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Focae. Nummi argentei & aerei, qui caput Focae habent, rarissimi sunt; aurei argenteis sunt communioreS. LEONTIAE, FOC E UXORIS. Nummi cujusvis materiae rarissimi sunt. HERACLII. Nummi cujusvis materiae rari sunt; argentei vero aureis 8c aereis, si eXcipias grandiores, rariores sunt. Hucusque Savoti de Imperatorum nummis iudicium.
2Praeter Disolam, quam exhibui, superiorem, exstant meodem Columine Smit hiano alia Disola cl. Lan ebainit,
qua quum sint eruditae, θ' auctoris nomine Henet, multaque contineant a re antiquaria hi torica non
alie=ia, cis has etiam statui mihi esse describendas
jurisque publici faciendas. Itaque his de causis subnexui. Neque dubito quisi tu, lector benevole, aquibonique sis confulturus. Cuncta vero decem scilicet numero ad cl. Seldenum itidem erant scripta . .
Most Hono. Sir, Notwithstanding those common endearmenis, by whichyow have purchased so great an interest in this disconsolate Universi ty, and those multiplied favours, which yON have been pleased to heap upon myself, the meanest of yown
servants, Ι could have been content to hugg myself in thetacit recordation os both, had not that hirid remembrance, whicli I received Dom yow by Mr. Palmer, some few minutes since, seconded by the present opportunity of safe con-Veyance by Μr. Patr. Young, invited, or indeed extorte lsrom me this achnowledgement, whicli is no more mine, than the voyce of the publick, so far as discretion will permiti us to mal e it publick : that however the condition ofiliis place be noW so desperate, that salus iba fervare non soles, yet are We ali abundantly satisfied in yowr unweari edeare and passionale eradeavours for our preservation. Weknoin and confess, si Pergama dextra Defendi poterant, etiam hac defensa fuissent. Whether it be our unworthiness, as it is our un happyness, tofali at last, others may bet ter judge : but of this me are con
extraordinary providence, that we have stood thus long : DNhave been the only belli mora, and micquid aflud nosrae cessatum es moenia Troiae, Heditoris I cannot add, AEneaeque, for yow had no second) manu victoria Graium Haesit. By yowr good acts and prudent manage, our sx monilis have
Colleges, to whom the right os election regularly belongs,may not challerige it by verive of the articles, by whicli thei ights of ali and every of them is promised to be saved. Andtho we know the practi se of former times is no rule for thepresent, nor the actions of Κings any laws of Partiaments ;yet we cannot choose but observe the differen e . Heretofore, When Upon occasion Princes have s metimes depos'd the Prostors, semetimes preferr'd Heads of Houses to Bismo-pricks ; yet they alwales test the electiori of their Succestars flee, according to the respective Statutes of the Universi tyand Colleges, and did not otheriuisse interpose, tho' it was thought a potnt of their prerogative) than at most by letters of
We must now obey ; and it wili perhaps not at ali ostend ourmost eager Adversaries, is we choose to do it, rather by sufferance thau compliance, whicli is atready the resolution os agood many; and perhaps his Turn is not farr os, who, tho hewould not be over hasty to oster the Sacrifice of fools by a peremptota opposition to an extraordinary and irresisti ble
notice, that as soon as a Convocation can be cali 'd per-haps to morro ) it is intended to sen d letters from the Universi ty ei ther to both HOus es, or to the Speakers, Withothers to ille Oxford Committee, and particularly to yourself, to intreat that sonae provission may be inseri ed in theordinance nom passing concerning Deans and Chapters, whereby the Right of the Universi ty to such Prebends as have been annexed by ancient granis to the Professorii s and places may be conserv'd. Os illis Lind are, T. A Prebe nil in Christ-Ch. Oxon. annexed to the Regius Professour in Divini ty by K. James 26 '. Aug. anno regni 3 '.
Margaret's Lecture by Κ. Chartes s '. Julii anno regni
Reader by Ring Charies 19'. Junii anno regni 6 9.
rator's place by Uing Charies a I'. Decembris I 1 q. Caroli. The Originals of these granis, under the broad Seals of K. James and Κ. Charies, are by this Bearer Mi . Plagrave to bebrought to J ou, whicli it was thought fit to dispalch before hand, not knowing hoν soon there may be use of them. Besides these lalter Augmentations made to the Prosesis OUrς, theti ancient Salary of Ol. per annum mas at sit stcharg'd upon the Dean and Chap. of Cestininster; but after
value os clool. on condition the Κ. mou'd Dee them, the D. and Chapt. from the perpetuali main te nance of ten Lecturers
viz. five in Ogon, and sive in Cambridge) one os Divinity, Civii Law, Physich, Hebrein and Greeli, in each Universi ty. This the Ling did in this Universi ty by charging the D. and Chapt. of Christ Ch. in Ox ford of his last foundation withthe payment of thos e yearly Salaries to the Professours. This Universi ty have right to present to a Chan try in the Dee Chappet at Windl ore. M r. I Wine sin Apolog. Antiqv.
