장음표시 사용
sultum ultimu)u, VIDEANT CONSULES E QUI RES PUBLICA DETRIMENTI CAPΙΑΤ. ood Constitutional la yers, Clusero
sul had a right toruo at an potnt in the de bate. Without
opposin foroe me non Pistoria in Etruria Catilina and his followers, after figlitin With the OS desperat eour- age, ere deleated and Alain to a maia. The od of thoirlea lor a found far in advanue of his mori covered by a
friendis Pomp0ius and initia ted into his plans hil his legatus in Asia s 24), toreul assailed Cicero and through
HIS EXILE AND RETURN. 43him sol mon o ali parties, speciali Cicero' persona orpolitioni nemios He On the favor of the oo b his corn-la , gratifiei many night and even senators by
limitin tho power of the censors p. 65, 56), and pavedth way for his favorite politiva lautius by abrogatin the
o L. Calpurnius Piso and Aulus Gabinius With a bili pro vi ling that any person ho had cauSed a Roman citigen ob putri doath without a forma trial hould bo punishod
as to hat Ciuero ought toto Somo ad visod him o rem ainuntii a dire et attaeli as madu poti hi uiri L. Lucullus in particular a ea ger o resor to foro in his b0half, kno in that tho great mas of moderate and eave fui uiti