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기본형: fruticētum, fruticētī
단수 | 복수 | |
주격 | fruticētum 덤불이 | fruticēta 덤불들이 |
속격 | fruticētī 덤불의 | fruticētōrum 덤불들의 |
여격 | fruticētō 덤불에게 | fruticētīs 덤불들에게 |
대격 | fruticētum 덤불을 | fruticēta 덤불들을 |
탈격 | fruticētō 덤불로 | fruticētīs 덤불들로 |
호격 | fruticētum 덤불아 | fruticēta 덤불들아 |
In introitu quidem, ne conspectum amoenae illius sepis a gramineto impediat, in exitu autem, ne prospectum fruticeti per arcus intercipiat. (FRANCIS BACON, SERMONES FIDELES SIVE INTERIORA RERUM, XLIV. [ = English XLVI] DE HORTIS 4:18)
(, , 4:18)
Coactique aliquotiens pedites ad eos persequendos scandere clivos sublimes, etiam si lapsantibus plantis fruticeta prensando vel dumos, ad vertices venerint summos, inter arta tamen et invia, nullas acies explicare permissi, r.ec firmare nisu valido gressus; (Ammianus Marcellinus, Rerum Gestarum libri qui supersunt, Liber XIV, chapter 2 6:1)
(암미아누스 마르켈리누스, 사건 연대기, , 2장 6:1)
tibi qualum Cythereae puer ales, tibi telas operosaeque Minervae studium aufert, Neobule, Liparaei nitor Hebri, simul unctos Tiberinis umeros lavit in undis, eques ipso melior Bellerophonte, neque pugno neque segni pede victus, catus idem per apertum fugientis agitato grege cervos iaculari et celer arto latitantem fruticeto excipere aprum. (Q. Horatius Flaccus, Carmina, Book 3, Poem 12 12:2)
(퀸투스 호라티우스 플라쿠스, , Book 3권, 12:2)
graminetum in introitu, fruticetum sive eremum in exitu, et hortum praecipuum in medio, praeter ambulacra utrinque ad latera. (FRANCIS BACON, SERMONES FIDELES SIVE INTERIORA RERUM, XLIV. [ = English XLVI] DE HORTIS 4:3)
(, , 4:3)
Mihi quidem placet quatuor iugera gramineto assignari fruticeto, bis quatuor ad ambulacra ad latera, et horto praecipuo duodecim. (FRANCIS BACON, SERMONES FIDELES SIVE INTERIORA RERUM, XLIV. [ = English XLVI] DE HORTIS 4:4)
(, , 4:4)
1. Rami and ramalia are the boughs of a tree; rami (from ῥάκος) the living, green boughs, θαλλοί; ramalia, the withered dry boughs. Whereas virga, termes, turio, surculus, talea, sarmentum, and stolo, are only twigs; virga, and the words of rare occurrence, termes olivæ, and turio lauri, without any accessory reference, like κλάδοσ, κλών, κλῆμα; surculus and talea as members and offspring of the tree, which as scions and shoots should be subservient to the parent-stock, like ὀρσός; sarmentum and stolo, as mere off-shoots of the tree, are set aside, and cast away; sarmentum (from sarpere, ἅρπη,) as a completely useless twig; stolo, as at the same time an injurious sucker. 2. Virgultum is a place grown over with bushes, and not bare; fruticetum (from frutices) a place grown over with shrubs, and not passable. (v. 283.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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