장음표시 사용
stose Princes and States, in Whose dominions their tot of reside nee has fallen, since their final disperson : with what varie ty and temperament, both in the Roman Empire and
lai in generali affirm'd: Prorepsit in fines Italos post Caium Caesarem, aut certe illo imperante. V Those severat llavis in both Codes, concerning somelimes the restraint. semetimes the toleration of it, I need not mention. Formalter of Det, I know noi, whether it be worth the whileto take notice of that passage in Theodorus sor rather Diodorus) Tarsensis sapud Photium in Bibi: Cod. 223. ex lib. 6. de fato) who gives this testimony of the Jewista nation, thatas formerly, so since their universali disperson illi that time, about 4oo. years after Christ) they never apostatiZ'd fromtheir ancient laws. And tho' that were a time, When the Jews iis ever) were in moli flagrant favour with the Emi pero urs ; yet that the Christians of those days did not con-l ceive themselves oblidg'd by the Jewisti Judicialis, may bel collected Dom that return of Basil to as Ι supposse the fame Diodorus, Bishop of Tarsus, touching the case of a man's marrying the sister of his deceased mise) Basil Ep. I97 & vid. Balsamon in eandem) where he waves the authority of the Mosaical law Uith υσα ο νομος τοῖς ἐν &c. Ne have in Our Publick Library amongst the Greek ΜSS.given by Sir Tho. Roe, a great Volume containing, inter alia, severat Collections of laws both Civil and Ecclesiastical,l many of those atready extant in the Basilica and Jus Graeco- Romanum, With others for ought Ι know,) not yet in print: in)which book betae ixtis me Novelis of Basilius and somel Others of Leo Impp. comes in a plece of about sx leaves inquantity with this ti de in rubrick : 'Eκλογὴ ἐν ἐmτομῆ τοῦτοῖ Θεου δὶα Mψυσεως δο)έντος νομου τοῖς Ισραηλλαις The first litte
i against the titte, there is this note in the rubricli, of the samel hand with the rest, συι σάλλουσι ταυτα παντα τοῖς εἰς ημί ς' νενομιοθητημιενοις; by Which, as it is apparent at the time of thel transcript , it was othermisse, so it may be doubted, Whether, in the firsi design of the Collector, thos e laws Were not sup-l posen to concern the Christians of those times, as rules of life. The method of the Collection is not much unlike that in thei Collatio legum Mosaicarum & Romanorum, set o fit by Pithoeus, of Which. Ι thinit, yo malle Licinius Rufinus toliave beeu the Author. The whole volume was Writ a bove
294 is lae quaedam cl. Lan balatia
3cio. years since, by one Constantinus Sapiens. For so I readin the close of the book, and did sonae time belong to the Monastery της 'Ecro Τρου in insula Chalce I cannot teit whetheria ny of lat ter times, Carolostadius and the Anabaptists excepted, have maintain 'd the Jewista Judicialis to be universalty and in dispens ibi e binii ing to Christians. How our ordinary method is to have stated the coa-troversy, Ι know is below yow to take notice M. In the solving of that question in yowr ari letter, con- cerning that passage in Photius's Episties of ρως, the founder of the Romissi name and nation, I fear I shali do yom buttitile service. I read over that whole book in MS. severat years besere it came forti, in print, and took s me notes
need to justify the Soloecisme by other paralleis, suchas Hoesse chelius in the beginning of his notes upon Photius's Bibl.hath observ'd both in hi in and other Authors. Besides, this did a litile more confirm me in the opinion that this tale of ς came to Photius only by hearsay, and that he had it noti rom any written story : for so γάγεται λογος here, and οἱ ταοῦταλέγοντες after, seem to imply. And that he must have it fromsome Jew, seems most credibie, because he says. the Report-ers of it were such, as set light by ali the Greela relations and many of those are consonant to the Roman stori es) cou cerning that matter. But yow Will say, jam dic, Pontice, de tribus capellis. Truly, Sir, tho' Ι give no great faith to any of them, yet I mali venture to set dorun my conjectures, which baling that circumstance of the tribe of Benjaminitho' they come not home, I et may look to vards the mark. 1. What is the Relater mistook ρῶς for ρῶ, ab Z You kno theresemblance of the n to the ci clausum sor finale) is so
that Elymon in Festus, Italia dicta, quod magnos italos, i. e. boves, habeat, V thus far fit with this tale in Photius of
