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기본형: suffugium, suffugiī
Ubi vero procul micantibus telis, quod verebantur, propinquare senserunt, ad suffugia locorum palustrium se contulerunt, eosque secutus infestius miles, caesis plurimis ibi victoriam repperit, ubi nec caute posse consistere, nec audere aliquid credebatur. (Ammianus Marcellinus, Rerum Gestarum libri qui supersunt, Liber XVII, chapter 13 18:1)
(암미아누스 마르켈리누스, 사건 연대기, , 13장 18:1)
His sequestratis Limigantes quoque fortitudine superavimus pari, interfectisque pluribus, alios periculi declinatio adegit suffugia petere latebrarum palustrium. (Ammianus Marcellinus, Rerum Gestarum libri qui supersunt, Liber XVII, chapter 13 28:1)
(암미아누스 마르켈리누스, 사건 연대기, , 13장 28:1)
Inter quae destituti pedites post navalium sociorum occasum, obtriti sunt saxis immanibus, praeter paucos quos morte scilicet per impedita suffugia, velocitas exemerat pedum. (Ammianus Marcellinus, Rerum Gestarum libri qui supersunt, Liber XXI, chapter 12 11:1)
(암미아누스 마르켈리누스, 사건 연대기, , 12장 11:1)
ex quis Cornelius Scipio legatus praefuit qua praedatio in Leptitanos et suffugia Garamantum; (Cornelius Tacitus, Annales, LIBER III, chapter 74 74:2)
(코르넬리우스 타키투스, 연대기, , 74장 74:2)
quidam audentius apertis in collibus visebantur, quos dux Romanus acie suggressus haud aegre pepulit sanguine barbarorum modico ob propinqua suffugia. (Cornelius Tacitus, Annales, LIBER IV, chapter 47 47:2)
(코르넬리우스 타키투스, 연대기, , 47장 47:2)
1. Perfuga and transfuga denote the deserter who flees from one party to another, like αὐτομόλος; but the perfuga goes over as a delinquent, who betrays his party; the transfuga, as a waverer, who changes and forsakes his party; whereas profugus and fugitivus denote the fugitive, who forsakes his abode, but profugus is the unfortunate man, who is obliged to forsake his home, and, like a banished man, wanders in the wide world, like φυγάς; fugitivus, the guilty person, who flees from his duty, his post, his prison, his master, like δραπέτης. The perfuga and transfuga are generally thought of as soldiers; the profugus, as a citizen; the fugitivus, as a slave. Liv. xxx. 43. De perfugis gravius quam de fugitivis consultum. 2. Perfugium is an open secure place of shelter in serious dangers; suffugium, if not a secret, is at least an occasional and temporary place of shelter from inconveniences; refugium is a place of shelter prepared, or at least thought of beforehand in case of a retreat. 3. Profugus denotes a merely physical state, something like fugitive; extorris, a political state, like homeless, or without a country; exul, a juridical state, like banished. The extorris suffers a misfortune, as not being able to remain in his native land; the exul, a punishment, as not being allowed. Appul. Met. v. p. 101. Extorres et . . . velut exulantes. (iv. 239.)
출처: Döderlein's Hand-book of Latin Synonymes by Ludwig von Doederlein
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