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ΓFrom the original Μanu script . JI. THOMAS DE BINGΗΑΜ. THERE is no Mention of this Thomas de Bingliam a
where in the College Registers illi the year 1364, at whicli Time he took Possiession of the Church of Wearestly, in Hunt in donii, ire, for the College ; though that he was madethe Firsi Master by the Found resti is past ali Question. In the Archieves of the Universi ty. it is sald, that Alr. Thomas de Bingliam tesse the ossice of Profi or Anno I 363. In 1389, the Universi ty in a Supplicate to Pope Bonifacethe ixi h. for a Dispensation and Provission for Thomas de Bingliam, that he might be made Canon of Lichfield, stiles hi in Presbyter of the Diocesse of Vork, Master of Divini in Subdeau and Canon and Prebendary of Wythlakinyton in the Church of Welis. Another Supplicate, and that more ancient, calIs Thomas de se ingliam, Master of Aris, and Batchelor in Divini ty, and Rector of Wes smyle in Lincoln Diocesse. In I 39o, Thomas de Bingliam changed his Rectory of Bingliam with William Eedcman for the Rectory of Grandes deuthe Less ; and having obtained Leave of Non-Residences rom the Bissiop of Ely in 1391 for I wo riars, he died withia that Space of Time.
His Name, as Μaster of the College, stom the Year I 373to 1389 whicli is the Time he is supposed to have been
Master) is not so much as Once mentioned in any ancient Writing now extant. Nei ther is he called Fellow, nor any other besore Richard Μorrys, in any Catalogue. But that he was Fellow is plain, is by no other Reason. yet for that of his being Master: For in the choosing a Master, the ancient Statutes are strict in directing that the Choice' stiali be out of the Fellows of the Society, that about One hundred Years afterward they Were forced to get a Dispensation stom the Pope to do otherwise.
III. RICHARD MORRYS.Mr. Richard Morrys was Master of this College In 1 380 says an imperfect Register in the College) but when he was
In the Year i 364, Jolin de Tinnemouth, and Jolin de Aippleby, Cierks, were present When Μr. Thomas de Bing-ham the Master took Possession of the Church of Wearisseysor the College. In I 367, the prudent and discreet Μr. Simon de DodingtonLachetor tu ille Decretois, and Johu de Tinvioutb Haster of
In a Supplicate of the Universi ty to the Popq, be fore the Tear 138o, he is stiled Presbyter of the Diocese of London, and Master of Art . He succeeded Richard Mori ys as Master of the College ;but the Time of his Election is uncertain, and he is though to have been the First Benefactor to the College Librar;
In the year 139o, the Universi ty supplicates the Pope fora Dispensation and Provision for Jolin Sudbury Cierk, of Norwicli Diocesse, Batchelor of Laws, then posesed of ' the Canonry and Prebend of Brightling in the Collegia te Churchos Hastings in the Diocese of Chic hester. For what Reason he lest the Master ip is hard to hedetermined; but leave it he did about the Feast of AllSaints 1 28, and lived Six years afterwards, being a very good Benefactor to the College, both in Books and Money. Ile also gave a Plece of Plate to the College. Whether he was Rector os Dition before he lest the College is not certain, but that he was Rector of that Churchin 143o is Without Question ; and 7et he seems to have lived in the College at that Time, for in I 432 there is Mention os mending the Walis of Μr. Jolin Sudbury's Chamber. He died about the Begirining of the Υear i 435.
Priory and Rectory of Great Linton, with the Chapet oi St. Margaret os Isteham In certain Letters of Prony dated 1ι et, he is stiled Licentiate in the Decretals; and in the fame Year Chancellor of the Universi ty. In a Presentation to the Vicarage of Wearissey in I 446, Jolin Langthon occurs as Master orΚeeper: And in I 47, in the Κing's Letters Patenis he is called Master, without any other Titie. Mattheis Stokys, Beadle of the Universi ty of Cambridge, and a curious Searcher into iis Antiquities, calis him Chancellor of the Universi ty and Bistrop of Bangor: But the
Bishop of LandaT Fran. God win in his Book de Praesulibus Angliae, stiles him Jolin Lang thon, President of Pembroti
Hali in Cambridge and Chancellor of that Universi ty ; and says he was consecrated Bishop of St. Davidos in I 46, and that he died on the isth Day after his Consecration. Buthom doth this agree Uith the above- mentioned Letieis Patent
He was Fellow of the College, and chos en Master besore December the I 8th 14 48 ; for on that Day a Titie was givento Jolin Levison, Fellom, in his and the Fellows Numes, directed to Thomas Bishop Os Norwich. In 1426, he himself had a Tille whicli ran thus: To the
Reverend Father in Christ Philip by the Grace of God Bishop
Diplom. a 3 Hen. vi. in Archivis collegii
Ηe was scarce Three Tears Master He gave soloe Books to the Codege, One whercof had this In scription : This Book was caused to be writ by Mi . Hugh Damitti, Doctor in Divini ty, ahd Rector of the Church of St. Peter, Prince of the Apost les in Cornhili, London.
