Camenarum flosculos,/bin usum fettesianorum decerptos; notis quibusdam illustraverunt

발행: 1886년

분량: 162페이지


분류: 시와 노래




108 NOTES.


- Massica Mons Massicus a celebrate forcit vine in the Ager Campanus See p. 102, t. 8.13. Epulae, courses. Reueostae, Served in succession.' 15 Mercita, aweariel before itinet to the ea; or possibi Arun



preme Virgulta per agrOS.

vescaque parva vocant.'

15. Animis, courage,' lighines of heari; a meaning ostendound in the plurat.16. Inemptis purchased Dapes inemptas apparet'-Hor. , ΕΡ. 2 48. 17. CarFere Histori infinitive. 20. Iam eve so early a this Notice the canning Comam leaf


110 NOTES.

22. Idem he oo. Examen ook ut the derivatio an disserent

Astibus fetis, breedingiees.' 23. Pressis, the queeZed honeycomb. 25. His fruit neve fed shori of What it promised tote. In ore novo, in the early blossom.' 26. Matur arbos, opposexto in ore novo. '27. H could also transplant trees late mih gromth seras). In versum, in roWs: distulit, planted ut, like disposuit, topiae at intervais, it the further notioni removat. 29. Iam iamque eve so late in the trees life a this. XVII. BEES. I. Solae The bees are the only creatures that have founde a realcommunistic republic sue a philosophers have reamen LConsortia, sliare in common, and uot lest to the eidest son. 2. Sub, in obediene to mirat laWs: - teneath great laWs the live.'-Dryden.

3. Certos penatis homes of theiri . 5. In medium, 'ia, κοινον, ' for the common good.'

6. Uictu, dat Foedere Facto, by arrangement bus them in the

10. Suspendunt Bees begin their or at therio of the hive. 12. Liquido, elear. 13. Sunt quibus msunt aliae quibus Sorti, id abl. Inque vicem minuicemque.



Orpheus, the sonis Oeagrus lived in Thrace sue Was the charmifhis oti that the rees an roelis sed to solio the music. His ira Eurydice ad die froin the bite os a serpent, and Orpheus, in ConSol- able goes to the loWer orid in quest of her, and for his sweet music is allowen to tali her bach to the light of day on ne ni condition, that he hoes no lookipou De utiti tho have regalnei the uppermorid. O the ver verge of dayliot by ome impulse, Orpheus looked hach, an his ira a tost o hi again. The Thracian matrons, eatous of his perpetua mourninisor Eurydice, tore him to


112 NOTES.

pie es during the festiva o Bacchus, hen the were inspire Withmadness. Milion in his Lycidas, compares his tost friendri Orpheus and recalis Vergit both in the lan age and incident of the legend. 1. Isse. The holem nature had been lamentin Eurydice' death.


Wind, hic ha been charmed by the song. o placidam ventis staret mare : the ea a motiouless, win to the indAbein lutted. o also et via viae tandem oci laxat dolore est-

Iam luce sub ipsa, Justi the verge of day. understand this passage, translate the ord in the Latin orde a sar aspossibie. 28. Animi, in his heari; gen os reserenue cf. animi dubius mentis inops Victus means that he was mastere by impulse. Immemore hat dida larget 29. Musus, Masted ' hat is the metaphori 30. Foedera, the conditions On hicli Eurydice hastaeon restored. Terque fragor the readfui signa that the conditions ad been


114 NOTES.

35. Heu, non tua, inlas, no longe thine, as he had fondi trustest. 37 Tenues, thin. he edam spirit again. Tenurs au epithet 1 anythin incorporeal Commiaetus, dissolving. here a tio formis oviline to emeen Fuga ha tense 38. Tolentem dicere didine notoa anything 39. Portitor Orci, Charon. 40. Amplius, again. '

tion est . . in . M

grammaticali re is callei metonymy. bes Hyperboreas, a nam give to various orther chains, uel a the Caucasus, or achere the Rhipaean Ountains. Tanais, themon has bee said of these verses that he areenouo to mali one hulde in Summer. 56. Rastam Eurydicen, the los of his Eurydice.'

here ac generat nam for Thracian.



Magna dicion iubeto ut)

molem montium.

13. Foedere lege. Jove had arrange When Aeolus a testet theminoandaeemthem in f. xviii. 30. 14. Premere-i. e. habenas. CL Sonipes ressis pugnat habenis Whatis the derivationis hibent'



Laocoon a priest of Apollo, had been implorin his countrymen notio admit the ooden hors of the Greelis Within the walis of Troy, suspecting that it Was an ambus of the enemy. As a punishment for his advice, an a further encouragement to the delusionis the Trojans, Pallas sent twoauge serpentifro the standis Tenedos, ho crushed the two sons os Laocoon and Laocoon himself to death. The death of Laocoon is the subjectis an eminent iece of statuary, hic embodies the legendi Vergil. 1. Ductiι sorte. chosena tot.' alie Trojans ast tot to decide hostiould offer sacrifice to Neptune n the retiring of the Greelas. The tot et o Laocoon, ho a priest O Apollo.

2. Sollemnis. Look out the derivation the appotnte altar '-i. e. , Where sacrifige a regulari offered. 3. Ecce sexto introduce something ne or Stariling. Alta, altum, osten se so the deep-i. e. sea. The plura in his sense is
