Joannis Lelandi antiquarii de rebus Britannicis collectanea : cum Thomae Hearnii praefatione notis et indice ad editionem primam

발행: 1770년

분량: 428페이지


분류: 전쟁



In Is 56 he Was one of thoia that made the Proctor's

He was born at St. Bees in Cumberland : Scholar Baehetor of Aris, and Fellow of the College is 38 : In is ho


the Ist December Iss9, Bonner being again turned out . Eefore his Consecration he was chosen Master, whicli att

He gave also some Books to the College, and a gilt Cupos Forty Ounces, called the Cantet bury Cup. He was a religious and grave Maia, and flourished in great Esleem with dueen Eligabeth, untill by the cuning Practices of his Adversaries he qui te tost her Favor ; they suggestingibat he countenariced the Conventicles of the turbulent


it is probable that when he resigned, he recommended him College.

He was boria at Grimsby in Lincolns hire, and brought optinder that most glorious Martyr Bradford in this College, and fmni herice was chos en Fello N of Peter House, Dr. Periabeing then Master there, who protected him during the Reign of .Queen Mary. April ai, i 367, he was chos en Master of this College, and the fame Year creat ed Doctor' in Divini ty. He was scarce Three Montiis here besore he was chos en

Master os Trinity College; then Divitii ty Professbi , and

Litis in Wri ting ; but by his, i se and discreet Carriage the



The principat Μonuments of his Chari ty are, an Llolpitalbutit College-wise at Croydon sor a Warden and 28 Persons, and a Free School near ii, with a conyenient fiouse for the Schoolinaster, and a standing Stipend of aol. pei Aunqm.



by his Familiari ty with Cartwright was turned puritan, Wasplainly expelled thence. From the College he went to the Faut con Inn, and there read Lectures, and held Disputations and ollier Exercises, having his Pupiis chiefly sor Auditors. By the Eari of Leicester's Μeans, who took any Divines of Note, of What Principie foever, under his Care, he was

College. In his Youth he wrote a Book of Μeteors; and whenolder confuted the Rhemissi Translation of the Bible. Hedied in is 89, and was buried at Dynnington aforesaid, Withthis Epitaph.

3o Novemfer. I 62Ι. In memoriam

Rer erendi Gulielmi Fuiae, Sacrae Theologiae Doct. ANU Pemb. in Cantabrigid Praefecit. Hujus Ecclesiae Dinningtonienses f ῖ.no tu risimonium Amoris stii serpetui erga ctim, hoc monumentum fofuit Robertus Wright sacrae quoque Theologiae Pr esser, et nunc ejusdem Ecclesiae Pasor. Corsus illius Terrae

traditum fili 28 Die Augii si is 89, et in hoc facem jacet


This Genileman was also born at London, but descende lsrom an ancient Family of the Andreius in Suffolli : He was



they made him some present AlloKance for his ruinaenance. under the Titie of a Tanquam Socius. Not long after he was made Vicar of 8t. Giles without


Memory, but for fear that those whicli me had gi ven mi imis carry, and so her Remembrance might decay. Hedeparted this Lise on the asth of September 1626, in the 1st Year of his Age, and lieth buried in the upper Iste of the Church of St. Savisur's, Solathwark', where a very fair Monument of Μarbie and Alabaster , on whicli lieth his Imagedressed in his Robes as Prelate of the Order of the Garier, was erected to his Memory, With this Epitaphi: Lector, Si Christianus es, siste: Morae pretium erit, Non nescire te, qui vir hic situs sit iriusdem tecum Catholicae Ecclesiae membrum,

Sub eadem felicis Relarrectionis spe, Eandem D. Jesu praestolans Epiphaniam: Sacratissimus Antistes, LANCE LOTUS ANDREWs,

Londini oriundus, educatus Cantabrigiae, Aulae Pembrochianae Alumnorum, Sociorum, Praesectorum Unus, & nemini secundus: Linguarum, Artium, Scientiarum, Humanorum, Divinorum, Omnium Infinitus Thesaurus, Stupendum Oraculum: Orthodoxae Christi Ecclesiae, Dictis, Scriptis, precibus, EXemplo Incomparabile propugnaculum :Reginae ELIZABETHAE ais acris, D. Pauli London. Residentiarius, D. Petri Westmonast. Decanu.