hether that was a Convent Oi Friers. Or whether he was
He Was chosen Master Ioso. It is very likely that he never Wus Fellow of the College; for in a certain Buli ofPope Nicholas vili. we find that he the Pope) was Nil lingio grant the Fellows their Request; and since they amrmen
14so, and was directed to LaurenCP B Oth, ... i. .
thera Chancellor of the Universi ty. He bulli the Schoes Gates, and the Eastern Part of the Library. Ide gaye Ten Pound s to the repatring of St. Mary's Church: And endowed Lincoln College in Oxford . In i 479, gi eat One Time et 7 Volumes to the Universi ty Library. Hu Was chos en Master in I 48 o. and in the same Year Archnishop of Υork. In 1483, the Protector, Richard Duke of Gloucester,'designing to murder his Nephews the Sons of
Notice mere gi ven of the Congregation by the ringing of the Beli. He gave to the Univei sty the Patronage of the Vicarage of Campsali in York sitire, and finis ted Lincolia College in Oxsord, and added Five Fellowslsips to the fame He was Secretaryito Four Κings, a d Legate of the Apostolicla Chair, and die J of the Plague on the apth Day of M.ty Isoo, at CaWood in Vortis atre, being 76 Υears of Age.
hecsmih g, than despi sed by the Societ y of Pembroke Hall. Some are of Opinion that he was a Suffragala, or perhapsan Abbot; but it doth not appear that he had any other,reserment 'than the Deanery of Lincolia. in i 496, he was Chancellor of the Universit', continuessor TWo Years, and in Iso I he was Cha ncellor again. . He dieit Master in the Y ear Iso . '
Carliste, Fellow of the College in i 483, aud in 1 89 hewas iunior Proctor in the Universi ty. Upon the Ist September Iso 3 he becamo BishopCarlisse, being then Doctor in Divini ty; and on the a9th GNovember Isos mas chos en Master of the Colle . It was almost: a Year be re he came to the Collage aster his Election, and within another Iear he lest it by Death.
There are severat Reasons given for his founding a College Corpus Christi) rather at Oxford than in Cambridge: As his being extrem ely displeased with the FelloWs of his own Colleste, panticularly with one Hudson, and thata Degree, as to threaten to leave them, as in Truth he did
which he had designe d for Exeter College; but changing his
more Money than he would have done any other Way.
wnence this Genti eman was is uncertain. It appears that he was Master of Aris in Isao, at whicli Time he was
Saxilior p in Norfoth, 1337, oue Uilliam Tod and one Anthony Temple, net ther of them Fellows of the College. The last Mention of him as Master is in Octobex I337. It is thought he lest the Mastermip for the Vicarage of Tilneyin Nottingliammire. He died in the Begi ining of is 39. XV. GEORGE FOLB ERI E. In Is I , Folberie was Quaestioni it: In is I9 he and
Cambridge. In iis 36 he was Prochor of the Universi ty ; and , as himself says in a Leiter of his, Chas luin and Common Reader. In 1 37 he was Bachelor in Divini ty. - , He was called to be Vicar of Herne in East Κent, by that most Reverenti Father Thomas Cran mer ArchiBishop of Cantet bury, and made Prebendary Os Canterbury. In Odtober, or at farthest in November, IS O , he Waschos en Master, and that fame Year Was Doctor in Divini ty ;nud departing from the College he travelled to Paris, and athis Return was made Chaplain to Uing Henry the vilitii On the et si h of September Is 7, he was consecrated