장음표시 사용
Germans, and there see med ver prospeet of another
Ibes namos ars derive ho an artior formation, fortho instat wor no armo with a hasta, a thoi namo implies nox di tho princites figlit in tho non lino
the commissione and the non-commissione ossicer na modern army They erae chosen, by the generat,
centurion a decimus hastutus posterior i. e. the junior conturion of the tenth cohors in senior centurio of
Ieg, ecause the est te mas protected by the hield.
early ays of the republic citigens ere bound o servebet ween the age of seventeen and forty-six arist thotim o Marius a soldier entere the arm for twentyyears: ut the legionar could obtain his dischargo after Sixte en campnigns, he hors eman after ten Th0dis charge affer fuli service Wascalle missio honesta, for ill-health causaria, and lar mis- conduet 'non iniosa. Time- expire men Who serve d again voluntarii mere called evocati;