi be subjunctive. s. Dum Gnec, an quoad, in the sense of misiae orias longis, ah the indicative mood. In the sense of untia, When expreSSingsurrose, Gub , offuturi thentis the subjunctive. 6. Antequam an priusquam, hen referring to an anticipate or intende actishic may orma no OCCur, tali the subjunctive. When the refer to the actualOCCurrence of an eventris a potnt beyondi back of whichthe main event too place thentis the indicative :
. Quin has ine following principat uses:
I. Principes clauses, in Corroborative, inae M
I. Time, misen, a Soon S. a. InterrogatiVe,
II. A conjunction, Mihine subjunctive. for example, jus as Since, considering. a. Concessive, Ithouis. b. P pose, Mas. in iraeeruat, in oris thas not after verbs of earino. c. Rescit, o Mas, Mat.
As a relative adver ut is osten followed by a nou in apposition ori an adjective. 9. Et has three uses: I a connecting two Word orexpressions and a af the firs of two et Sobora . . . anae: aha bearing upo a Single ord, acto, οὐ eum.1o. Adct in iis commones use mean so sucis a de re, an is followed by an ut claus es result. Ir. Dubire, in the sense of Gube, an dubium precede by a negative are usuali followed by quin andine subjunctive. In the sense of Aesilas dubit6 is regintari followed by the infinitive. Ia A pluperfeci subjunctive is equa to a future pedi feci indicative homin pastioint of vie . 13. ee in mind: a That the gerund is a verba noun, an manthere- fore standisitherinione or With an objeci.
12 EAS LATIN UR SIGH READLNG. b. That the gerundive is a participi used adjectively, agreeing with a substantive in gender, number, an CaSe. c. That the gerundive illi it substantive may be sed for an gerund with a substantive. d. ha the gerund with a direct objec is commonly used ni in the genitive an in the ablative ithout a preposition. In ther case the gerundive is preferred. 14. Distinguis belWeen plus, amplius, potius, and magis.
mu refers is quantity. ampliua refers to extenti time o Space. Potius expresse preference, and excludes the second of two things compared. magia expresseidegree.
I s. redicate adjectives may be followed by the dative, by the objective genitive, o by the ablative os specific
tion to complete thei meaning :
r. The Nominative. An introductor nou in the nominative case is the subjectis a verbisither main or subordinate. a. A Genitive. a. In genera the genitive os a nou may be possessive,
subjective objective, partitive, o in apposition ithsome ther genitive. I modified by an adjective, it maybe descriptive genitive.
LNTRODUCTION. 13b. The genitive os a pronoun illi either possessive, subjective objective, partitive, or belongo Some nounas an adjective. c. The genitive of an adjective expreSSin Sigeir quantity ma agre Wit a nou o ma expres the valueo something.
d. The Latin genitive is sed to expres that to hichthe actionis a nou or an adjective is done objective), as et a that hom hic it prings subjective . e. Noun expressin activit of the in oriear areusuali followed by : 1 The objective genitive os a noun. a The objective genitive of a gerundis es arae
undive agreein With a noun. 3. Ae Dative. a. The dative of an word ma designate the persono thin indirecti concerne in an actis State expreSSed by a noun, adjective, verb, or arou of WordS. b. The dative of the nam os a perSon, or fis ordreferring to a person, may have the genera sense of the dative case, o ma designate the apparent agentis the
c. ord denotin person deprive os a thin areosten ut in the dative, the Latin regarding the actos done to the perSonS. d. In formulta may be either dative or ablative be thenam os a person or referri a person, it is more lihelyriobe a dative than an ablative, since persona relation aredenote more frequently by the forme than by the lalter.
14 EASU A TY FOR SIGAE READL . . Ae Accusative. a. The nam os a town or domus oratis, in the accus, live ithout a preposition probabindesignates the objectio hic motion is directed. b. The nam os a person, o a Wor referring to Pedi sons, in the accusative Case Without a reposition, mustbe either the objectis a verb, the subjecti predicate es an infinitive, o in apposition ith one of these. c. As accusatives o specification are found mos commonly the relative quod the interrogative quid h6can id it aetatis o temporis partem, ViceIII, and
s. De Ablative. a. he ablative case includes three ideas rom hichali iis constructions flow vis. the stariing potnt the true ablative, fron0 the means the instrumental θω, and the place the locative, in).
b. early ali ablatives cani absolute, o can dependo a Comparative or on a speciat word like dignus orutor. The meaning of the wor is a great et in suggestin the Correct ConStruction.
