장음표시 사용
or Botlestiam, Subprior of Augies ey, and Confessor tolli e Nutas of Swaffam, a 389. He Uas a Dominicata, and a famotis Preacher, 'iapon which Account the Pope gave hi m
fle gave BookS. Michael de Cawston. In anancient Petition he is called Cierk, Masser of Aris, Scholar in the Laws, Rector of Hamorion, Lincoln D. made Pridit at
Thomas Mo e. He was a very Rr at Bene actor tothe Unive Tityi and di ed
of the Univei si ty, Bissio pos Carlisle 1 68, and Chichester 1477, and in
Robert Shorton, Chosen Isos. John Feuterer, chosen Isos -He was a Benefactor. Christopher Geta in n. Robert Fawliat.
Nicholas Paynell, chosen I sis. John Thintili, chos en Ιs Is He had such a Reputationsor his Abilities in Divinity, that at Disputations it vas publickly said, Thixtili dixit, and that when heWas present.
Isso Dean os Bath and welis. Jane his Risemarried after his Deceaselo Cox Bishop of Ely, and unded a Scholarship here in Memory of her former
Thomas Brooke, chosen Is 36. Ten . Georgii Riberis,
chos en Is 37. Hebb. When hewas to dispute once in Divini ty. the Universi ty in great Multitudes came with
ni ty, Master of Trini tyCollege, Dean os Norwicli, Bisbop of Chic hester, butde prived in the Beginning of Queen Elizabelli's
Jolin Bradford, os innehester in Lancamire, first a Servant to Sir Jolin Harrington, Knight; yet, thougha Place of very good Profitand Expectation, he lest it, and gave himself to Study, especiallyof the Scriptures,
at the Temple in London, where the Common Lainis studied; and from then hecame to Cambridge, and with in a year was made Master of Aris and Fellom of this College. He Was
suis caninent made One to an erroneous Conscience.
. . . . Riley. . . . . Fenton.
Rich. Dra . Gu. Herris. Jo. Vincent.
Samuel Bale, chosen 167 I. Thomas Alexander. Peter Richier. William Butis. Jolin Buri et, chosen 1673. Edward Feast, chosen 1674.
Tanquam. Wm. Banckes, chosen I 682.
Marmaduke Tyrwhiti, chos en 1683. Jolin Basset. Francis Drhper. Jolin Basset, chosen 1686. William Smith. Tanquam.