M. Tulli Ciceronis Orationes et epistolae selectae = Selected orations and letters of Cicero / with historical introduction, an outline of the Roman constitution, notes, excursuses, vocabulary and index by Harold W. Johnston

발행: 1906년

분량: 863페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류



Titis edition o Civero' Orations and Leitur is intondo for the iis of Secondar Schoois It differs in severa respecta froni hos atready in genera uSe and a these disserenues areth oni apolog for iis publication, I destre to ali attention to thum at the utSet. I. Tho selection os rations is ver different rom thousual ne and the Letters have Dot o foro been ubi istisdwith the rations. Wolve ears experienue in ea diu Cicerowith pupiis of roin hirteen to ineleen ear of age hastaught in that their hie dissiculi in und0rstandin thoauthor lies noli historica Side T road understandinglytho oration against Verres for the Manili an LaW against Catilin0 for Archias, Milo and Marcellus, and against Antony,

is ni from one-third to one-hali a longos the sunt ne, an is homost interesting in the life of Cicero. The orationagive are arrange in chronological order: gainst Catiline,


8 PREFACE. I. II., o Murena again Si Catiline III. IV. for Sulla, forSestius, and for Milo. The period botW00n tho Sulla and Sestius is vovered by a Seleution o tWenty-three etters,oquivalent to three of the horter orations Sualty iven. Tho amount of textris greater thau in an other Suhool edition, and tho student ili finii in the specious reasoning of thse Sulla, tho despatring wenknes of the LetterS, and the passionat sulf-justification O the Sestius, belle materia for auestimatem Cicero's haraeter than in the anilian Law, theArchias, the Marcellus, and the ne or two Philippius hichtho hau displacod. In the ex edition however, hichaucompanies this Phau include the Manilian a and tho Archias for the purpos O givin materia for readin atsight and with dicta ted notes. II. The Introductor Matte is much fuller than in similarbooks It is divide into tW paris: The rs contain tholis of Cicero and an stimatem his character together Withan unusuali fui account of the evenis hicli are tr0ate os in th orations an letters olloWing. The Seston part containsan ulline of tho Roman Constitution ascit a in Ciooro'stim0. It has seomodo me belle to ut his mattur in connected form howeve imperfeci it ma be than to soatterit through th book in the formis introduutions and noto tolli severa orations. The matte is divide into sections,


PREFACE. in tho notos o the ille of ach oration and letter. The constant references in the note Will et the student to ruta in What ho has thus earned an recited. III. The ex present Some peculiarities. Phave adopt0d that o C. F. . Mulier for the rations and A. S. esenbergior tho etters both containe in the former' complete oditionis Cicero's ortis in Teubner' series. I bolisvo that this approache more closely than an other o hat Cicuro actuali Wrote. ut a printe here, the folio in changos

mad thes changes in orde to furnish a clear, traightfor-Ward readable texi, hicli ould mahe nnecessar the suggestion or discussion o various rea lingS. IV. The Notes are placedipo the fame age a the texi, for the conveniene os both teacher an studenis, ut a separate textris furnishexto prevent the improper se of the notes in the claSS-room. These notes are intende to assistili pupil in the ardor places, an to cali his attention to sueti matters a Will et hi to a nowl0dge of the Latiniangvage and of the lis and thought of the men ho ussed it. I follows, th0refore, that the are to e studio an recited, no meret consulte or neglected at the pleasure of tho


30 PREFACE. studunt. Three principies haVe been caresuli rogardo in thei preparation : St. The are briei and potnted, and thoirton is positive. In the an place Where Scholaridisagree, an certaint is impossibie, I have ive that explanationon ly hich seem to me the est, ithout 'int of thorpossibilities. The discussion hich is o stimulatin and prositabi in college classes, I belleve to e ut os place in thsi

preparator School. d. t is assume that hat is ondolearne mill e retained, and o notes are intentionalty repented. When an illuStration Occurs of a sago that has atroad been explaine the Student i meret referre to oneo more passages here hi attention has been callud o it, ke Word eaSe inood, tenSe, etc. bein alWay given to assis him in geliing the oin destred. The eacher hould insist pono fui transcription O at east ne of the passages cited, illi an explanation of the principi invo ed. 3d. Great caro has been alien in malitia referetice to therbooks to limit theserio such book as ac student mus and does possess. I assume that he has a Latin Graminar Allen Greenough's, Gilderfleeue's, Harhneas', o Proble' revisiono AndruW. Stoddard's), a schoo Histor of Rome Allon's, Creighton's, Myers', o Penneli's an an sedition o Causar's Galliosar, I. IV. To these book I mali frequent referenceandri absolutolymo thers. I have also oonfine i quotationstrom ther Latin authors O the fou book of Caesar, hichar readaefore Cicero is egun, and to a se passage from Sallust hieli are printe in extenso, an are meant to estudiud in connection illi the rations against Catiliu0. Even in case of referenoes to the paris of this book thostudent is neve referre to a passage in advance of thochapter on hicli the note salven - provided, of course that



the orations and letters are alien as arranged in the book and th Introductio as suggesto above. I am auro that thesethree principies are pedagogioali Aound Whether o no Iliave succesSfuli applied them.

V. The Vocabulata is intendet to contain ali ho Ordsfound in the ex here iveri, an in addition ali hos in Verreses. Philippica XIV. Archias, MarcelluS, Deiotarus, and the aniliati Law, ditions of Whicli I hope to furnish soonio Supplementar reading. I shalli gratusul to the stud0nt who ill allis attention to ord omitted. VI. Th Indux illi found useful for purpOSes of referenceani topica Study. VII. Passages for Retranslatio have not 001 includediti th book ascit See med wisest o have them in a separate manual. An excellent litii book of this in i has boon prepared by Professo J. D. S. Riggs, O Granu ille Academy, whos In Latinum has atready been introduce into any of

No olaim is made for originalit in the matter here iven. I hau dram freel from allisources accessibi to me, hieflyEnglisti an German. Besides the standar Histories of Rome and Latin Literature, and the Dictionaries of Antiquities, I have sed for the Introductio the biograph of Cicero b Troilope, Go 's Companion to Schoo Classius, and th introductions to the editioris mentione bolom. For the Notos, Pliave used the editions of the severa orations and tutior by Halmis Laubmann and Hosmarinis Anderson in W0idmanu's series by Ricliter, och, Eberhard Landgraf, and Fre in Teubner' series by Hachimann and BouterWeh


12 PREFACE.series by Upcoit, Walson an Prifchardo ornar in tho Clarondon res series, and by Supste, Muirhead and Ong. I hau no consulte an American edition While preparingm notoso ut Phave Sed for tWelve ear With one or more classes atly the editions os Professor Harhness, Chase Stuari, and lien, Greenough, and it is impossibi that should o have reproducet in an place thei thoughis,


sul and compassionale to his laves his Halings illi thopoor an helples Were jus an humano Themisselongo devotion o Atticus and Tiro testisios to his amiable nil affectionato nature; hi defenue of Osuius, Sestius, and Milo to his oui age an loyalty. His tenderia es t hisdaughiser Tullia and his love so his rother Quintus ouolius stili. His ealth Was aequi rei honorably, and i Spent


mination that gave Caesar the victory, and the disinterested-neS O purpos and stubbornues of ill that ad Cato

great in deleat But Augustus suid of him, M love his