Joannis Lelandi antiquarii de rebus Britannicis collectanea : cum Thomae Hearnii praefatione notis et indice ad editionem primam

발행: 1770년

분량: 428페이지


분류: 전쟁


cerata e codice quodam Bodleiant. num Johannem de Eve ani defutati anno 13oo.J pertinas terque defendere quicquam in hac lectura vel in aliqua ipsius

parte, quod sit contra determinationem sacrosanctae Romanae ecclesiae, aut quovis modo Videtur sonare contra bonos mores. Et si me contingat ex ignorantia, eX non advertentia, aut

lapsu linguae, aut alio quovis desectu meo dicere aliquid tale, id rex oco nunc pro semper, & me submitto correctioni ecclesiae, &. cujuscunque ecclesiasticae pei sonae quae me habet corrigere in hac parte. Atque hoc ex antiquo more Uniet eoitatis Oxon. in qua incesturi in dissi utationibus θ' aditibus hiι-jusmodi frotestationem praemittere solebant. J Versus subscri si in circuitu lafidis set e lumbae Thomae LecturF, prioris quondam hujus loci Fig. I lorn. JQuis jacet hic t Thomas. Quod cognomen fuit ejus tLed buri. Qualis honor i Doctor fideique magister, Ac prior ecclesiae. Qui mores Z Sobrius in se, Providus & solidus, humilis, stabilisque, benignus.

Et quod virtutes jam dictas praeterit omnes Spe rectusque fide, fuit inflammatus ab igne Illius ardoris quem misit spiritus almus, In terrasque suam voluit diffundere flammam. Annis quot rexit Z Septenis. Quot sibi vixit Z X. sex, & semel V. Quos perstitit in monachatu 2 X. quinis tantum. Mansiit in Jubilaeum Ut requies detur. Tunc vult leX, sicque precetur. Grsus subsequentes ad sedes Imaginis. M. semel, X. querno, C. quater fUit, I. quoque terno, Terdena mensis bis dempta luce Decembris Decessit prior hic, Doctor fidei jacet istic. Ut jacet hic jaceat, ut rexit sic requiescat. Sicque sibi pauis, pax pacifico sine fine fiat, ut hoc Amen sit semper in ore precamen. Trere Rhn Brerin, Frere Minor of the civesnt of Oventis,

This recantation, it sems, was ei offud lim θ the Lψ'. in Partiament anno I 46. . Het ys nOt unknowen, that where the prior and the co-vent of the chercli cathedral of oure Lady Sensi Mary of the Citye of Coventre, persones and proprietaries of the perychchyrches of the fime, and theire predecessours have hadde,


s un dye withyn thys seyde cyte, suburbes and homeletes of the same hath ben fyrst browSt to the seyde cathedral chirchwith apparati of way, there to abyde t ille the masse and other

observarice to cristen pepel perteynyng be complete, and the cor ps there of then to be beryed outher at the same cathedral cherch, or elles at On of the perycli cherchis orchircherde where the pers uia of the ded corps was conver

i sunt, or there where yn his lyse he chase his sepulture, theseyde appalail Os Way remayneng With the seide cathedralchirch to use of the sume: whicli tytei and possessyoun isgood ais wel bi the lawe spirituali, as by the larue temperalletl Y styre Jon Bredon, Dere menor of the covent of thys samel cyte, yn the tyme of the holy advent of oure lord laste passedi in the peryche chirches of thys same cite a yenis the seydel custom and tylel, as Oure Soveren lord the kyng and the lordc; spirituali and temperat bera acerted, openly prechegd and a fermed that at maner offeringes own to be ywen al onely tothem that minis e the Sacraments. To the peris uns alta that neyther the pope, ne ali the World may compelle any l man to Osre any thyng yn the styd cathedral chirch. Aliol that neyther the Pope ne ali the world may make but that afre man in his laste wylle may dispos e the lyglites pertem-yng to hys corps where so ever he wylle. And so that Iinducyng the perissmo uris of the seide pericli erches to execute


ciouns and proseles of the cor pses, and not the monke of the Priory, Whych mai not ministre the Sacramentes. Also that

Ι in my billes that I made to be set te upp over the chirchdari es tu this seide Cite promysed to delyver the pepet of this same Cite Do the thraldom os Pharao the whicli fowhtesta 3 enis the seide cathedrali chirche, and the lawful Customos the sanie. In ali Ihese premis est by the lordes spiritualland temperati by the commawdement of our Soveran lorde the Lym duely examined ys fowndouia mater upp on thewhich mygili sue grete ynconvenientes a Tenis the larues Ofgod and of the chirch, and also prejud1ciali to the seide Priorand Covent. Wherfore I the fame hi ere iste I mainteyn orbustiste the seide onlari fui opinions or any of them, or whoso ever so do, ben worthi to be fore puni sched and chasii med by the lawe of the chirche. And thei fore ais ferre as Ιhave such matters or opinions assermed, prechegd, Orthawglit, I the same frere revolie and renownce theym, and lahe of theyui, prayngli and exortyngli yow that Te glisenei ther felthe ne credens to theym, ne eXecute theym ynany Wise.. Wherfore I now wele a vised and meved ther toyn conscience exhorte pnd pray gow to kepe and observethe seide laudabyl custom yn put tyng awey and eschewynghurte and ostense of conscience, and also a Voydeng ponis chement. And to alle theym that don contrarie to the fame custom, sor as much as hit is a custom commendabui, and so owyng to be Lepte and observed to encresse of mede hy pleasure made to aliayghty god, who graWnte boWe and me to lysse In this worid aftur juste lawes and lawsul cus tomes vertuosely, so that we may deserve to rejoyse hevenly recompense evertastyng. Amen. EXplicit revocatio J Bredon fratris Minorum in iudicio contra priorem & conventum Conventriae, & contra plures alios ecclesiasticos, anno Domini Millim'.

Finis primae Partis Appendicis ad Lesandi Coll.






one, Praunce, bothe the Siceles, Perusalem, and Ireland, Demendor of the Fadithe, Arche Duches of Austrie, Duches of Burguno, M adine, and Brabant, Gunties of Ha purge, Funderes, and Taroli, whoo ordoned to ber Executores and Overseers assoluweiΘ,


vilio declared uiato them in ali Porntes the Ordre, and What



nes hi age of the foresaid Chappeti in Maner sollowing : The maner of the Furnefuer of the Chaleli at St. James. Item, it was hanged with blahe Cloth, and garnesthel


Coiancellours ; then Barons, and Busshopes not in Pontificalibus; then the Overseers; then Erles; then the Executors; then the Κinge of Armes; then the Corsse, covered with a

by the Lady Kathereia Hastings, assisted by the Vice Cham

The Lady Clynton, The Lady Dacres of the

and after them other Ladyes and Gentili omen, and aster them followed the Gard, and in this Ordre went into the

Chappeti Where the Corsse Wa. plasted within the Herse, anaths



the Chappetenes, and the iij laste by iij Bis hoppes, that is

o saye, the vii h by the fustaope of Exeter, the viii ii by the Bushoppe of Chester, the ix'h by the Bushoppe of Worsseter: and the said Bushoppe of EXeter senced the Corsse, bellige in Pontificalibus. The Bussiliopes at the redinge of the said LeasMns had Copes and Μyters, but none had Cromers butthe Bussiope of Wor steter who did execute, and the Bussiopeos Exeter when he did assiste him in doinge the fame; the