장음표시 사용
to Corinth, and tot his stor to the ing. When the hi came toland the saliors, horrifie at the Sight of Arion, confesse thei mili,
1. Quod hom qui interrogatiVe.
24. Possit, quae natis ut His cro ac beaut ut enough for Apollo himself. 25. Tyrio. The finest dye came fro Tyre.
31, 32. The direct sentenc Wolud e deiihin si osuit se oneri Memaius in apposition to the Sentence, For a dolphin sorio et passes belles: is more than ne could belleve. 33. Pretium. The bard sing a song, cantum o carmen. A the Songwas the reWardis fare the dolphin received for carenti his, Fretium is substitutendo cantum. 35. Vident, ep. at is a that Thou o regardeat him φ'- i. e. , lookest,pon his it favo . Astris, dat dolphin a translate to heaven an malle a constellation.
II. PROSERPINA . Proserpine a thetaurater of Ceres, the goddes o cora, and themardian deit o fruitsul Sicily. Whils her mollier a attendin abanquet ove by Arethusa to the mother of the ods, the maiden Proserpine, it a train f companions is gathering oWers in one of
17, 18. meo, illa, literalty his ne here, that ne here; here
20. Ungue add another delati to subsecat. 22. Meliloton, Greela form. 25. Lonyius, 'further ' than the est that s. Itur. The passive os intransitive verbs is frequently used impersonalty-itur, it is oue m she oes. What is the meanitigon amatum iri I his is speciali common here the riter does not Wish to particularis the subjeci luditur in castris- i. e. , O ne in Particular, ut albar playing Sopugnαtum est. 26. Secuta, verb. Understati est. 30. Auferor. 4triet present. The Englisti form, Lam heing carrienossi is an wkWar an uncommon Se the EDglislicidio preferring the aet for this ense See, the are carryin me OT' F
30. Abscideratque Observe the irregula position os que a libertyseido tot talien. 31. Panditur The hodies, nablerio enitur the glare of day beeomerestiess, solis descend at Once throuo a chasm. 35. Clamat silet seem to recal the language sed of tho dead. f. Verg. Aen. i. 219, nec iam eXaudire Vocatos. 39. Rapitur In a mistille Sense, he rusties long. Quales, α, rapitur talis quales eunt Maenades, ut audire Solemus.
61. Per vices, es common formi in vicem. 62. Alternis . e. Vicit, .
III. LUCRETIA.TWo instances are give here of the ichednes of Tarquinius Superbus and his three fons Theirst is the captureis Gabii by treachery, and the secon the reaiment of Lucretia. he was the wis os Tarquinius o Collatia, and was by marriage a iece of Tarquinius theliing. The Roman arm Was besiegin Ardea, and during the lege Sextus entertaine his rother Titus an Aruns an his cousin Collatinus a supper. dispute aros as O ho ad the est vise, an Collativus proposed that the should molant their horses an sur-pris their Wives a Rome. Wo of them ere found easting, ut Lueretia Was earin a robe orae liushand So ali agreed that heWas the orthiest Wise. 1. Ultima. me a banished Februar 24th, 50 B. c., and the styWas alWays celebratexas a festiva unde the nam regifugium. 2. Ad arma. se hould Say brave in War.'
15. Appellat Applieito his ather' to learn, c. 17. Hortus The athermas in his arden. His son' inquir Was incipher, latentia. The fallier' answerris alien hominerodotus. The tyrant of Miletus, hen eriander sent to si his advice about managin his state, too the messen ger into a corn-seldand the proceedestrio cui off the ars of ali the finest and tallest
21. O. What meaning has ut illi the indicatives Decussa lilio, th helieading of tho lities. '24. Traduntur. Ille it Was anile ove to Tarquinius the Proud.
25. Ecce Anuo ces the eginning of another incident. Brutus thedullard Was a nichnam give by the oun Tarquin to theircousi Lucius Junius. He retende to e stupid for tho famereasons a mane David pretend to e ma at Gath. 27. Phoebus A nati comin Dom unde the altar an devouring the offering Was suc a terribi omen that the in Was notcontent With ashing the oothsayers of Etruria, ut sent to Delphi. 29. Suaera his own mother, the queen, andio the motheri alimen, the arth. Turbam the fons o Tarquin, horai noditati themeaning of the god. 34. Creditus, bein supposed. Me pretende to stumble. 36. Obsidione, i reason of the lege. The Roman walte long toreduce Ardeat famine. 37, 38. Dum vacat The veri, is impersona here mile there is
57, 58. The were pinning the woo allotte to them into thread.
Lucretia, ho has suffere dishonou hom Sextus Tarquinius, sendS for heriusbant an her ather, and in broken ord communicates hershame. Then, preferrivideat to dishonour, he tabchersei suduenlyin thei presenee, With a dagger he had secretly prepared. Fathemandhusban are desperate ith gries; ut Brutus, castin o the mastio madness, hic for his own Salat he had assumed, natches thewoapon rom the wound and avows himself the championi Vengeance. Lucretia is followed to the tombi a sorrowin and indignant crowd and Brutus eading the agitation hin Tarquin and his sons are foreve expellendrom Rome. encelarWard the very Dame of hin Was intolerable to the Romans, and the anniversar of the night Regifugium o Fugalia Was regulari commemorated. The date assigne to the event is B. C. 509. 1. Illa. Lucretia. 2. Ut The comparison is not meret in respectis gries, ut sit has arrayed hersei in mournin a a preparation orae omnieath. 7. Reticet. The 're' expresses bashminess- refuses o speak: ΛΟ, revereor hat is the disserenue etWeen tacere an silere
9. Hinc . . . hinc, in ne han . . . On the ther.'10. Indicet. There is an ut suppressed. Notice indscet, nos indicet. 12. Ideo For ali that although sh triodivor an ove again. f. Si tamen tempestate fuerit abreptus, non ideo minus erit guber
13. Notini the original shame, but this further hame, that sh musti6licit heraeis.15. Pol t- i. e. narrare Restatant evit The change of ensemusti notieed the perfectisXpressin a Sudde ae t. 17. Coactae, genitive after facto. Nothin ca be a sin that he illdoes not consent to Her hame had been lareedipo her. 18. Nego, refuse. The antecedent is here in the fame claus a therelative, the fuit sentence ein quam vos mihi datis veniam,
21. Tunc quoque en asielare, Darm of Shame. 25. Sua nomina. Brutus means stupid, dullard.' Fallit Gives the lie to.' 26. Fixa, Mee buried. The wound pas dee and sure. 27. Generosus Thin of the etymolo atris generosus equiras 29. Per is omelimes disjoined rom iis case, speciali in adjurations. Compare Verg. Aen. iv. 314 Per ego has lacrimas dextramque
Notide that the intervening ord are Prono S. Fortem, Otum These epitheis are applied to cruor, eruus by
the very aet o fheddingae blood he home hersei fortis et casta at par of speee is daturum 32. In Brutus it Was dissimulata virtus, ut simillata inSania. 33. Sine lumine, an adjectiva expression to e taken it oculos Itis equat toton in cassos, sighilesS.'34. Dicta a noui the olla os probare Da What partis speechl35. Animi matrona virilis Observe the antithesis, matrona virilis. The lalter ord ould seem chosen, o oni to e res thatshe had the ear of a man, ut a Suggestis a cause for thepublicit of the funerat. It must e remembere that omen in the old day live in great priVaey. 36. Lacrimas invidiamque- i. e. peopte Who hoWed theSe emotions. For lio the lacrimae I against who the invidia 37. Whyris Quirites appropriately used here 39. 40. revolution described in No VerS .