Opera. Ed. and comm: Christophorus Landinus

발행: 1482년

분량: 553페이지

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HORATIUS FLACCUS, QUINTUS. Opera cum commento Landini. 9 August, l482.

An ode by Angelo Poligiano to Horace is printed on the back of the seconii leai. Then tollows a Proemium by Landino, and a list oi the nam es explained in the commentaries. The list occupieS SeVen Pages, three columnSon each page. Aiter a second introduction by Landino, the poenis begin o1ileai ΙΟ. The volume contains the complete poetical WorkS Oi Horace. The iovi books of the Odes occupy leaves I I46; the Epodos, leaves I 47-I6I ; the CarmonSocularo, the nexi two leaves: the Atra Poctica, leaves Ι64-I78: the two booksol the Satirae, leaves 179-23o: and finalty the two books of the Epistolao,

It would be Supererogatory to offer here biographical or critical notes abolit the most popular poet os antiqui ty. Merely a iew dates are jotted clown. Horace waS horia in 65 P. C., heing five years younger than Virgil, his devote liri end, who introduced him to Maecenas, the greatest oi literary Datron S. The first three books of the Odes, whicli contain the most valvabie part oi Horace 'S Work, appeared in 23 P. C. The poet 's lite on his Sabine tarna, whicli Maecenas presented to him, WaS that Oi quiet, yet eager enjoyment. TO Saymore than this would inevitably lead to a discussion Oi the philosophy oi Horace - that philosophy Oi common Sen Se and wi se eclecticism with whichev ery line of his poetry is imbue l. During the last thirty years of his lite herarely leti his country home. He die t there in 8 B. C., at the age oi fifty-Seven. Many lines aud phrases of Ηorace have become proverbial. Such is theaurea mediocritas recommended to Licinius Murena in the poena reproduced in part - RS a characteristic example Oi Horace'S art --- in the fac simile on page 431. A recent translation ol the verSe, by Alexander F. MuriSon, may begiven here



Vates threicio blandior orpheo Seu malis adibus sistere lubricos Amnis seu tremulo ducere pollis Ipsis cum latebris feras Vates aeolii pectinis arbiter:

Qui priceps latiam sollicitas chelm

Nec segnis titulos acidere noxiis Nigro carmine frontibus.. Quis te a barbarica compede uiditati Quis fronti nebula dispulit:& situ

Deterso leuibus restituit clictis

Curata iuuenem cute. nuper eras nubilus:& malo

Obductisis seruo: ct nitidos ades Nuc uultus Geres docta fragratibus Cinctus tempora floribus Talem purpureis reddere solibus Laetu pube noua post gelidas nives Serpentem positis exuuis solet Verni temperies poli. Talem te choreis reddidit & lyrae Landinus ueteru laudibus emulus Qualis tu solitus libur ad uvidum Blandam tendere barbiton Nuc te delitiis nunc decet & leui. Lascivire ioco nunc puerilibus Infertum thyasis aut fide garrula Inter ludere uirgines