i is it be thought fit not to continue that titie to the UniVer- sty, yet sonae allowance may be made for it by Commutation to the maintenance of any Actuary to be perpetuallyemplo ed to transcribe suci, rarities for the i e of the Library, Whereos we cannot obta in the Originals. But this is only myprivate sancy and stole tapon me una ares. I nei ther dare nor need to advise any thing about the man-ner of passing the Salvo in the ordinance, whether With speciali mention os ali the pa: ticulars Rc then Ι fear Whetherso me Rhac may not be omitted that may concern et ther the Universi ty or particular Colleges, tho' at present I remember
While I am urei ting I receiv d a note from some of thel neN Prebeiads of Christ Ch. defring that you Wou'd pleas et to procure that there may be a speciali reservation for the Lan is &c. of that Ch in the ordinance. They intend tomake a particular application to 3 ou for that House, but byreason of their Dean's absence whom they expedi this nightithey cannot yet conveniently do it . I did observe upon the perus ali of our ordinary Gazettes
out a forinight since, that there was some controVersie
When I say most corrected, I have this Inducement to per- swade me. He lese it to be kept under lock and key, and lMr. Whitaker has since employed his Son in Law Μr. Bowman a Stationer of this ToWne, to procure some collation or transcript to be made out of our Copy, Ι mean some part
To the fame. p. 23. Most honoured SL IN pursu ance of those Injunctions for such to me are allis hich you cali requests) whicli 3our last of the fixit,
instant layd upori me, I have made Search into suci, Greeli Manuscripis as our publick Library aTords of thea. Epislle of Jolin, Which are not many. We are bet tersored with Gos pelis than Episties. Os these lalter we haveonely three Copyes, and one of them defective at the end, and so wanting some of those Canonicali Episties. The
troubie Iou with the severali lections in Our Latin Copyes; some having nothing of the 7x verse, some putting it in themargin, s me placeing it after What we ordinarily account for the eighth, and thos e that have both varying diverssywhicli is it may be usefuit to you any way, Ι shall, upon thesi st notice, more methodicatly digesi and more particularly
os Leicestermire: he that is the Author of the Descriptiovos that County. The book was the Author's Originali, and
this transcript is by Jolin Hall, whicli I have this morning
him, and some historicali, as besides that de Regibus Anglorum whicli I supposse is the piece you onely now set forti, tiar the life of Edward the Confestar is extant at readyὶ that de
miraculis Hagustaldensis Ecclesiae of no great value, and that de bello Standardi, or the life of Walter Espee is in Bennet Colledge Cambridge. Wee have likewise of the same Au thor one plece not mentioned in the Catalogue of his mortis ei ther by Bale, or Leland, or Piis, or any other that I re- member, tilled De vinculo Perfectionis. When Jacob Merio
Fears since there passed severati Letters belwixi him and metapon that occasion : and I furnis ted him with some Supplements to Bernard, and the transcript of the Episties of Gilbertus de Hoylandia, and gave him notice s sor he certi fied
me his purpose was to publisti What he could meet with of Guerricus Gillebertus and Ailredus Rievallensis, as being Ber- nard 's Schollers that bes des what our Countreyman Gibboris had ali eady set forth of this last, wee had tu o pieces notyet extant, that De institutione Inclusarum, and De vinculo
Fou to pardon the impertinency of Your most affectionales Di nil Irid servant Queen's Colla Gerard Langhaine. November II 6SI. I received two dayes since a Leiter hom Μr. Bygme about Johannes Antiochenus, which he telis me is now ready for
of Abel and Caine's wives, gives me occasion to impari, What has fallen in my way to observe, tho' it be belowyou to take notice of it, out os a MS. or two in the Publici Librgry. I met there with a Greehe copy, in Which were me historical excerpis ἐκ των κρονικ Γεωργίου. Thinhing, i What George this might bee, I presently .und, tho hee hadi many things common, it was not Cedrenus: and Ι have notTet seen Syncellus. Then remembring, that I had read in Rader's preface to the Chronic. Alexandrinum, that Georgius. Pisidas had wro te a Chronicie ab orbe condito, as that is, and therein had ma de mention of Adam's two daughters, AZura and Suam, as this did, but with seme variations, Ienclined to belleve, that these eXcerpis mere gathered Outos him, 'til Ι afterwards met with another Chronicie butimperfect and Muthout any nam e) with whom I sinit thos eeXcerpis to agree ad verbum : and perceiving the Author in his preface to promise to deduce his Chronicie ἔως της λευτῆς -υῖ and concluding that preface thus.l εκλιπαρω δε τῆς ἐντευξο ἐνους φιλοθώς και Θιλολογους ἐνπερευχεσθαι μbae
t dering that Leo Allati us in his Apes Romanae de viris illustrii bus p. 177. had long since promised the edition of the Chro-l nicte of Georgius abbas Hamariolus fiom the beginning oti the worid 'til the end of Michael, the son os Theophilus, I
time out os a later MS. copy so much as was in Alburna garin ille chapter de virgine. Somewhat to the fame purpo se asyow were spe illing concerning tho se traditional conceits of the ancients, se enas to be this picce, tu hicli I have mett with in one of our Greeli MSS. The titie of the whole is, Xρησμοι και Θsολογίαι Eλληνων φιλοσωφων in whicli are severati mori fragminis, pretended to be Os Hermes, Plato, and severat other
reel: Philosophers, sal l whicli I account spurious relat ingto the birili, incarnation, passion, &c. of Christ, and to thedostri ne of the Trini ty. Among them one Mith this titie,
Thaei he was a diligent enquirer aster Egypti an antiquities, and had severati conferences with the Priesis. is cicare byseverat passages in his Niliaca or Egyptiaca, in the conclusion of which as much besides) does confirm sis there Wcre any needὶ what yoru have sussiciently prov'd from others as good
monitis's comment on Aristolle ερ χηνείας sedit. Ven. in
anno I 343. soL 3o.) where he labo ars to give a philosophi cali ea son for the diversi ty of gen deis in the impossition of names, and why the moon is Pag. 258. is yow plea se to substitute V estmorei and for