M. Tulli Ciceronis Orationes et epistolae selectae = Selected orations and letters of Cicero / with historical introduction, an outline of the Roman constitution, notes, excursuses, vocabulary and index by Harold W. Johnston

발행: 1906년

분량: 863페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


tur Cicero brought extraordinar intellectua capabilitius, a Strong imagination, refined and elevated instes, and habits of application that exstite ur magement. His earn ing

lations of his intelluot. He alsed the Latin angvago Otho ighest plane of iis devolopinent Ciceronian Latinmeans ali that is olear, direct anil foroible. It is dotibi fulWhether an writer of any age has beeu more Widely read itis uertain that non has exercised a more o Nerfui influenueupon the wOrid. There is no style os iteratur that ho didnot attempt; ut it is to rhetorio, philosophy, and his letters that he hiefly wes his fame. In the fit si No his

services to the Roman worixas the mediator o Groseli cui ture are beyon estimation he was therars apostlo to the Romans. His letters areri u a Stili more ricoles treRS-ure. The are a complete histor of the times bringingbefore us mos vividi the last days of the republie. Theyare more than eight hundred in number and of variou Styles, Some mere record of the event of the day, arie carefullyprepare for publieation a politica pamphleis, the largernumber friendi communieations on ali foris of subjecis toali oris of eople, revealin the riter' mos personalrelations and thoughis illi ho mos tranSparent an en-gagin candor. any of the letters of his correspondenisto are reservexamong them, and adii stili more i possi-ble, to thei value. CICERO A AN RAΤOR. - Quintilian says of him : Apud Bposteros id sest consecutus; ut Cleor, iam mon hominis nomen sed eloquentiae labeatur. In elearneSS, fulneSS, liso, and energyli sole, he has neve been Surpassed. Ho


January, 106, at Arpinum, an id town in tho land of thsi Volso and th birili plause of Gaius Marius also. AS a merebonii attracte attentio by his decide talent an resolu,


io the equestrian ordor p. 56, g 18 whicha d maintainod

sine th time of the Graecii the altitude os moderate oppo, sition to the Senatorial or eonservative party, and non emi his ancestor had ver been a magiStrate. Oroed there fore, to Zare lymponii oWn merit to revom mendiim to theseople, ho

Ward of great value o him. He read With unflagging 13gea tho est Gree writers, speciali the poetS, and of thes Homer above allithors and rom hemis derive a wealth o nobi and exaltet ideas, and the beaut os stylo Whiuli e conspicuousi possessed But to complete his ident of a ell-rounded orator nni statesmaia he ad ted philosoph and logi to his studies havin for his eaehors representatiVes of the throe hie schoois, haudrus the Epicurean, Diodotus tho Stoic, and Philo the eademio. 'o his lis of his instruotor must l, adde the amous

notoriet anil publio favor by bringin a crimina fuit, on


cido This,as the justost case that Cicero overtham pionod; and tho oui ago illi hiuli ho opposuit tho favorit os illo diutator Sulla, and exposed tho corruptior of tho Sullanr0igri os terror, rought im into immediate prominendo. 15 I may b that he ear0d the resentinent of Sulla, for tho


the o Ner of Ome pon the eaS, While Lucridus fought agaitis Mithradate and Tigrane in the eaSt, Cicero res dati bus in the forum, alWays at the servive of ut Who

to S.

HI AEDILES HI P. - Cicero' politica altitudo up to thisas time is ver uncertain He Seem to have aequiescet in the triuml,li, Sulla asinu earneS of eae aut order, ut

to have revoltei a the tyrann and erueli of the dictator. Neither aro e thoroughi aequalia ted illi his relation to Pompeius, the pollet favorite of the Senate, ho ad returne vietorious rom patu iuri 1 had quarrelle immedi-ntsely Withiis party had nevertheles gainest the consulfhipin 70, and ad set abolit the undoin os ulla' constitution. But e do litio that Cicero, hocin 70 was' i putui auditu