Dion, Halic. L. I.) Dom whom he assirms the Tuscans toliave cali 'd themselves, without any great violence be capable of application to this ρως tΙ am loath to omit a conceii, whicli our common friendΜr. Pocock suggested. this it was. As rosso in Italian signifies
originali in brasse by pignorius in his explicatio mensae Isiacae fol. 32. b.) and having not yet met with any thing onwhich to bui id a certain ty, Ι adventure from the considerationi of the subject matter of the inscription it selis to make thel conjecture.l Seeing the dedication of the pastophorion, there spolient of was intended to the honour os Isis, and those other, theret mention'd, her cognate Gods of Egypt, I should think, that Theophilus the foundet was a Felloν of the College ; or togive yo my sense in the words of Apuleius Milesia 1 1m )one, Ule cce tu Pastophorum, quod sacrosanisti collegii nomen est one that bore a part in thos e solemnities: and that νηφοργ was intended to expresse his particular ossice, vir. in the pompe and procession of the Goddesis; he bore her blacla pall. For yow know, that the Priests, who in those sacra A potentissimorurn Deum proferebant insignes exuvias, asilie same Author spetit s) were called Pastophori; and such ascali them so, quod ferrent pallium Veneris, cui nOrben
Disolae quaedam et Langbainia. Pastos,' say hut the fame thing : since Isis and Venus sby
And seeing in the description os Isis there is assign'd to hero palla nigerrima Apul. ibid.) splendescens atro nitore
Scc. he cliose rather in the sit si place to substituteas a word more particularly denoteing the colour of the pali, whicli in thos e pompes it was his peculiar ossice to carry. Tlie consideration of this and the neigh bouring places in Apuleius reminded me of that in Synesus concerning the Egyptian κωμα ηρια, Which yow have so weli vindicated from former misinterpretation, Whether it might not be capable of s me farther illustration from heiace. The κιέωτια there ares o like the cista secretorum capax' here, and some o herparticulars se much of Lin, as made me thin k, Whether the
Priesis, and Pastophorion, that part of the temple, where theylodg'd and hept their solemn feasts ; and theis not those seasis, then the antecedent processions or initiations : as also whether the Grammateus in Apuleius and Lucian de sacrificiis) do not referre to that third rank of Priesis, Whom as yow have observ'd) Synesius stiles ζακορους and whether in that place of Lucian, σοφιζων be not put for κωμαζὼν by mista e for both agree in the number of three foris, and the Propheis malle one in both. Sir, yow see theeffects of yowr known assessions to vards me &c. I amyowr most humble and sincerely devoted servant Ger: Langbaine.
and it may probably relate to that yow mentiora os Hesychius's ταυραβα, Whicli I Uould rather read ταρρωδα. Forthat yow know is the most usuali termination of the nam es of suci, gantes. Ι did not besore di eam, that our minstretis about Tame-worth had a precedent of that age, and so nearot Lia, for their bull-catching. 'Tis true, the probi me might sui t
fuit very weli for the fire's si de in a winter night; but I amsorry I have occasion to say that Ι fear we must be forc'dere long to bid good night to our Noctes Atticae. I Was notso much troubled to hear of that fellow, who latety in Londonmaintain d in publick that learning is a sin, as to see s memen swho would be accounted none of the meanecto amongst our selves here at home) under pretence of pie ty go abouti to banissa it the Universi ty. I cannot mal e any better construction os a late order, made by those, whom we cali Vistors, upon occasion os an elestion last week at All-Souis Coli: to this essedi, that for the future no Scholar be chos en into any place in any College, uni esse he bring a testimonyunder the hands of four persons at the least, not electours)known to these Visitours to be tria ly godly men, that hewho stands for such a place is himsel se tria ly Godly : and by arrogating to thenaseives this power, they sit Judges of alimens consciences, and have rejected sonae, agains: whomthey had no other exceptions being certified by such, towhom their conversations were Besst known, to be unblamel abie, and statuteably elected after due examination and approbation of their sufficiency by that society) meerly uponthis account, that the persons, who testified in their bellat se,are not known to these Visitours to be regenerate. I intend God willing) ere long to have an election in our College, and have professi'd, that Ι will not submiti to this order.
