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then Viscountes; then th Overseers; then th Executores :then Garier; then the clites Morner, the Countes se of Lyneux, with the Rest sollowinge as at the Dirge the Nighthes ore, and soo procee led in to the Chapell, Where they were placed as hefore; then Norrey Κinge of Armes bad the Prayer ; then the Quere began the Maise of Reuuiem. Thesaid Masse was executed by the Busaoppe of Worsseter, the B. of Exeter and the Bullioppe of Chester Amstannis asPystellers and Gos pellers, with Deacon and Subdeacon, hesides thier Assistam is in Coppes. Then the Masse procededtyli the Osseringe, at the whicli offeringe When the Bustaoppes torned them, the Μorners turn ed them, the Morners stode ape, and the clites Morner cam fourth, havinge certayne Noble Blen and the officers of Armes bellare her, the Restos the Μorners followinge, her Trayne borne, VPent to the Aulter where thier was laid by a Gentili man Uter a Carpetand a Cussion on the whicli stae lineled, and havinge herofferinge delyved unio her, offered, and then rosie uppe and Tetorned to the Hersie agayne, who after her Obeisitaunce maid to the Corsita, havinge but One Ossycer of Armes bes ore her, without her Trayne borne, offered for herseis and retorned. Then ossered the Two Nobtemen Assistannis, then thother Morners ij and ij, and after them the other Lordes; the offeringe don, the Masse proceded out to th En d; the Massedon, they departed stom the Chappeti in the fame Sorte asthey came thether upe in to the Chamber of Pres ence, where
departed, and the great Estates MOrners came downe as onMnndaye to the Masse of Requiem, and thier offered andi usta them selves as they did at the fores id Masse ora Sonndaye,l whicli blasse Was executed by the Bushoppe of Coventre andi Lychfeld, and after Masse retorned to Dyner, and afterl Dyner aboute Thre of the Cloke they went to the Dyrge asbe re on Sonndaye, the which was executed by the Bushoppel of Winchester, the vibi, Leason red by the Bushoppe of Worcester, the viii ii by the Bushoppe of EXeter, the ix h by the Bushoppe of Winchester a resaid, the Corppe sensed by the Bushoppes of Winchester and Wors ceter; the Dyrge
charged as the Nyght before in ali Poyntes. The manner of the Ussage of the Ceremo ves ora Trine se. , Item, On Twes Jaye the Masse of the Holy Goste vias sal dby the Bushoppe of Exeter With his Assistannis, the Masse of Oar Lady by the Bushoppe of Worceter with his Assis annis, the Masse of Requiem by the Bushoppe of Winchester, thel ij foresaid Bussiopes as Pistoller and Gos peller, with Deaconi and Subdeacon, and their ownne Assislannis in Coppes, tothe whicli Masse came the soresaid nobie Ladyes Morners asthey did the Daye hefore, and offered in the fame Manner, i and after Masse to Dyner; when Dyner was don the Herauld si gave ordi e to ait Sortes of Pepoeli, havinge Blahe, to gevel thier Attendan iace, and to keppe thier Places as they were byl them seti in ordre, duringe the whiche Tyme of thier set tinget in ordi e the Corsita was brought foui th and seti in thel Charioti, and the Palle lai de over the same, and a Syd oni the said Palle laye the Presentation μ ; in the meane Season thel Lords and Ladyes maid them redy, and when they were redythey procedede to the Abbey of Wesimi ster in this Ordi et folio Ninge:
. a The Repraesentation, or Figiare of the Deseased, usualty laid on the Cossin previ ous to and during the Funerat Procellion.
and no more, and then retorned to the Hersse agayne. Thenthe Masse proceded to th End ; and when the said Masse was don, Masse of the Holy Goste begon, executed by the Bumoppe of Winchester, With Deacon, Subdeacon, and Assistannis, songe by the Quere as aforesaid; and at thei he offeringe the sa id clites A Iorner offered as at th other
Iasie before : When the said Masses were don, then the Morners departed, in the fame Mannor that they came to Clitarche, to the suid Lord Abbotis Howse, where thier was prepared for them a Breal efaste, after the whiche they prepared them selves, wlth ali th other noble Personages, togoo to the Masse of Requiem, whoo went to the same in
Then the Ambas itor, Counte de Terio.