INTRODUCTION. 15 c. The ablative ithout a reposition referring to a person, musti ablative absolute, ablative dependent ona comparative or Some speciat word like dignus o litor, o ablative of source With some ord like genitus, ortus, o natus. d. The ablative es a Wor referring to time naturallyexpresse in time hen. ΜΟDELS FOM WRΙTTEN LESSONS.
Τhe folio in exercise are intende to fix more firmiyin in the precedin principies of orde an Syntax. They shouldie sed a convenient intervat and without
previous announcementis preparation. The passage fortranslation shout be writtent the board, and each question hould e answere ascit occurs efore the pupilgoes farther. Do not rite more of the sentenc than precedes the respective question untii the are anSwered. Teachers may n it profit leo prepare additionalexercises o the modet here presented. LVirginea Sabindriun rapiuntur. Μulti convenere studio videndae novae urbis, maxime Sabini cum liberis et coniugibus. Ubi spectaculi tempus venit eoque conversae mentes cum oculi erant, tum Signo' dato iuvenes Romani discurrunet virgines rapiuntu.
16 EAS LA TYN FOR SIGAE READLNG. I. What may be sal of therarat wor in a sentence pa. What tenses Give the other form. 3. What are the possibi cases an construction. What constructions may folio istuctio See IV, 6, a, .)4. I this a gerundis a gerundive Θ3. What are the possibi uses an meaning of oum t6. What are the uses of ot p
8. ossibi cases and constructions t9. Construction What relations may be expresse is participies ZIo. What is the force of the preficola t
De virtute Reguli. Ρrim bello unico Regulus, dux Romanus captu a Ρoenis, de captivis commutandis Romam missus est. IS, cum Carthagine abiret, iuravit se eo rediturum nisi sui cives condiciones fecissent' At ille in senatu captiv6s' non esse commutand6s declaravit deinde, Cum propimque et amici retinere conarentur, ex urbe decessit, quia ad supplicium redire maluit quam fidem hosti datam
fallere ρ.uI. What is the probabie constructionis this phrasepa. What constructions follo in or ahq3. Ommuto, cf. Englis commute inflave. 4. Probabie construction Z3. What hin os a claus manno be expected Z
7. What is the force of this tenses See IV, a.
crudelitate virg amnaum suum Emittit. Galli, qui audaciam maximi aestimabant , ferarum e taminibus multum delectabantur. Aliquando rex cum magna caterva nobilium mulierumque clararum ludos- sollemnes aspiciebat. Quaedam ex his, quae sponsi fodititudinem temptare voluit, aureum torquem deiecit esmediam harenam, qua leo ingens cum duobus tigribus Certamen acerrimum agebat. Tu quidem inquit, si quid in te residet am6ris erga me, torquem mihiy e feris eripe.' Statim iuvenis his verbis accensus in harenam se praecipitavit saltu/ alacri torquem rapuit tutus cum praemio rediit. Tum ille, dum omnes factum plaudunt, cum risu ad pedes virginis crudelis torquem pr6iecit. 'Tu quidem,' inquit, meam vitam minimi habuisti;
ego tuum amoremH. MI. What are the possibi cases and constructions Za. What oes his ordisho as to the constructio es
Hannibalis ducis astutia. Hannibal, dux classis unicae, e navi quae iam Capi batur, in scapham saltu se demittens Roman6rum manus effugit. Veritus autem ne in patria classis amissae poenas daret, civium odium astutia avertit; nam ex illa infelici pugna, priusquam cladis nuntius domum' , quendam ex amicis Carthaginem misit. Qui postquam curiam intravit, Consulit,' inquit, 'vos' Hannibal, cum dux Romanorum magnis copiis maritimis instructis advenerit, numu cum eo confligere debeat. V Acclamavit universus senatus non esse dubium' quiny 6nfligi oporteres'. Tum ille Conflixit,' inquit, 'et superatus est.' Ita non potuerunt factum damnare quod ipsi fieri debuisse iudicaverant.λη
I. What force may the appositive have See IV, a. a. ill the ver in this sentenc be ne denotin res ormotion 83. What is the force of the prefixis p4. What construction,ill tollo t