l Quod de sive de virorum ac feminarum ligatione unde vocis originem, mea sententia, recte deducit ' illustris Spei mannus in superioribus' scripsit cl. Langbainius, intelligendum est de litteris quibusdam Ioannis Carpenter Episcopi Wigorniensis ; quae quidem litterae extant in Codice quodam Bodleiano, manu propria Joannis LaWerne, monachi Wigorniensis, S. Th. Doctoris, Collegitque Glocestren sis in Acade-l mia Oxoniensi quondam alumni, scripto. Omnia Prae-
Excerpta e codice quodam Bodleiano.
ter materiam sordent. Folia nimirum lacera sunt &
exesa, & quicquid hoc in libro quem protographutn
fuisse conjicimus comprehenditur, adeo ineleganter scriptum est, ut non sine summa dissicultate legi pose
sit. Cunctorum pene in eo contentorum auctor ipse fuit La erne, qui floruit A. D. M CCCCXLVIII. Pigraque sunt argumenti Theologici ; nonnulla tamen a re
nostra historica non abludunt, e quibus est epistola antedicta, aliaque paucula, quae speciminis loco subjici
enda duxi, ut eo rectius ad posteror Um memoriam Perveniant. Cetera vero non exscribo, sed Antiquitatum studiosorum diligentiae relinquenda censeo. pannis, Osco i m orniensis, litterae, in quibus mandat
Magi ro Joanni Laberire, eleemos 'nario eccloia cathedralis Irigorn. ac omnibus er singulis redi oribus, Nicariis, erc. infra Diaece , quatentis moneant, tit subditi
utriusque se sexus 2 ligationibus O ludis inhonesis in diebus, communiter Uocatis cessent sub poena Excommunicationis E c. Dat. 6. Aprilis I IO.
Johannes, permissione divina Wigorniensis episcopus, dilectis nobis in Christo filiis Magistro Johanni Lawariae Sacrae Theologiae professiori, Elemosinario ecclesiae nostiae Cathedralis Wygorniensis, necnon unive is & singulis rectoribus, vicariis, ac capellanis, curatis quibuscunque per nostram Diocesim constitutis, salutem, gratiam & benedictionem. Rei levit amaritudine interiora mentis nostrae exortus moestitiae rumor de pestifera corruptela homines utriusque sexus ad re- si divationem reductiva, quam nullum vestrum, quod dOlenter referimus, latere putamus, qualiter uno certo die heu usitato, hoc solempni festo paschatis transacto, mulieres hominea, alioque die homin*s mulieres ligare, ac cetera media utinam non inlisnesta vel deteriora facere moliantur &CXercere, lucrum ecclesiae fingentes, set dampnum animae sub fucato colore lucrantes: quorum occasione plura oriuntur scandala, adulteriaque, & alia crimina committuntur enormia in dei manifestam offensam, committenciumque animarum periculum valde grave, & aliorum pernicios um eXemplum. Nos igitur volentes, quatenus nobis concesserit Altissimus, huic
morbo cancoroso & de hae perfectioni de oportuno provideri emedio, ne sub hujusmodi simulatae devotionis emgie turpia graviora de. cetero committantur, vobis conjunctim & divi- F. i os vocitato.
