M. Tulli Ciceronis Orationes et epistolae selectae = Selected orations and letters of Cicero / with historical introduction, an outline of the Roman constitution, notes, excursuses, vocabulary and index by Harold W. Johnston

발행: 1906년

분량: 863페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


eandidatus the had n fears Catilina found frientis to assis him illi thei money and redit in the purulias ofvotes, and a the XpenSe of the friendS how of gladiator Nore promiSed the eopte in his a me. Finalty in Jun Catilina allud togother his trustud adherent anilla id buforo thum his plans and the means of executingilium. To the ambitious h promised high position in thostate, to the bant rupi complete o partia relio by legisla

for his attactis pota them in his spe euhes against Verre S

futuro h might orti in the interest of the democrais, an further the ambitiou desigiis of PompeiuS.


HIS CONSULSHIP. 27 containod in his Volume. He entero iapon ossice On the 1 sti January 63. The inter and spring ere oecupied with contentions abolit the agrarian a of Ludus, the trialo Rabirius for tho duath of Saturninus, the proposui torsestore to thoi right th childron of thos Whom Sulla had proscribed, Caesar' intriguos o seeur the ostio os

and abo v at the rivali of tho candidates for the oonsul-shil of 62. ne of theso candidatos a Catilina.


ratot informet o Catilina' de Sigias, fuit appreciate lili oritioni condition of the stato. As Catilina had turn0dfroni the demourat to the anarehisis, o Cicero turnei tolli conservativeS. He trie to in the confidone of thse senators, o pen their eb e to the threatened anger, to


HIS CONSULSHIP. 29wit an uir of triumph. Fortunatoly the revelations of Cicero ere Oised abouf, and ad more effect poti thebetior classes of iligens than upon the Senate, and his Onduet iapon the da of th election ineruased thoi droad ofviolenue. He appenred a the votin place earin buthalf concoalud bonoath his ossicia toga a litterin cui raSS, and sui rounded by a Dum erous ody-guarii. The Xpectedatta et wasino made, ut the poplo, dul impresse Witha Sen Se of the consul 's angor, rejecto Catilina for tholast time, and eluetud uuius Licinius Murena and Deoinnis Junius SilanUS. THE CONSPIRAC OF ΛΤILINA. It is at this potnt 45 that hat is no Kn a tho conspirae o Catilina reatly

formation e ad gainest. For tho moment the senaton alienen froni iis lethargy. It passod the resolution GT


says Caesar, o calling the Roman eopleri aruis A fe lays lateriam the ne S that Manlius h ad dono his part desperate men o nil oris ere athering round him ready for Open ar. The Senate Sent the prouonsulsQ. Marcius Rex and Q. Metellus Cretious to Etruria and Apulia, and the praetor Q. Pomponius Rufus and Q. M0tullus Color 42 to Capua and Piuenum, With authoi ity



by Fulvia, and when early in the orning of thorath, tho

sam da November 8th Cicero assem bled tho senato in the temple of Jupiter Stator, on the orthern lope of the Palatin hill and probabi Within tho origina fortifications of th anciunt ity. Hero lived Cicero and Catilina, here


rushod rom the temple and alter a last 00ting illi bis accomplices, he of tho ity the Same night o oin Manlius. His friend sprend the repor that he was oin into exileat Massilia, a repor that Catilina crastil confirmed by


THE ORATION FOR MURENA. In tho menti time, ne fistho oonsul A-elout L. Licinius Murena, as imponuhed for


Do offend them, and has made his sp000h admirust in both anulent anil modern times. r. Forsyth says It is astri hin proos of the elasti energ of ieero' minii thalat the ver moment of the explosior of the tot in themids of the mos awiu datiger, he was able to dolivor indefene of a frieni a poeuli distinguishod for light wi and

good-humore Draillery. V Murena a s nequiited, and Cicero turned his thought again to ettin evidenue against the