Episcopus Cicestrensis, Eliensis, Wintoniensa, Regique JACOBo tum ab Eleembsynis, Tum ab utriusque Regni Cpnsliis ;Decanus denique Sacelli Regii:

Idem eXIndefessa opera in studiis, Summa Sapientia in rebus, Assidua pietate in Deum, Profusa largitate in Egenos, Rara amoenitate in suos, Spectata probitate in omnes, AEternum admirandus. Amorum


Annorum pariter dei publicae famae satur, sed bonorum passim omnium cum luctu denatus, Coelebs hinc migravit ad aureolam coelestem, Anno Regis CAROLI II'. AEtatis S. LXTI'. Christi MDcXXvI'. Tantum est Lectorin quod te scire moerentes posteri Nunc volebant, atque ut ex voto tuo valeas, dicto Sit Deo gloria.

On the a1st of February 16I 8, he was admitted Master, being Batchelor in Divini ty, Rector of Nillingliam near Cambridge, and Prebendary of Chichester and Ely. In I 622 he was chosen Vice Chancellor, and was also Sub Almoner and Chapi in to his then sacred Majesty Κing Charies the First. I apprehend he deceased in December I 63o. XXVII. BENJAMIN LANY.On the Truenty- fifth Day of December I 63o, Μr Beniamin Lauy, theu Dr. oi Diviuiry, Prebeudary of Wiachester, and Rector



The Two first of these weremn of good Note, and wellesteemed by the Powers that promo ted them. The Third, baling that he e oyed what was another Man's Right, Was on ali other Accounts Northy of his post. He seems to have had an uncommon Assemon for the oldΗouse, whicli exemplified iis eis in the great Care he took of it, in repatring it, beautii ying it, adding to iis Bulldings, and at his Death leaving to it a considerable Sum os Moneysor the Foundation of Schplar ips, whicli through the Injustice of his Executors has not been yet received ; and wesear that after Abundance of Charge in Law-sulis, a verys mali proportion will be at last received. Welli upon the happy Restoration of our rightfuli Monarch, the above-

He was chosen in 1662 Prebendary and Trealarer os St. Paul's, Chaplain to the Arch Bilhop of Cantet bury, and Arch deacon of St. Alban's. He was a Benefactor to us in Books and Montes; and died Master in i 66s.


stri u life and undisiembled Piety. He was a good Benefactor in



in Munding a Chatechistical Lecture, and in other Acts ot Charity. XXX. NATHANIEL COGA. Nathaniel' Coga was Master of Aris, then Fellow of the College, Proctor in i 67I, and succeeded the former Masteron the aoth of August I 677, Vice Chancellor 1681. Hewas afterwards Doctor in Divini ty. Rector of Fel tweli St. Nicholas in Norfolli, and of Fram lingliam ili Suffolli. Heis numbered among our Benefactors, and deceased in January I 693-XXXI. THOMAS BRONNE. He was Rector of a College Living, via. Overton Watervile in Huntingdon Mire, Proctor I 683. succeeded Mr. Nathanies Coga I 693. He commenced afterwards Doetor in Divini ty, and was Vice Chancellor 1604 ; and had also the living of Lowth. He died Marcii the 9th 17o6. XXXII. EDNARD LONG. Dr. Edward Long, Grand Nephew to the above mentioned Benjamin Lany, was chos en to succeed Doctor Bro viae in the Mastet mi p. At the Time of his Election he was Fellow of the College of his Foundation. He was at the fame Time Professor os Divini ty at Greciam College, and a Fellow of the Royal Society ; and during the Lise of his late Majesty was Chaplain to his Houilaold at Kensington; Uice Chancellor

Rector of St. Florentius, a d Proetor sor the College

Robert de Stanton, of Friers