s; in committimus & mandamus firmiter sub poena Inobedientiae & contemptus injungentes, quatinus omnes & singulos nostros utriusque sexus subditos in genere peremptorie moneatis, quos nos eciam tenore praesencium sic monemus, ut
ab hujusmodi ligationibus & ludis inhonestis diebus hactenus
usitatis, vocatis communiter ut praedicitur, cesse
sent & desistant sub poena Excommunicationis majoris in contravenientes, Vel non parentes hujusmodi monitionibus nostris abs Ue favore, verum eciam cum juris rigore acriter fulmi nandae. Vobis insuper mandamus sub poena juris, quatinus praemissa statim post receptionem praesen cium in sermonibus & ecclesiis vestris praedictis tempore divinorum Cum majori affuerit populi multitudo ibidem publice intimetis, ac dei nominibus & cognominibus delinquentium post monitionem
l vestram, ymmo verius nos fram, eis legitime factam in prael missis nos vel praesidentem consistorii nostri Wygorniensis aliquo die consistoriali citra festum Pentecostes proXime futurum per Vestras literas patentes autentice sigillatas, seu alias personaliter viva voce distincte Wigorniae certificetis. Dat. sub sigillo nostro ad causas in castro nostro de Hertylburysexto die mensis Aprilis anno Domini millesimo CCC cn Q. quinquagessimo, & nostrae consecrationis anno septimo. Litterae est Ui in Orn. excommunicationem denunciantes FOL 3o. b. contra eos qui 'arcum frioris migorn. fregerunt anlio I so. Johannes permissione divina Wygorn. episcopus dilectis Sentential nobis in Christo filiis magistro Johanni Lawerne, Sacrae Theo-
' logiae Doctori, monacho ecclesiae nostrae cath. Wygorn. ac Hallo .
universis & singulis Rectoribus, Vicariis, Capellanis, Curatis,l per nostram Civitatem ubilibet constitutis, salutem, gratiam,& benedictionem. Querelam religiosorum virorum prioris& conventus ecclesiae nostrae Cathedralis praedictae gravem recepimus, continentem, quod quidam iniquitatis filii, quo
rum nomina L personae ignorantur animarum suarum salutis immemores, quandam indaginem illorum religiosorum virorum, Vulgariter di istam a i avste, intraverunt, & plures damas atque alias bestias ferinas interfecerunt, D furtive ab Cadem asportaverunt, ac etiam non modicos pisces a quodam sfaiagno illorum religiosorum virorum, infra eandem stuato, ifurtive & nequiter ceperunt & asportaverunt in dictorum religiosorum virorum praejudicium non modicum & gravamen, aliorumque eXemplum perniciosum. Ipsique viri re ligiosi supplicarunt nobis de remedio oportuno Cisdem pro videri in hac parte. Nos vero considerantes eorum petitionem fore justam & juri consonam, atque nolentes talia facinora aut crimina inter subditos nostros remanere impunita,
aeo Excerpta e codice quodam Bodleiano. vobis eo mistim & divisim committimus D mandastitis sirmiter injungentes, quatinus Omnes & singulos hujusmodi enormia committentes in genere moneatis, prout nos tenore
praesentium sic monemus, quod infra 12. dierum spacium, quorum quatuor pro primo, & quatuor pro secundo, ac alios quatuor pro tertio & peremptorio termino, pro hujusmodi transgressionibus sic, ut praesertur, commissis, bene & fideliter eisdem religiosis viris satisfaciant, aut cum eisdem componant. Et si praefatis monitionibus vestris, quin verius nostris, infra dictum duodecim dierum terminum non parUerint, CX tunc ipsos omnes, & singulos, sic, ut praefertur, delinquentes in majoris eXcommunicationis sententiam incidisse; quam nos te note praesentium contra eosdem ferimus A promulgamus eX tunc, prout eX nunc, & ex tunc diebus dominicis &festivis in ecclesiis vestris intra missarum solempnia, Cum major affuerit populi multitudo in eisdem, publice & solempniter candelis accensis, campanis pulsatis. & cum cruce erecta denuncietis, seu sic ipsos excommunicatos denunciari faciatis. Et quid feceritis in praemissis nos, cum per partem dictorum religio rium virorum congrue fueritis requisiti, debite & autentice certificetis. Dat. sub sigillo nostro in pa-lacio nostro Wygorn. decimo die mensis Februarii anno Domini '.I'. cccc I ''. & nostrae consecrationis anno septimo.