C. Munilius, o transfer the command against Mithradates 23 rom Lucullus to Pompeius. The alter a to have un- limit0d funds unlimited troops, unlimitet authorit overcitigons and allies, in Shori uolt poWers a no even theanuisent ings ad posse Ssed The meaSure a clearly unconstitutional, and a Such Was vigorousi opposed by the eonServative S. Be Sides the halon Pompeius for his omnsalio, eoauso to him the o sed the los of the coliris and the 0-0stablishment of the tribunato. The meaSure assupporte by Caesar and Cicero, by the alter, pertia PS, beeaus h felicit his duinto tali the fide approve by the


THE CANUAS MF 64. 21partyrio hieli he Wed the very position that gave sightto his opinion He thereiore deliveret in suppor of tho Manilian a the eloquent oration De Imperio Cn. Pompei, his firs distinctivel politica addres to the eople romthe rostra though there had been o lae of politios in his speeuhes for Roscius and against Verres. The bili as a

carried, and the SueuesSiu termination O the war eomedio vindicate the polle o Cicero, ho, notWithstanding many rebus f and WrongS continue the ardent Supporteranii eloquent apologistis Pompeius ali his life In pilo of his exactin officia duties Cicero re maine true to his professioni advoeat duri nihi praetorship. At iis rid, remembering his experiene in tui ly, he decline a prov- inde ani re maine a Rome, orkin With the reater energyrio huel his hol upon the eopte an to gain the favor of influentia mem ali illi a vie to the great rigeo his ambition the consulfhip for hieli he euam a candidat in 64.

competitor a Lucius Sergius Catilina, o patrician family, bori about 108. Endowed withinusual powers of miud and body, se ad inliserit0d rom his ather a nobi nam buttio a patrimon sufficient to satisf the Xoessive need of luXurious age. In his early ouili Catilina fluit himselfinto ali possibi excesses hieli, ithout underminin his giganti strongili, lunted his mora feel in and eoupled with an inordinat ambition led him into a series of awfulerimes almost beyonil belles. He entero dispoia public litoras jus at th tim o Sulla' reigii os terror, during hieli,stainsed by th guilli a brother' murder, he had the mur-derei man nam put pon the proseription is ascis heliad stili 0011 living. II is also aecused by Cicero of themurder of his is and Son to lea the way for a Second


a Froni his famil and forme conneotion illi Sulla' partyi is probabi that he expoetsed to stant for the consul Ahipas ne of the oonservativo sonatorial candidates. pontho oonservatives, herofore, ii visitsed his disappointinent,b0li0ving that had thoi support been earn est anil sinuere theprosocution might have been evadet O at eas postpon ed. H turneli, therofore, to the demournis, the oppoSition, and Secursed thei support for his nox attempti puttin for-Ward a program more radicat than any that thoir Nn loadors darei propose. Attention hoWevor, a called rom his desigias by more excitin Proeeedings in the state.


THE CANUAS M 64. 23TΠΕ so-called FI RS CONSPIRACY - The candidate 3Ooloetu for 5 after Catilina's illidrawal ore Publius Autronius Paetus and Publius Cornelius Sulla. h latior Was a relative of the dictator, personali insignifieant ut brought into promineno b his influentia connections undby the reat w0alth Whiuli he had aucumulatui during the proscriptions. The eon SulS-eleet,ere immediatel broughtto trialin the charge of bribery, e re convieted and deposed. In thei places ere elected the rival candidates, Lucius Aurelius Cotta and Lucius Manlius Torquatus. Autronius issa id to hau immediatet conspired illi Catilina ann Cn. Calpurnius Piso, a outh of good family ut abandoned

Although tradition has assigne to Catilina the leadin Sa


par in his plos, and although it is usuali callo his first

In aut it ouam qui te the usual thin at Rome to ascributo Catilina allisnfutherei crimes and utrages It is atteas significant that aitur the aitur of li plot se senton illi his plancto et place and poWe by the fornis oflaw, veticis his methous ere Violent anilla SerupulouS. 33 1 SECON ΑΤΤΕΜ ΡΤ In the fame ear 65 Catilina was brought to tria by Publius Clodius Pulcher, afterward sthe notoriou enem os Cissero, o hi eruet oppression ofhis province Catilina ribed his deusser o allo hi m