iiiiiiionis a nil Oi al the halewen of heven, of An elis, Archangelis, ii Asplice, patriai kes, prophetes, Apostolis, Ewangelis es, martires, confessores, Virgins, and also by the powere os ali holy Chii chethat oure lord Jhesu Crisi guasse to Sent Petor, prince of
the Apostolis, and to huire Successores in God, and by au-c ori te of thys present mamdem erat, directest to me, Vel totis, me denownce at tho evell and cur sed doers opynle here a
cerata e codice quodam Bodleiano. ' sor Formida, qua j. Lawerne Uenerabili Congregationi suffii- Fol. 36. a. cabit, ut exercitia quaedam Academica sibi socerent ad inoi tensim in S. Theologia.
Supplicat venerabili congregationi regendium & non regen- Gratia P- esum dompnus Johannes Lawerne monachus, & Sacrae Theologiae Bachilarius, quatinus octo argumenta & Octo responsiones apidem do in scolis Theologiae, quarum major pars sit ordinaria, vel mi- ctoratusi nime concut viva, lectura libri Sententiarum, sermo examinal torius, introitus Bibliae possint sibi stare ad effectum quod post sit incipere in facultate Sacrae Theologiae ; sic quod in locol sui convivii solvat in die inceptionis suae Universitati viginti
l libras. Ista gratia cohceditur a congregatione praefata anno i Domini millo. ccccn Q- xxxv 111VQ- eidem Johanni sub ista con-
ditione quod dicat sermonem praeter formam in ecclesia beatae virginis post susceptionem gradus, & sub hac forma registratur in universitate nostra Oxoniensi. l Hac gratia concessa, exercitia tandem froiitit, ct anno 1448.l gradu, quem ambiit, insignitus erat, ut ex notula sa manca edi imperfecta ad calcem codicis intelligisnus Μemorandum D quod J. Lawerne n Ysaac Ledbury Bachi. ficultatis Sacrae Theologiae inceperunt Ogoniae conJunctim in eadem facul-
tate anno D3mini M'. cccc'. XL ' Octavo, nono die mensis
Aprilis, in die viZ. Martis. etiam praefatus M. Jo. Lawerneliteram habuit testimonialem gradus suscepti per Universita- tem sibi concessam, & tot etiam dies gratiae subscriptos. ' quodque salva conscientia potuit se absecitare libere ab U- niversitate in scor anno suo secundo re- geliciae, via. a festo Sancti Georgii martiris usque ad festum
ac quiete a regencia sua Oxor o cessavit.
Uisdem Johannis Laberne frotesatio facta ante Fol. rrst a. lecturam libri Sententiarum. Ego frater Johannes Lawerne, Sacrae Theologiae Bacha- laureus, & ecclesiae Wygoria: monachus, per venerabilem patrem meum & dominum, Dominum Johannem Carpenter, ejusdem ecclesiae patrem & pastorem, ad legendum librum Sententiarum expositive deputatus, & vi'. die Octobris anno Domini Min'. ccccin'. xLq. v'. ipsius lecturam incipiens iupraesensia venerabilis patris mei & domini praedicti, & ejusdem loci conventus, ac aliorum quamplurium scolarium, pro- testor, me nolle docere aut dicere Creliqua de erantur, sed
suffleυi e fol. 99. b. tibi non dissimilis occurrit protesatio